Chapter 34

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       Japan had to take a break from NATO's PE class the next day because her sides still ached. So all she did was sit on the benches and watch the countries play basketball. Some others played soccer but that was outside.
      She sat in boredom before she manifested a drawing pad and some drawing supplies with her. She noticed that South was playing basketball.
     And soon she began to draw...

      Japan drew and drew, not really knowing what she was drawing until the end. But until that she filled one page, another and then another. She had filled up three pages. She was about to draw again...
      "Class is now dismissed!"NATO's call interrupted her daze and now she wished he hadn't. She stared.
      Immediately closing her drawing pad she found herself a blushing mess.
      She had drawn South while he was playing basketball in different positions. 
      "Oh my gosh!"she squeaked in her head. "What have I done?!" She didn't know if she regretted it or if it was legit in front of her.
      She sat on the benches still, apparently waiting for South to come out of the changing rooms but also apparently having a mid-life crisis, again.
      "Hey Japan! I'm done!"South called out, holding a towel slung over his shoulder. He grinned broadly.
     "We won!"He said, coming over.
"Hey South!"Japan exclaimed, trying hard not to appear anything out of the ordinary. But of course, she failed, slightly.
     "Jap you ok?"South asked, poking her head. "You are as red as a tomato."
    Japan nearly screamed. Why couldn't she stop blushing?! STOP BLUSHING JAPAN!!
     "Well..."She started to answer but South interrupted her.
     "Woah! What's this?"South asked, poking at the peeping paper out of her drawing pad.
     "What's whaaaat..."She started to say when she realized. "AHH! Wait! Don't touch that!!"
     South stopped. "Huh? What is it thought?"
      Japan thought wildly for an answer while scooping up the paper cleanly away.
     "Oh, it's uh, a drawing of one of my ships! And it's not done. So I think that it doesn't look that good until it is complete!"she explained. She felt bad for lying but she definitely didn't want South to see what she drew.
      South looked at her weirdly.
Please don't question it. She begged in her head.
      Then he started laughing. "Right! Of course, how can I be so dumb?"
     "You're not dumb, I'm just an idiot,"Japan thought, breathing out a sigh of relief. However, she thought his laugh was music to her cat eats.

        Martial stared at the Memory Orb. Why did he need it? He didn't want to know what this sphere could reveal. Definitely no rainbows or pink fluffy unicorns that's for sure.
     Plus, he didn't know how to activate it so it was as useless as a couch potato. He let it illuminate his dark room. He annoyingly shared his dorm with PKI and MPAJA. And speaking of the devil himself-
      "YO MARTIAL!!"PKI's shout of excitement reached his non-existent ears. By the name of glorious Pangaea help-
      Two arms wrapped around his shoulders before he could utter a word.
     "PKI!!"Martial exclaimed angrily. "What the-?! Get your arms off me!"
     PKI jumped off immediately and pouted, spinning on his heels and said, "You're no fun like that North Korea guy."
     Martial stiffened. "What?! How do you even know him?!"
     PKI gasped dramatically as MPAJA entered the room. It was obvious PKI had dashed up here way before the Malaysian.
      "Isn't it obvious?"PKI said, jumping onto the windowsill. "He was your friend remember? And then you just left and you know the rest that we don't know. What happened between you guys anyway?"  
     But it was clear PKI has struck a nerve.
     "None of your business,"Martial tried maintaining a calm composure. "What are you doing here anyway?"
     PKI decided to answer to his switch of subject question.
      "Well, Indonesia and Malaysia ran off when they saw us,"PKI said.
       "I wonder why,"MPAJA said.
"Most likely when they saw you,"Martial said to PKI.
     "Us, you guys don't understand communism," PKI leaped off the windowsill. "Well, I'm going."
     "Where?"MPAJA said.
"To look for Indo of course!"PKI responded as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. "He needs me."
     "To what? Kill all his friends?"Martial thought as PKI skipped away and in the distance they heard screaming and shouting.
     "He causes chaos wherever he goes. I better go with him,"MPAJA sighed lowly. "Bye."
Martial watched MPAJA leave and close the door. He sighed. PKI was the same as ever. Chaotic and physcotic.
       But he smiled inside. These two were still his friends, in a way. They weren't countries. They were an odd group. That was how they were friends actually.



      Maybe there will be time to tell you how they became friends, but not yet...

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