Chapter 90

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"No, not really. Why do you ask?"BRICS asked, tilting his head.

UNICEF looked a teensy bit flustered.

"He's a bit of an aromantic," EU communicated via Mind. He didn't share that with BRICS though.

"Be quiet!"UNICEF shushed him.

"I'm sorry... was I speaking?"BRICS asked, showing the barest hint of bewilderment as UNICEF hurried to assure that she didn't mean him. She must've shared it too loud mentally that BRICS heard it as well.

Usually, her mental control was one of the most sophisticated and firm. But her emotions were scrambling her control over her mental capacities.

"Nevermind, forget that I ever asked,"UNICEF said, briskly, shooting a quick glare at EU, who jokingly went behind a bookshelf as if she shot lasers out of her eyes. "By the way, how's Russia? I heard he's been under a bit of stress lately. And you too, it seems."

BRICS shook his head. "I'm fine. I don't believe that pressuring him to share what's wrong will solve anything."

UNICEF gave him a reassuring smile, professional-wise. "I'm sure he'll open up soon. You're handling the situation quite well."

"Hmm..." BRICS didn't think so. He looked at UNICEF. "I'll leave now. Excuse me."

When he left, EU pouted, "Where's my word of encouragement?"

"Oh, go burn your toast,"UNICEF waved a hand. She was evidently concerned over the other Organization.

Ever since BRICS started increasing his work with stabilizing Minds, he'd been doing so non-stop. The countries who've lost their Nationals, were coming close to losing their Minds.

WHO was lucky to have BRICS constantly working with her to help them. Otherwise, chaos would ensue. Literally.

UNICEF sighed and sat down, rubbing her head.

She heard a soft clunk beside her on the table and opened her eyes. ASEAN was there.

"You look like you need a coffee,"he said, leaving the cup there.


She appreciated the gesture. It was a cold morning, so the hot drink would wake her up more.

"No problem,"ASEAN said, then looked out of the doorway where he entered. "What's with BRICS? He looks... tired."

"Working 24/7 is bound to burn someone out,"UNICEF stated. "Especially mentally. I just don't understand why he's so intent on helping them mentally recover. Even WHO said she'd never seen him this way before."

"None of us have,"ASEAN agreed with what she said. BRICS hardly showed interest in anything. "We're all working hard, but I'm afraid BRICS is pushing himself too hard. Even UN knows when to rest." ASEAN thought about it. "Sometimes."

UNICEF chuckled lightly at that. EU hid a grin. He knew UNICEF liked ASEAN, whereas the latter's emotions were a bit more harder to figure out.

"Weeell, I guess I better get going then. Check up on the European countries,"EU said, loudly, letting them know they were going to be alone for a while.

They both watched him go. Silence. Awkward silence. One of the worst kinds of silence.

"They're making good progress. Soon, my Clinic is going to have space again,"WHO said, placing her hands on her hips.

"That's good."

"Oh come on BRICS, show some more emotion,"WHO said, smiling. "This is great! That means they're getting better."

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