Chapter 21

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       "Hasn't this fog lasted enough?"India  thought, annoyed. He was still in his room, his energy was running low, even though he hasn't been using his powers. If the sun didn't show its shiny butt soon he might not be able to power up his flow of magic. Oh well, it's not its gonna kill him or anything. But he'd feel way better if his magic didn't deteriote so quickly.
     He pushed himself out of the bed after having stared out the window long enough at the gray mist. Was it just him, or was it even thicker to see through the mysterious mist this time? Nah, probably because it was still a little dark.
     Three more days and then they were kicked back into the Academy. Reference to the time that Iran got his butt kicked into the former Academy by UNICEF when he wanted to skip class.
      She was an amazing leader wasn't she?-
     Oh, that must be Iran and Iraq. They were the only idiots dumb enough to break through the door instead of being civilized and knocking on the door instead. So, using a changing spell he got into a different attire and went downstairs where he saw Pakistan holding Iran and Iraq upside down by his vines. And the broken wooden door.
     India sweatdropped. Holy, he'd never seen Pakistan look so annoyed. Pakistan turned to look at him and India froze.
    Iran looked from Pakistan to India.
"Hello India bro! Thought we might crash in, although we did it quite literally enough-"
     Pakistan's vines shook him violently.
"AAAAAAHHHH!!"Iran screeched, being waved around like a ragged doll.
      "Holy crap of the sun,"India thought, as Pakistan dropped them to the floor with a loud thud.
      "How uncivilized of him,"Iraq dusted himself off.
     "You're one to talk,"India thought, though he was grinning slightly.
      "When are you coming out bro?"Iran asked, as Pakistan fixed the door.
      "Yeah, it's been so bleak with just North, Cambodia, Russia, China and the rest. Honestly, even North needs you back."
      "What. Really?"India questioned.
"Yeah, we've been torturing him to death without you,"Iraq sighed. "Without you we have been resorting to dangerous measures."
     "I'm touched,"India said.
"You should be,"Iran responded, now pushing him out the door.
    "Farewell dear brother of India's! He shall return after a reasonable amount of adventuring!"Iraq announced to Pakistan who just stared at him as if he was the weirdest thing he'd ever laid eyes on.
      India stifled a snort.
As Iran shoulder-marched him out to the countries in the distance.
    "Alright! We got him out!"Iraq declared.
      "Yes, it won't do if one of our brave adventurers became a hermit crab,"Iran shook his head.
     "Now what the crap are you guys going on about?"Vietnam asked.
     "HOLY *BEEP*!"India, Iran and Iraq exclaimed. "WHERE'D YOU COME FROM?!"
      "Hell,"Vietnam answered, totally not realizing a Laos hanging from a tree tied from his ankle and struggling to free himself violently. Cambodia was next to him looking ready to die.
     Cuba was on the ground wheezing from laughter. China, Russia and NK just looked at the three that just arrived.
      "Yeaaah, inviting him was the worst mistake you've ever made,"NK said to Cambodia.
     "Nope, things just got more entertaining,"Russia nodded.
     "Wait wait wait, so you guys decided to replace me with him?!"India gestured to Vietnam who waved back, unconcerned.
     "What?! Of course not!"Iraq replied.
       "Well, you see,"Iran said. "Cambodia here felt bad for not spending so much time with star guy sooooo..."
     "He invited Vietnam here so we could  be all chums and pals,"Iraq flapped his hand in an airily way.
      "Except Laos here wasn't on board with that idea so you see the state he is in. Don't mess with that guy,"Iran added.
     "Then why is Cambodia up there?"India asked confused.
      "He tried breaking them up and after the midst in the chaos Vietnam ended up tying the both of us up on this tree,"Laos supplied helpfully.
      Cambodia just grinned sheepily.
India looked closely at the ropes. Green and shiny. He saw light green veins swirling the ropes as if a design.  
     "Yeah. They're made of leaves,"Vietnan said casually, catching his stare. "In case you hadn't noticed, my powers are sharpening leaves and doing things with them."
       "Won't the leaves break and snap and burn or something?"India asked.
      Vietnam's eyes glinted.
"Try burning the leaves hanging your friends up there,"Vietnam pointed upward. "See if you can free them."
     NK just shook his head, "Goodness."
India was surprised by the abrupt challenge.
     "I've heard your flames are very hot,"Vietnam said.
     "Not so hot anymore,"India thought, thinking about how the lack of sunlight had caused him to lose some of his energy to fuel his fire. Still, they were just leaves, right? And plus, Laos and Cambodia looked terrified.
      "Dude! You're gonna roast us!"Laos said.
      "Then get some water,"Iran said.
"I AM A LANDLOCKED COUNTRY YOU IDIOT!!"Laos screeched at him.
     "Sheesh, temper much?"Vietnam looked bored.
      "Calm down,"Cambodia said. "Uhm. How long are we gonna be up here?"
      "Until I decide to cut you down or India here decides to free you and burn you up in the process,"Vietnam answered cheerfully.
     "I told you the first chance he got he would kill us,"Laos stated as if it was a fact, having calmed down from his outburst at Iran.
      "J-just cut them down,"Cuba laughed.  "If they stay there any longer I-I will die from laughter!!"
      "It's so rare to see him so gleeful. They should stay like this,"Iraq commented, grinning alongside Iran.
      "I so agree,"Iran nodded.
"Yeah, they won't die,"India agreed.


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