Chapter 16

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     "I'm not worried. I'm not worried. I'm not worried. I'm not worried!"
     Dang it. Didn't work. He was worried. No, he shouldn't be. India shook his head. Pakistan had stormed out and it was raining hard. He should be back by now. It's been like, about an hour already? Well, if he didn't come back, perhaps it was because he went to stay with another country for the night? No, Pakistan wouldn't do that. Sleep out in the rain? Pakistan wasn't stupid enough to do that either.
        He stared out the window. He could clearly see the winds at work. The tree branches in the forest were whipping around wildly. Which reminded him of Pakistan's vines. Why did they go haywire like that? Was it something that often happened when they fought? Or a phase? He didn't know much about Pakistan's vines. All he knew was that they seemed to have their own personalities and they hurt like frick. Oh, and they can give you a nice hard push when you totally feel like it. Nice huh?
       India turned away from the window. Should he have snapped at Pakistan like that? Should he go after him? No, Pakistan is fine, right? He'd be back soon. And they would go into their usual silence after every fight. India thought so hard that he didn't realize the white face grinning at him from the forest.
       Why did he fight with Pakistan? Why would he and his brother go into a verbal assault on each other nearly every day? It didn't make sense...
       He shivered. Something felt wrong. But he didn't know what. He gritted his teeth in frustration. He was going to have to ask his friends if they saw Pakistan. He grabbed his phone and began to text Iran.
     If Iran didn't respond in a minute he would spam him with 100 messages. Luckily he didn't have to do that because Iran had texted back.

 Luckily he didn't have to do that because Iran had texted back

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Iran: Yo Indi bro, y u texting me so late? It's like, 3:00A.M. Are you trying to reduce my melatonin??

India: Nah bro, I was just wondering if you saw Pakistan anywhere.

He had to sound casual.

Iran: Nope, why should I? Its frinking late. Wait, did something happen to you guys again?

Shoot, how'd he know-

India: Uh. Yes. We had a row again and he just went out the house. It's been like two hours now.

Iran: Hmm... Welp, idk. Maybe you can call him?

India: Uhhhhhhh....

Iran: What? Wait, don't tell me

India: ...


India: Uhhmmmm.... yeaaaaah?

Iran: Alright you dumb butt here it is. (###)-(####)-(####).

India: Thanks, wait did you just call me a dumb butt-?

Iran: Nevermind that, just call him. Now, goodnight. I need my booty sleep.

India: What the biscuit are you talking about?

Iran: Oh yeah? What the double decker biscuit are you talking about?

India: Alright just go to sleep you moron.

Iran: Yeah, goooodnight

India: Goodnight.

     Little did India know it would not be a goodnight for him. However, at least he managed to get Pakistan's phone number.

    Pakistan sat against the tree trunk hardly noticing the rain drops pattering down on him. He blinked as he got a strange feeling of being watched. Well, there was no one here sooooo.... welp.
       Two months till the Academy is up and running again. They still wanted to add some innovations. What more can they put into that school?! EU had legit yeeted a pool next to the Academy. UN had put an enormous field outside made of whatever shiny material it was. AU had built a huge structure to house their animals, ASEAN even added a training ground. Oh, and since FBI had came along as well he added shooting equipment. NATO seriously went a bit overboard. He made secret tunnels right in the Academy between the classes. And made it a bit of a challenge to find them.
       Still, all of this didn't really distract him from the fight he had with India. He sighed. His vines had stupidly decided to go all crazy on him for that night. Not really the first time but they literally almost never done it in front of India. What were they thinking?!
      And right now they were inside of him so they weren't bothering him right now. Pakistan sat up straight as he decided to go back. He couldn't stay out here forever. Even if he wanted to. So getting up he began the walk of doom back to the house.

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