Chapter 11

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        Iran wondered what could have possibly gone wrong with Russia and his siblings. The Russian hadn't explained but on the contrary had left.
     Iran tried to shrug it off. Probably wasn't the best time to talk about Russia's siblings. The night had come upon the world and there were no clouds. Strangely enough, there were no stars to be seen.

         Night fell, but Russia lay awake on his bed. There was something sinister in the forest, even though Iran and India hadn't seen anything alive in there. Something must've driven the inhabitants away. He just, felt it. Somehow... and it seemed like his mind was going to keep him awake until he found out what it was, lurking in the forest.
        The conversation that had so quickly turned to one of his siblings, even if for a short while, was not one he had intended to continue.
       He frowned up at the ceiling, unease filled him everytime he looked out the window and saw the forest out there. Even if there was nothing visibly moving in the darkness.
     He decided to put it out of his mind and turned over on his bed to try to get some sleep. But, none came to him.
      Russia finally sat up and stared hard at the forest. Why was it attracting his attention so much? At the daytime it seemed innocent enough, but at the darkness it looked... evil. No, it wasn't the trees that made it look forbidding. It was if a menacing aura surrounded it, making it seem dangerous. He didn't know if it was his brain reacting again, if he was the only one who sensed this, or if... if what?
      He still looked out, maybe if he stared hard enough he would get tired and finally get some sleep.
       After a few moments he got his phone and turned it on. 2:32 A.M shone back brightly at him as if reprimanding him for staying up so late. He closed it and without a word stared back again and was startled to see two white circles in the forest, staring back, right at him.
      The thing that creeped him out was that the forest was a considerable amount away from where he and his siblings lived. But it stared back at him, as if it knew he was looking at it. And eerily enough, he thought they were eyes. It never blinked, it never wavered, even as a creepy white smile formed under the eyes, they didn't even crinkle. Then it vanished.
       Russia realized he was tense then took a deep breath. Was it hallucination from lack of sleep? Then he realized another thing. He was clenching the blankets so tightly that frost had formed on them. He sighed.
      "What was that?"He thought, as he laid back down again. Certain he wasn't even going to be able to go back to sleep Russia summoned his Spirit Animal. His hand had a small soft golden brown glow then faded out.
    The Grizzly Bear knocked a few of his books over but yet it turned to face him. It huffed slightly, displeased there was such a small amount of space.
     "Sorry..."Russia murmured, running his hands through its fur.
    It stared back at him, then lumbered closer to the bedside and laid down, apparently it had been sleeping in its Spirit State and was going to continue to do so. Russia laid back, his hand still on the Bear.
       He couldn't sleep, nevertheless the Bear's presence gave him comfort.
     The leering face in the forest flashed back at him again and he jumped a little. His heart beating fast he looked around at his room. He was by himself, with his Bear.
    He shook his head. Russia thought that it may have been a crazy animal on the loose. But it horrifyingly seemed human-like.
      Yet he was unnerved even if it was possibly far from him. But the way it stared at him, it had looked as if it wanted to steal his soul. It felt as if his room went darker.
      It was wrong, very wrong...
A chilling sensation filled him.
       At that the Bear woke up, sensing Russia's unease. It pushed its head on his lap, its black eyes staring up at him.
       Russia was unnerved still by what he saw and the face flashed in his head again, but this time white liquid was dripping from it, making it seem more terrifying. In a fleeting second it had appeared and it vanished. He shot up.
        He was only with his Bear. What was going on? Why did the image keep on flaring in his mind?
      With a jolt a disturbing thought entered his head. What if the face kept on appearing until he was jumping at every shadow?
       He couldn't bear the thought of suddenly appearing vulnerable to others with no explanation other than a creepy face that kept flashing in his head.
       Why did it do that? Can he somehow stop it? He doesn't even imagine the face-
     There it was again! The face was smiling wider now and then disappeared, leaving his mind blank and empty again.
       He blinked hard. This was getting out of hand.


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Have Russia Boi. 🇷🇺 😀

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