Chapter 46

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        An immediate flash of sky blue light and UN was beside them.
    "UN! Finally!"NATO said, as he was tugging as hard as he could.
    "Sorry it took so long,"UN apologized, then touched the wire and a sudden force yanked the Dragon down. The Welsh was sent crashing into the grass.
      The loud thud was heard and the ground shook beneath their feet and in this case, Russia's paws.
       The Dragon thrashed around, sweeping its tail and clawing the ground. It attempted to stand but whatever effect UN put on the wire prevented it from doing so. The wires around the neck and leg were glowing a somehow gentle looking blue pulsing around the Welsh, Wales now seemed to be attempting to get back control of his mind as the Dragon stilled. The Organizations, well except UN, tensed as they waited for Wales to jump up and attack again. But a mint green glow made them relax as the Dragon disappeared and in its place was Wales, tired and bleeding from various places but still alive. 
      Russia looked at Wales. He never talked to him before. His Wolfish curiosity Instincts were activated.
      They heard Wales breathing very hard and they went over to him slowly as to not startle him.
      The Organizations were concerned as it appeared that Wales didn't seem to recognize them. Even EU didn't think about joking around at a time like this.
     "UN, what's going on?"NATO whispered to the Organization who was kneeling besides Wales and looking at him closely.
      "It appears that Wales is still fighting for control over his mind,"UN answered back lowly. Russia, still sitting a distance away, pricked his ear in a questioning manner.
      "How is that possible?"FBI said. "He's back to normal. Isn't he?"
     UN didn't look him as he answered. "Perhaps physically. Though mentally it doesn't seem that the Dragon knows who we are. Therefore perceives us as a threat and wants to attack. But Wales knows and is trying to get his mind back in control."
     Wales' wings stiffened. He blinked and stretched on the ground. He looked up, though didn't seem to be making any effort to stand.
     "Ow..."He groaned, curling up and ignoring the wires around him and the Organizations. 
      "Wales, can you hear us?"EU asked the immobilized country laying on the grass. He didn't respond. He was holding his head as if in pain, his tail curled around him.
       "Poor Wales,"UN said. "First time Transforming and he might not want to do it again. It was something they were all looking forward to."
      NATO nodded sympathetically. Russia slowly padded forward, unnoticed. Until he sniffed at Wales curiously the Organizations looked at him.
     He drew back underneath the stares and sat down.
     "What?"He thought.
UN seemed to have an idea because his eyes brightened and said, "Russia, can you do something for a while?"
     Depends on what is is, he thought, forgetting that the Organizations can read your mind if they wished to communicate with you mentally.    
      "Can you stay with Wales as we go and check on the others?"UN said. He looked at NATO and FBI. "We need to search for  China, call WHO or UNESCO."
      Russia had to appreciate how calm UN was.
      His Wolf Instinct was immediately blaring.
     Of course I'd stay with Wales. He looks hurt and seems to need some company! I'd be the best companion he'd ever have!
     Russia cringed inwardly in his Countryhuman Mind. He hoped none of the Organizations heard that, but it seemed they did. Though they were respectful in ignoring the fact that his tail was wagging at the prospect of being given a task
       "Alright Russia, we trust you to keep Wales stable, call us if you have any trouble,"EU said, looking at Wales a concerned look on his face.
      Russia had to stifle a bark.
Frick his Wolf Mind.
       So he walked over to Wales and sat down. The Organizations looked amused for a moment. 
      "Ok, we'll be back,"UN promised and he teleported with the other Organizations.
     The Wolf slightly raised his ears forward as he listened for possible threats.
    "Huh? Where am I?"
Russia looked at Wales, who was sitting up.
      He raised his head and saw Russia.
"What the crackerjack-?!"Wales exclaimed and sat back a few paces away from him.
     Russia blinked. He had not expected such a reaction.
   "Oh wait..."Wales looked at him closely. "Russia, is that you?"
      Russia nodded.
Wales gave a sigh and flopped back onto the grass. "Ack, sorry."
     The Wolf and Countryhuman stayed in their positions for a while until Wales asked timidly, "What happened?"
       "You went berserk,"Russia responded.
     Wales shot up immediately. "What?!"
"Yeah,"Russia said, licking a paw. "When you were in your dragon form you attacked Bhutan and China."
    Wales looked shocked.
"I... what?"He seemed to be in disbelief.
     Russia sighed. He probably shouldn't have thrown the entire stone block. Starting to wonder what the heck his Wolf Mind was thinking of, Russia padded over to Wales and sat down.
     Wolfish companionship was the best way to cope with guilt, Russia's Wolf Mind insisted. He stayed where he was.

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