Chapter 9

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           A month has passed. Although the relationships have not been fully repaired, there was a tiny bit less tension between the some countries.
      However, not everything can be assured. There will still be fights and arguments, but the situation appeared to be less serious than before.
Fun Fact: When Iran is not hanging around with the bois, he spends time with Syria.

        South Korea was busy listening to Japan talk about how she was going to attempt to host the Nature Romance Party again.
      "All that 5 hour party planning to waste,"Japan said sighing sadly and honestly a little dramatically.
     "5 hours?!"South thought bewildered.
"Anyway,"she said, ignoring South's slightly horrified expression. "I will have to start baking and cooking again, plus re-decorating my whole house! Do you know how much effort it takes?"
     She sighed again. "The Skryna really ruined everything."
    South nodded in agreement.
"So,"he said, to distract her from her lack-of-party distress. "The Academy opens in three months huh?"
      "Yeah,"she flopped unto the grass, her tail swishing on the grass. "Dunno, it's sort of, boring to have such a long time for break."
     "I so am on board on you with that,"South said, "for once I wouldn't mind some homework."
      "Surprise,"Japan laughed slightly.
They stayed silent.
   South was thinking, he hadn't seen North all day yesterday. It was raining the day before, however North didn't come back till night. As usual, he didn't ask where he went.
      And obviously South would write in his notebook, still pouring out his thoughts to them, things he could never tell North face to face.
      As he thought about it, he felt sad. His relationship with his brother wasn't the best. He wanted to get closer to North, like in the past, before they were divided.
      "Impossible, stop dreaming South,"he scolded himself.
     "South? Are you alright?"Japan questioned, looking curiously at him.
    "Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."
"You don't look like you're fine South,"Japan now sounded stern. "I see how you always tense up in the middle of a conversation for no reason for the past few weeks now. What's going on?"
       South was surprised. He didn't know that Japan had paid attention to how he acted so closely,  which she was doing now.
       "Nothing,"he said, not wanting her to worry. "Really,"he added, seeing her doubting look.
      She looked a little annoyed at him.
"What?"He asked.
      "I know everything's not fine South,"she said. "You usually don't act like this. Tell me, what are you thinking?"
    South hesitated. Should he tell her? It wasn't a really big deal, was it?
      "Uhm..."South looked away, unsure what to say. How would he say it anyways even if he wanted to tell her? 
    'Oh, I'm just having depressing thoughts about my brother who doesn't seem to care about me anymore'? No, that sounded pathetic.
       "It's nothing,"he said, more firmly. "Don't worry about me."
      Before she could say anything Wales flew in.
"Hey guys! Whatcha doin'?"He asked, somersaulting in the sky.
      "Oh, hey Wales!"Japan greeted, though looking at South still.
     "We were just talking..."South said.
"Just talking eh?"Wales said, landing on the rocky ground. "Listen, Romania and Bulgaria are going all romance now. Romania, romance. Lol. They sound alike. Anyways, Bulgaria is inviting you two to go to the nearby hills with her. Said, she wanted to go exploring with you two. I'm coming as well."
     "When?"Japan asked.
"Today,"Wales answered. "See you there?" He took flight again.
        "Uh, ok!"Japan replied, as Wales flew off. Once he was gone Japan stared back at South who looked away uncomfortably.
     "We'll have this talk again South, "she thought. "I won't let you face your problem alone."

Happy Independence day China!!

October 1st!

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