Chapter 18

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"Misty morning to you too grumpypants."
"Ugh, you know how much I hate unsunny days."
"Is that even a word?"Pakistan thought as he watched India plop himself down a chair and sit with his head on the table.
Well, here he was. For nearly the first time in months, India was staying for the morning. Pakistan didn't know how to respond to this so he just slipped out of the kitchen and went to his room.

"Alright, India isn't here sooo,"Iran said, looking at his friends. "You!"
He pointed at Russia.
"Yeah, you see any other Russian guys?"Iran raised a brow.
"He got a point,"Iraq nodded.
"Wait, what do you want me for?"Russia exclaimed.
"Isn't it obvious? Since India isn't here, I have chosen you to be my explorer partner! You better be a good drama person."
"Bruh, he'd be one of the last people to ever join in with any sort of drama,"Cuba informed Iran, who expertly ignored him.
"We shall explore the outskirts!"Iran announced dramatically. He grabbed Russia's arm and dragged him with him.
"Hehe, baii,"Iraq waved a hand.
"Hey! I never agreed to this!"Russia said.
"Well, you've never had a choice my friend,"Iran said, still dragging Russia. "We are exploring!"
"I think we should join them to decrease his suffering,"Cambodia suggested nervously.
"You know what, that's not a bad idea,"Iraq said, though he had ideas to elevate the poor Russia's torture. "Hey! Wait for us!"

When they reached the borderline of trees Iran finally dropped Russia's arm. Russia just gave him his typical Russian bored expression.
"What?"Iran asked, clearly not noticing Russia trying to relay the message that he did not want to be here. While Cambodia, Iraq, China, NK, Cuba and Laos watched Iran ramble on about what amazing adventures they would be having, Russia just wished he would mentally die for at least 5 minutes.
      "Oh come on, you aren't as enthusiastic as India,"Iran shook his head in disappointment. "Where's your sense of adventure Russian guy?"
     "He never had one,"Cuba said helpfully.
     "Let me list all the friends we have that don't have a sense of adventure, North Korea, China... That's it, just these two are boring, not including Russia,"Laos said, jabbing a thumb at the two Asian countries' direction.
     "I just wonder how we are friends in the first place,"NK grumbled.
      "Surely it isn't that bad,"China said to him. "After all, what are friends for?"

    True to himself Iraq elevated Russia suffering by hiding in the mist and jumping out. Of course, it didn't scare Russia, but it sure did make him annoyed. He did his best to not flinch when they were inside the forest for a little bit but he thought that China knew exactly what he was feeling at the moment. Apprehension. He couldn't help it.
      "Well, that's boring. Nothing but more trees..."Iran seemed to be in a moody mood because India hadn't come today. "Hey Russia, you tense up whenever we are in the forest. Are you alright?"
      Russia just gave a nod. "Yes."
"Sus,"Iran replied, before bending over and picking up a leaf.
     He brought it close to Russia's face.
"Ooooooh, this leaf is HauNted!"Iran said, while Iraq just grinned.
       Russia just frowned.
"Fine, you're sooo boring,"Iran let out a long-suffering sigh. "Wish India boi was here though..."He leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head. "But he isn't. Such a shame. I came across a very interesting looking rock. It looked just like Iraq..."
      "Uh huh, whoa, what, hey!"Iraq exclaimed.
      Cambodia laughed while Iraq started chasing Iran for the light-hearted joke.
     "This is like the second time Iran is almost getting himself killed,"Laos commented as NK just shook his head at the sight. China was recording all the cuss words that Iraq was spewing out for later entertainment. While Cuba just sat himself down on the grass to rest, Russia looked slightly amused at the pair. Iraq was definitely one of Iran's drama soul partners.
       Iran laughed so hard he nearly tripped over himself because Iraq had crashed into a tree.
      Iran shed tears of laughter as he leaped over a rock.
      "I think that's enough,"NK said to China, who still was recording the forbidden audio.
      "I think that India would not want to miss out on this,"China replied reasonably while Cuba yawned.   
     "He's got a point," Laos said to them. "India would never want to miss out on the chance of hearing Iraq cursing for all he's worth."
      "You guys are impossible,"NK sighed.
Russia just looked at him.
      "You just have no sense of humor,"Russia said to him. "He knows some pretty colorful curse words even I could never dream of saying."
      But then again, everyone knew that Iraq was just lightening the mood. After all, being told that a rock looked like him, they could tell Iraq was being overdramatic.

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