Chapter 19

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Name: Vietnam
Gender: Male
"You wanna mess with me? I dare you."
     Vietnam is a tough country. If you attempt to annoy him to past his limit, you got an a$$ whooping waiting for you. He can't deal with annoying people.  However annoying his friends gets though, he joins in. And whoever messes with his friends, they better get their will writing in 5 seconds. You can say he's a little bit of a troublemaker.
Spirit Animal: Water Buffalo. And if you make one scratch or bruise on his precious animal, you will pay with more than just your life.
Powers: Power of the trees!! He literally can use the energy of photosynthesis to power up his moves, increasing agility and strength. He is one of the countries that can do tree jumping and he is incredibly good at hiding amongst them. Oh, and scaring the crap out of America is one of his specialty moves. He is basically worshipped by America's siblings. He can make leaves really sharp, and if angry enough, sharp enough to cut through metal and bodies.

 He can make leaves really sharp, and if angry enough, sharp enough to cut through metal and bodies

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      "Hmm... well, one more week and we are going back to school."
At first, it was silence so they were able to hear the crickets.
Then, chaos. Chairs were being thrown, tables were being broken, plates were being smashed, animals were released to wreak havoc, rage-filled and terrified shrieks filled the air. Yup, this was the ASEAN household's reaction to the dreaded news.
       Vietnam and Singapore just sat on the only unbroken couch.
      Vietnam be sipping the green tea though-
      Singapore just sighed as Philippines rushed into the fray to break apart the chaotic countries. And Brunei had just tossed poor Cambodia into a table when he just tried to make some coffee.
        R.I.P Cambodia.
Thailand's and Malaysia's animals were causing much uneeded destruction. This went on for a long time.
      And everyone freezed when ASEAN teleported into the house because the door was being ripped apart by an elephant.
     He sighed. "Again?"
"Uhhh, yeahhhh?"Myanmar stopped throwing potted plants at Laos who was about to throw a knife at him in defense.
       One snap and everything was fixed.
"You guys are lucky UN found out how to do this or else we would be cleaning up everything everyday by hand,"Singapore said, pushing up his glasses in anime style.
      Cambodia massaged his head. "Yeah well I'm being thrown around all the time." Brunei whistled innocently. Indonesia was trying to tug out his bamboo stick from the wall.
      Vietnam just grinned. He loved causing chaos every morning.

       Typical morning for EU?
Well, Germany was dragged out of bed by Poland who needed him to calm down some countries. Bulgaria and Romania were just staring at the chaos in front of them. Bulgaria nervous, and Romania unfazed.
      Belgium was comparing his French fries to Italy's spaghetti. And you know what happens when an angry Belgium and angry Italian start throwing their food at each other. It turned out into a massive food fight.
       Germany, already dressed, was sleeping with his head on the table, Poland was taped to the roof by Denmark, who began his viking rampage and so on. Latvia tried calming them down but ended up having a plate of spaghetti thrown on his face. Greece also tried to soothe them, but she got a plate of French fries on her face instead.
       In the end, EU appeared downstairs and sweat dropped. Oh dear.

     In AU's place...
"Hello South Africa, how are you?"Kenya asked politely.
    "Just swell, how about you?"He responded. Yes, the African countries seemed to have more peaceful mornings than most.
     "Do you want some water?"Ethiopia asked Ghana.
     "Thank you very much, yes I do,"Ghana said, while cooking breakfast. All is well in the African family.


      "So, how was your morning?"Cuba asked.
     "Oh, it was fine,"Cambodia said.
Iran and Iraq wheezed.
    "Nah. We saw you get thrown at a table,"Iraq said, because Iran was too busy dying of laughter.
      "Ok fine. Well, it was normal."
Russia shook his head. "Then throw them back."
     "He couldn't do that,"Laos said, putting an arm around Cambodia, who looked startled. "Brunei is his friend, and yeah, the news that we are going back in a week is terrifying. So Brunei's actions are justified."
     "High five man,"Iraq said, and they slapped their hands against each other.
     "Plus, who wouldn't throw someone at something?"Iran added.
     "Clearly, these people lack etiquette even I know,"Cuba rolled his eyes.
Iran and Iraq perked up. 
      "INDIA BRO!!"they both exclaimed.
"Oh no..."NK said, curling up into a ball on the grass.
      "He returns a legend!"Iran announced, as NK looked ready for Death to take him. Russia and China looked at each other.
     "Hm, poor North. He feels very distressed,"China said.
    "As we can clearly see,"Russia nodded.
Fun Fact: Need your animal reeled in? Call Australia. He can rope up any wild beast.

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