Chapter 54

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       Russia sighed.
"Thanks,"he said, as India clapped his flames into oblivion.
     "No problem,"India grinned. "Although the ice was a little harder to thaw than last time."
     "Eh, sorry,"Russia answered, not knowing why the heck India brought that up, but he was glad the house was back to normal. Now Ukraine couldn't really scold him again.
    "Russia, I'm getting concerned,"India said, sounding serious. "You look tired, all the time now. Is something wrong?"
     "Other than the fact that my life is a mess?"Russia thought, remembering Ukraine's pain about the invasion.
      When Russia didn't answer, India frowned.
     "Dude, you have to let us know if something's wrong,"for once India wasn't joking about crippling depression.
      Russia let out a small sigh. "Nothing serious. Just can't sleep, that's all."
     India shook his head. "You should probably go see UN or BRICS about it. They might know what to do."
     He doubted they could do anything about a face. Wait...
     China also saw the face as well, so it would make sense to go to see him about it. Right?
     "Well, maybe,"Russia answered India, who was looking at him. "It's probably an after effect of Transformation."
     India looked disbelieving but shrugged. "Ok... if you say so. But if it gets worse you should tell us. We can help if you'd let us."
     Russia nodded to keep India appeased. "I'll keep that in mind."
     India smiled. "You better. Now I'm gonna join Iran in pranking America. Vietnam said he was coming along too so this is going to be fun."
      "Uh huh."
Russia was slightly curious on why his friends enjoyed pranking each other so much.
    "Cya Russ!"India waved, walking out.
He waved back and went to his room. 
      He was aware of the face watching him. With its ever present smile it was hardly intimidating. He wondered if it was some sort of joke by some country that hated his guts. But he didn't know any that had the power of Illusionment, which was probably what the Face was, an Illusion.
      Russia spotted a small glint at the corner of his eye as he got his phone.
      An ice shard?
Russia was sure India had melted everything. He went over and looked at it, not touching the cold crystal that shone so innocently in the sunlight. He was also sure that it was not there before. He had made sure to check every single corner. What was this doing here?
      However, when he blinked once the ice shard was gone. He looked around, turning his head. Where did it go??
     Just great, was he hallucinating now? As if things couldn't get worse, now his siblings were going to think he was nuts or something. Even North didn't see things and then have them disappear in thin air. Why was he going crazy?
     Stop overthinking it, he thought irritated, as he stood up from his crouching position and sat down on his bed. He began texting.

Russia: Hey, China you there?

China: Yes, what is it?

Russia: Can I come over? I need to talk to you about something.

China: It's about the face, isn't it?

Russia: Yes

China: Sure, why not?

Russia: Ok, cya

      When Russia shut off his phone, he wondered about the mysterious ice shard. So many things were going on and he hadn't even had time to comprehend then all. The invasion, possibly hallucinations plaguing his mind, Transformation classes have been  canceled for now for some unknown reason, the Organizations seemed to be all over the place, trying to keep the countries from fighting each other...
     He pitied them. There were over 100 countries and so little of them compared to the countries. He wondered how UN could cope with all of these difficult situations. He himself knew that the problems weren't just slap fights, but actual duel-like ones. Where countries used their powers and magic against each other.
     The Organizations couldn't tell the countries when to use their powers or prohibit them. But they did try minimizing the risks of fatal injuries. Russia had to feel sort of grateful that he wasn't an Organization. In three seconds the world would have ended.
      As Russia prepared to go to China's place, he heard a loud crack outside.
     "Oh great, what is it now?"He thought annoyed. Why couldn't he have a minute of peace without something going on?
        "Germany! Calm the f*** down!"
     Oh wow. Poland cussed. Oh shoot. Oh crap. By the name of the vodka lords. By... the name of whatever ethereal being was in this crackhead universe.
     It wasn't the first time Russia heard Poland cuss. But he was still wondering what kind of situation was going on outside that caused Poland to swear. And Germany was outside? He shouldn't, he should go to China's but he was curious about Germany. One of his friends he hadn't interacted in a while.
      "What the continent is going on?"He said, to no one in particular. Well, except for the creepy face that stared at him from the wall. He walked to the window in a few steps and looked out.
       The first thing he noticed was blood on the grass. Second, black liquid.
      Lastly, there was Wales on the ground! Hold up, did Germany just fight with Wales?!
      Russia was, needless to say, surprised. Well, there's drama there and drama here. So not really. He was going to have to check out what was going on.
     The fight was a fair distance away, he would have to get closer to see what happened.



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