Chapter 82

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       When they were out, the first thing they all did was different. Cambodia saw Laos sprinting towards him at high speed. He found himself engulfed in a tight hug.
     "You idiot, don't scare me like that!"Laos said, pulling back and smacking him lightly.
      Cambodia chuckled as Vietnam popped up besides him and said, "You mean, us."
     Laos waved him off. "Yeah yeah. But I'm Cambodia's favorite."
      "Who says?"came the mock snippy reply from Vietnam.
As the three reunited, Martial and North stood awkwardly as the rest of North's friends stared at the Law as if wondering how to oof him off the census. Who's joining-?
        "Ok, goodbye,"Martial said, beginning to walk away with PKI, MPAJA and Vietcong.
    "Wait! What?!"North exclaimed, whipping his head around to look at him.
      The Commie Homies were all glaring at Martial, which was no surprise.
    "Didn't you threaten me?!"Iran pointed out. Martial scratched the back of his head as if in thought.
    "Hmm...did I? Oh well, must've forgotten,"Martial shrugged, Iran was vexed.
    "He told me it was joke, he wasn't actually going to do anything,"North told him, once the other four left.
     "Huh?!"Iran stared around North, absolutely baffled.
    "Yeah, he was pissed that day,"North explained as they sort of gathered around him like a cult about to perform some unholy ritual, with the exception of Russia and China of course.
     "Pissed?"Iran was in disbelief. "He looked pretty calm to me!"
     "That's the thing, he's good with maintaining his emotions,"he then added, "most of the time anyway."
    Vietnam crossed his arms. "I still don't like that guy."
     "You don't have to. Just tolerate him, that's what I do,"North said. Shoot, why did he feel a little bad saying that?
       "Fiiiine,"Vietnam tilted his head back as if in exaggeration.

   "Sooo, Iran mentioned you threatened him once,"North said, remembering all of a sudden. Martial continued scribbling away.    
     "Oh... Completely forgot about that. But hey, forgive and forget am I right?"
      "That's a bit hypocritical,"he pointed out. The Law merely shrugged and continued to draw.

     North's expression was as neutral as it could possibly be.
     "If that's the case..."Vietnam said, placing his hands on his hips and shrugging. "But if he steps out of line, I'm going to put him back in his place."
     "Yeah sure,"Laos joked, in which Vietnam shot a glare at him.
     "What's so funny?"
"Nooooothing,"Laos said in a purposefully unconvincing manner. With a hand, Vietnam smacked him.
"Very funny guys,"North said in a monotone. Vietnam chuckled and leaned back as Laos swatted him.  
     "Good, we got that issue out of the way,"Laos said, regaining his composure.
     "Issue?"North thought, but didn't say anything. Ok. He turned around, casually looking for South.

Where the hell was his twin?

Someone barreled right into him, knocking him off his feet and he found himself rolling in the grass for a few moments before stopping.
      "What the-?!"
Arms wrapped around him in a big hug.
      "Oh my gosh! I thought you were in big trouble! I didn't know what to do!!"South wailed, clinging onto him like he was the last kimchi jar in the world.
      "Alright alright! I'm fine you big lump!"North exclaimed, wondering if he got out just to get strangled to death by his own brother.
     South released him in the midst of laughter from North's friends.  
     "Traitors,"North thought grumpily as Laos laughed.
     And from then on South never left his side-
     Just kidding.
"Stop running so fast!"Japan cried. She skidded to a drop next to him, her twin tails drooping. It seemed that everyday she was being given a constant reminder about South's super speed.
       "No can do Japan, it's in my very DNA,"South said solemnly. And he proceeded to belt out the entire DNA lyrics from BTS-
"So is the lack of common sense,"Japan said evilly.
     South had this expression: 👁👄👁
"Bruh,"he said.
       "You're saying I lack common sense too,"North pointed out irritated.
     "I may or may not have been implying that,"Japan said jokingly. Since she said it so lightheartedly North could do nothing but just sigh.
        Vietnam commented, "Wow North. Personally I wouldn't take that level of disrespect but that's just me,"he said, teasingly. North felt like ripping out a chunk of grass and throwing it at his face.
       "Veerry funny Viet,"Cuba said, as Vietnam directed his gaze at him.
      "What?"He said innocently. "Can I not joke around?"
     With a deadpan expression Cuba rolled his eyes and crossed his arms with no reply. Mood.
        The sun went down with nothing else out of the ordinary occurring.

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