Chapter 75

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      Who was this coming towards him?
He saw them clearly for the first time.
    Russia was conscious of the fact that he wasn't dreaming. He was still awake. But this was happening in his mind.
     The figure came to a stop in front of him and spread ragged black wings. The feathers were torn and the edges were sharpened.
     "Russia, we meet at last."
The voice was smooth and deceptive.
"How do you know my name?"Russia said sharply, drawing on his ice powers, sensing a threat. Everything wrong radiated from this person.
     "Let's just say..."

The figure disappeared. And reappeared behind him. "I was a friend of your father's."

       "Russia, do you think this looks good on me?"
       He blinked, aware of the fact that Belarus was asking him something.
      He shook the last of the unpleasant experience from his mind and looked at his sister standing in front of a mirror.
     "Hmm... I think I can take this bow off. I already have two,"Belarus said, to Russia or herself he didn't know. He was on the couch, waiting for his sister to finish. She wanted him to meet someone. Apparently this someone was pretty special, considering she was trying out different outfits for the past 2 hours and coming out for Russia judge. Which he didn't. He had no clue what to say to all of her questions.
     Luckily for him she seemed content with answering her own inquiries and adding her own comments. He could've spent the time dozing, but he thought that Belarus wouldn't appreciate that.
     He heard a notification bing itself into existence from his pocket. He read the text.

Iran: Ayo! When are you coming? School starts in like, half an hour.

India: Chill man.

     Russia let out a deep sigh. This wasn't the first time Iran asked about him. In fact, this was the 37th time he'd been doing that.


Russia: She's still busy.

Iraq: Dude, just toss her a paperbag or something.

India: Wth man.

Iraq: It's a last resort if needed.

Iran: Ya know, he's got a point. We don't have all day.

Russia: I'll be out soon. Just wait.

     He placed the phone besides him and waited. Russia wondered about the mysterious person that was in his head. They seemed strange and familiar at the same time. But they couldn't be trusted. Even if they claimed to be his father's friend. He was going to have to ask Soviet himself.
     Belarus finally decided on an outfit and they departed.

      Russia wasn't overly curious to see who the person was. But obviously it was a boy, otherwise she wouldn't be spending so much time on her looks. He paused his ever-going train of thoughts on this subject. His sisters seemed to be dating boys on whom he knew hardly anything about.
     Where were these boys coming from anyway? They were popping up everywhere much to his annoyance. He'd lost count on how many perverts he beat up. He really didn't need to start a count on fake boyfriends. Luckily that count was 0.
      "Well that's not nice,"Belarus said suddenly, making him think that she read his thoughts. He turned to see where she was looking at. A random country had flipped him off with a group of their friends. He would've done it back, but Belarus was there. They turned a corner.
     "These people are so rude,"Belarus said, as other countries scooted away. "Let's hurry."
      She quickened her pace, which for Russia wasn't a lot.
      "There he is!"Belarus said, sounding excited. She gestured in the distance a male country, talking with three other oddly familiar ones.
    Russia immediately recognized America and Canada. Then there was Australia. He racked his mind for the fourth one. It was New something.
     "That's New Zealand,"Belarus said happily, looking at the shortest one out of the four. Her expression was one of wistfulness. He blinked. He mentally facepalmed. It was official. His sisters will all be dating America's siblings.
      He didn't want to be there anymore.
Too late they were spotted. Haha. It was too late to leave now. Or was it? Yes, it was.
      "Hey Belar-"New Zealand immediately greeted, but stopped when he saw Russia. Canada barely contained a snicker from his brother's fearful expression. Australia literally facepalmed.
    America just burst into laughter with no regard for his or his brother's dignity.
      "Hello Kiwi!"Belarus said, walking up and giving him a hug. She then released the boy and turned to Russia. "Kiwi is his nickname! Isn't that adorable?"
     Russia didn't say a word. He was too busy death-glaring New Zealand. Belarus didn't seem to notice this.
      "Soooo... I thought that we should all hang out together,"she said, turning to the four siblings. She clapped her hands together. "Oh, and we should have a picnic! It's been quite a while."
     Canada and Australia looked at America. "Yes ma'am!"the 50 starred country said, jumping into a salute and manifesting a picnic basket.
     "Not now idiot,"Canada said, he seemed to be purposefully ignoring Russia. Which the latter was completely fine with.
    America pouted. While de-manifesting the basket he said, "I thought we were gonna skip class."

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