Chapter 13

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       It's been a few days since Iran met with Martial and so far nothing has happened. Although the ominous promise hung over him he didn't think about taking it seriously. However the question remained. Why would Martial talk to him in the first place?
      Was it because he was friends with North? Or did he actually want him to go to the forest? Iran decided on the first choice. Because when the former Academy wasn't destroyed yet, Martial was always eyeing him and the rest of his friends with dislike. Especially at China for some reason.
      Iran was still thinking about this.

      "Russia, you are always staring at the forest. Is there something in there that interests you?"Belarus asked, as Ukraine slipped at a banana peel that Kazakhstan had accidentally threw at the floor when he tripped at the staircase.
Belarus frowned slightly. "Are you sure?"
      "Yeah, I'm sure."
"Well, you don't look so good, are you sure you're fine?"
     True, Russia didn't look at his tip-top shape. He wasn't able to sleep for days due to the image flashing in his head at night at unexpected intervals. He knew the face couldn't hurt him. Could it? But he still woke every time he saw it and he was not happy about that. It made him feel weak minded that he couldn't prevent the face from intruding on his mind.
      "I'm fine,"he still answered. Belarus sighed. Russia never confided his problems to any of them.

       North and South found themselves sitting together on the couch.
     "I'm bored, North do you have anything to do?"South asked his brother, who was busy texting his friends.
South sighed.
     "Who are you texting?"He asked.
"None of your business."
      "Sheesh North,"South thought grumpily. "You never tell me anything. But then again, I'm not telling you a lot of things either."
      The twins continued their prolonged silence. South got even more bored so he reached out and grabbed a book that had manifested on their table a few days before with a note from America.
      South hadn't really looked at it before and when he saw the title he blinked.
      "Ways to Mend a Broken Relationship?"He muttered, reading the title.
     "What did you say?"North asked, looking at him.
"Nothing!"South said, jumping up. "I uh, have a meeting with Japan soon! That's all. Gotta go get my stuff! Hehe..." and with that he zoomed away to his room to drop off the book.
      "That was weird,"North thought, as India's and Iraq's text messages continually spammed on his phone.

       "It's good to be back!"EU sighed happily as he flung himself to the floor.
     "Get up,"UNICEF said, although she was glad too. The forest wasn't exactly as safe as they thought it would be. There were plenty of dangerous plants out there that could hurt them. And not even a single insect.
       "Noooooo..."EU said, curling up on the floor.
"I'll drag you up if I have too,"FBI jokingly threatened.
     "But I'm so tired!"EU flipped himself up. "I haven't been able to sleep!"
       "We all haven't,"UNICEF said. "Plus we are going back in again tomorrow."
      This news made EU jump up. "What?!"
"Just kidding,"UNICEF laughed. "After a few weeks we will go in. First, we need to analyze the information we've gotten so far."
Still, the organizations were happy to be back.
     "Where'd UN go?"ASEAN asked, as AU put away his notebook.
      "Probably went to stuff more enemies into the same room,"AU shrugged.
     "I'm so offended!"UN said, popping his head in. "I can't believe you think so lowly of me." Though he was smiling.
        "I know right,"EU agreed. "Look at me-"
AU laughed.
        "Ok I get it!"EU snapped jokingly. "I mean, I can't possibly be that low-"
       "But you are,"ASEAN pointed out as AU was choking from laughter.
     "Oh be quiet,"EU loftily said. "The fact that I am associating with the likes of you-"
    AU's laughs could not be ignored, especially since right now he looked like he was visibly dying.
      "Oh come on, he can't be that funny!"ASEAN said, meanwhile gesturing to EU who mocked offense.
        UNICEF and BRICS just looked at each other in exasperation.


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