Chapter 48

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          The red dragon of whom they seek was slipping between trees, pausing now and then to sniff the air that foresaw the coming of rain.
     China knew he shouldn't turn back just yet because of the wound that Wales inflicted. The rain would wash off the blood but the scratch would take a while to heal. He looked around and flew to the top of a tall tree and coiled around the branches. He didn't want anyone to see him. Not yet anyway. He needed time alone. To think.
      He waited for the rain, although he need not wait long for he heard the sound of a distant rumbling. A thunderstorm. It would conceal him for a few days.
      China hadn't encountered his Dragon Mind yet, which was strange considering that Countryhumans always  met their Animals' Mind when they Transformed. Oh well, maybe it was in a dormant state and was content with letting him control his own mind for a while.
      He twisted his head around and looked at himself. He didn't feel the same. What he saw was an elongated snake body that trailed from him, twisting around branches that seemed unnatural to him. China let out a sigh as he rested his head on the branch that his upper body was resting at.
      He probably shouldn't be away from his friends for so long but for some unexplainable reason he just didn't want to be with them at the moment.

       Russia had to admit that as a Wolf, it wasn't that weird. His moves now seemed natural, even though it was only his second time Transforming. He looked at North, who seemed reluctant to Transform.
    "Is something wrong?"Russia asked in his two voice, when he spotted a scratch on North's arm. "What happened there?" He nodded at the small scrape.
      North's expression turned bitter.
"I Transformed into a Chollima,"he said, looking away. "I tried walking, but I somehow crashed into a tree..."
      "Wait, near the forest?"
North shrugged. "Yeah, but it happened too fast."
     "Ok..."Russia said, slightly confused. He sniffed the air. Just the smell of coming rain, grass and more grass. If he wanted to find China he would need the blood scent since Wales did scratch pretty deeply. He looked at North who was looking at the forest.
      "Maybe he's there,"North said.
"Maybe, or he could be in the sky for all we know,"Russia said. "Doesn't hurt to check does it?"
      Wanting to find China he raced away to the forest.
     "Wait!"North exclaimed. Then he shook his head and ran after the Wolf.

     Russia ran across the meadow that crested slightly and ran downhill torwards the forest. He skidded to a stop and sniffed at the air again. Still nothing new. Maybe China flew in. Russia was starting to wonder if maybe China didn't want to be found, or he would've shown him already. He paced around in a thinking circle as North caught up with him.
     "Jeez Russia!"NK said, bending over after sprinting. "I know you want to find him but I'm not Transformed you know?!"
      "Sorry..."Russia muttered. Then walked on more carefully not wanting to make any noise that might spook their hidden friend. His senses alert he searched carefully although not wasting his time peering into tiny cracks. North, meanwhile, decided to search the trees, going under one to another.
      A frozen wind swept past them, ruffling hair and fur alike. Russia blinked as it start to sprinkle and he looked up. He hadn't realized the dark clouds had already gathered here. The small drops of water hit his muzzle and he shook it off. North, on a tree branch, climbed carefully down and jumped. He landed and went over to Russia, shielding his eye from the relentless wind.
     "Should we keep searching?"Russia asked, over the howling wind.
    North looked around. "Yes."
Russia had to admire his perseverance even though they had no clue where their friend was.
      "Maybe you can Transform into something else,"Russia suggested.
     "I don't know how to,"North answered.
      Russia thought. In seconds North and him were drenched with rain.
     Fat raindrops splattered and rolled on leaves and soaked into the soil. Dark wood became evident as rain fell on the tree trunks. Russia shook his entire body, letting loose raindrops that flew everywhere. North had already gone a safe distance away.
     "Bruh!"NK exclaimed. Russia ignored the exclamation of slight annoyance and went to where he was.
     Russia was used to cold weather so it didn't bother him as much as it did to North.
      He shook his head at North. "We can't search in this weather. I can't catch a scent of where he is. It is as if he disappeared completely. Maybe he isn't here."
      "But-" Russia silenced him with a whack of his tail on his face.  
      "We can't search the entire forest as much as we'd want to,"Russia hated admitting it, but they couldn't find China if the rain wouldn't let up soon. The Wolf and Countryhuman looked at the dark depths of the forest.
     North was thinking hard. Then he sighed in defeat.
     "You're right..."He mumbled, kicking a rock. "But we will look for him tomorrow."
       Russia nodded, it was late afternoon now. He couldn't believe that he thought they would have a chance of finding China even when the Organizations hadn't.


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