Chapter 20

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        "So is anyone going to find out how to spend our last days on this world?"Iran asked.
     "Why do you say that?"Cambodia questioned.
     "Well, for starters school means hell..."Iraq answered.  
      "And hell is for the afterlife,"Iran grinned.
      "Right, because that totally makes more sense,"Cuba said. "Deal with it."
    "Chill bro, you don't understand our suffering,"Iran said, sounding dramatic.
     "Sitting on your chair for hours a day!"Iraq added.
     Intending to shut them up NK formed a nuke and yeeted it at them causing a minor explosion.
      "Alas, we thank you for attempting to end our suffering,"Iraq said, cleaning his face.
     "But it is fate that shall lead us to school!"Iran said to an irritated North.
     "JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!"NK exclaimed, looking ready to die.  
      "Nah bro,"Iraq shook his head. "We must announce the suffering. Oh wait. Iran, we need to do the you-know-what."
       Iran perked up. "Of course!"
India looked from one to another.
     What were these buffoons planning now?
      By now, the mist has cleared a little so they were able to see Iran and Iraq's suspiciously grinning expressions. The afternoon sun couldn't seem to pierce the mist.
      "What-"Russia began, but the two countries had already sprinted away leaving dust in their wakes.
      The friends looked at each other. What the heck?

    "And done! All of our research is on this book. And we can always add more!"UN said, as he placed a book on the table as EU looked behind him curiously.
     "Oh wow!"EU said, picking it up. "It's even colored! ASEAN never does that!"
        UNICEF looked eagerly behind him. "Amazing! Think about all the knowledge that the countries will be able to use to keep them safe!" She had a dreamy expression rarely seen on her face.
      ASEAN and BRICS walked in. AU flew through.
       "And the pictures are even animated!  Just like Harry Potter!"EU pointed excitedly at a WhipperSnapper tree literally whipping an unsuspecting country on the head with its stinging branches. NATO and FBI crashed in.
      These two were always the best of friends. So of course, it was usual to see them crash in together by now.
     "Gimme five man,"FBI said, as they did their super cool handshake.
      "So, what we miss?"NATO asked as they walked in.
       "Nothing,"UN said, as EU ran around in excitement.
        "EU! Careful, you might crash,"UNICEF admonished.
      "Fine,"EU placed the book back on the table. "But it's awesome though! Why didn't you ask me to help?"
      "Because you would have filled every page with glitter, tape a turd if we didn't keep an eye on you or other obscenities you would have done if you helped,"FBI answered while ASEAN nodded solemnly. EU huffed.
     "Rude,"EU crossed his arms, mock offended. "I would totally never ever tape a turd if I could help it."
       "Uh huh,"AU said, looking at him with a bored expression.
    "Whaat?"EU yawned.
       The organizations (except for BRICS of course) couldn't suppress their excitement. A book to keep track of what they were discovering could prove to be immensely useful and obviously UNICEF was going to make huge copies for all the countries and make them read it. Isn't she the best or what?-
       "Look! There's the Illusionist Shrub! And the RapidRose! Oh wow! There's the...!"EU kept on pointing out the plants and acting like a little kid, even ASEAN couldn't suppress a grin.
       After a few hours or so UNICEF cleared her throat over EU's 100th exclamation.
    "Alright, that's enough excitement for now,"she trilled. "Let's go and see what the countries are up to now."
     "I'm predicting that Thailand had rammed his elephant on something by now,"ASEAN sighed.
     "Chillax!"EU said. "I bet that Russia had put America on the roof by now."
      "How in the glorious name of Pangaea-"ASEAN began but was interrupted by EU's stream of predictions about the chaos that had ensued as they went out.
       "Then Germany would have strangled someone by now for blowing up his work for the 1000th time..."EU rolled off.
      "Germany? He has patience doesn't he?"AU was bewildered.
    "Oh yes, but even he has his limits,"EU nodded. "That tail of his sure can be a hazard. He even nearly ripped my wings off once. Hehe, don't want that to happen again. And then...!"
      "African Union, why?"ASEAN sighed once more as UN just grinned.
     "Sorry, I had to,"AU smiled. "His ramblings are...interesting and extremely funny."


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