Chapter 84

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       Russia went out, looking for the others. He just had to drop off his backpack in the dormitories. Finally, classes were over. It often felt like forever.

"Russia! Over here!"Iran waved a hand over. The Commie Homies were near the forest, like they were ever since they came here. He made his way over.

It seemed that ever since they came here, Russia and his friends were separated from the other countries even more than before.

North looked deadpan at India and Iraq.

"Now North, we must explain why our deeds are justified,"India pointed out.

"Exactly,"Iraq nodded. "We cannot go around doing things without a righteous reason of doing so."

"For example, hiding a snake in America's backpack was justified,"Iran added.

"Since he claimed that his food was far superior to everyone else's,"India finished.

North groaned. "Why do you guys keep on doing this to me?!"

The three I's looked at each other.

"Because it's fun,"they all said at the same time.

"You're gonna have to deal with it for the rest of your life,"Vietnam said, mocking sympathy and grinning. "By the way, I'm going to have to go back to ASEAN's place soon. The rest of ASEAN is having a small hangout and they want me and Cambodia to come-"

"What about me?"Laos said, from his place on a tree branch above Cambodia.

"Oh oops did I forget you?"Vietnam said. It was obvious he didn't actually forget and purposely failed to mention him in order to extract a reaction. Laos already knew this and rolled his eyes.

"How come they only told you?"Cambodia asked, as Laos also looked at him for an answer.

"No clue,"Vietnam said, shrugging.

Cuba then said, "Well, maybe they already knew Vietnam was going to tell you guys anyway."

"Wow, they think so highly of him don't they,"Laos said lamely. Cambodia laughed at that dry comment.

North looked at China who was just watching everything.

"If Japan and South ever host a party, remind me to stay away from them or else they will drag me along,"North said to China.

"I doubt they would be able to go far,"China answered, which made North nod in agreement.

As the late afternoon began to show, Vietnam checked his phone.

"Oh man, it's time to go,"he didn't sound too excited. Hangouts weren't exactly his thing, with the ASEANs anyway. Plus, the only reason why they were having one was because their Organization was busy. And they were less likely to get in trouble if any mischief was caused.

Cambodia and Laos looked at the others.

"No worries, we won't be lonely,"India said.

"Yeah,"Iran piped up. "Just tell us how it went." Iraq nodded, smiling.

"Ha, not only that. It's gonna be a little awkward,"Laos admitted. "We spend most of our time with you guys so the other ASEAN members may or may not have invited us merely out of courtesy-"

Vietnam smacked him at the back of his head.


Vietnam cleared his throat. "What our dear Laos meant to say was that the other ASEAN members don't see us often and they miss us."

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