Chapter 26

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"Yo Russia man, who's the new lady?"
Leave it to luck to have America pop out of nowhere and start flirting with the female country. Peru was already blushing from embarrassment.
Russia frowned. Darn this American, hopefully he wouldn't have to share a room with this guy. He stood at the sidelines while America bent over to kiss Peru's hand like a gentleman, winking.
Peru couldn't help but giggle. America made some more witty remarks before sauntering off.
"Who is he?"Peru asked, temporarily not a nervous wreck.
"America,"Russia answered, continuing down the hallways.
"So he is the one who will lose me in 5 seconds?"Peru asked another question. She sounded shaky again.
"It was an exaggeration on UN's part,"Russia replied, trying hard not to sound annoyed.

So far he had introduced her to the cafeteria, the animal Housing Center (which the African countries had diligently helped make) where there were almost all of Australia's animals, they even discovered some of NATO's secret tunnels. Now there were only some other places to show her.

"Wow, this place is big,"Peru said in awe. "Just how long did you guys spend building this?"
"Some months or so,"Russia said in reply, as they retraced their steps. He was relieved so far that he hadn't need to beat up anyone.

But oh boy he thought too soon.
In the distance he saw one of his sisters, Belarus, getting harassed.

It was no secret that Russia's sisters were the most flirted with countries in the entire Academy so they were basically getting hit on everyday. Much to Russia's annoyance.

    It was the daring and fun of it which prompted this occurrence.
Belarus looked very much hassled and uncomfortable.
Peru gulped as she saw Russia crack his knuckles and neck.

 Peru gulped as she saw Russia crack his knuckles and neck

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"Someone's going to die,"he said, icily, nearly forgetting about Peru.
"You're going to want to turn around,"Russia advised, not taking his eyes off the offending country, who was making outrageous flirting remarks while Belarus tried to dissuade them in vain. "And cover your non-existent ears."
Peru immediately obeyed, realizing that it was already quiet as if the countries in the hallway realized Russia's presence. No doubt, none of them wanted to miss this, she thought, as she saw some countries whip out their phones and started recording.

"Viewer discretion is advised,"she thought bleakly, as she heard the muffled sounds of the world of pain from a small distance. Peru never felt so scared. What exactly made UN think that this guy was the best country for being her tour guide?
After a long moment she thought it was over and Peru made the mistake of lowering her hands. Russia wasn't done.
She flinched as she heard a loud crash, a scream of fear, multiple cracks and a couple of oohs from the crowd.
She hastened to cover her non-existent ears once more when someone tapped her shoulder. Peru jumped.

"Hello, I couldn't help but notice you,"a country said. Peru widened her eyes.
"H-hello,"she said, turning around and was glad that the country was covering a very possible gruesome sight.
"My name is Belarus!"she held her hand out for her to shake, seemingly oblivious to the screams behind her.
"P-peru,"she stuttered, shaking her hand back nervously.
Belarus grinned. "I see that you have met my brother, Russia! He's a bit much but he's ok!" Belarus smiled at Peru who chuckled a little.

Belarus turned around which allowed Peru to see the sight. She nearly blacked out from the scene.
"Russia! That's enough! I think he's learned his lesson!"Belarus shouted, flinching a bit at the sight. "Ooooh, that's gotta hurt."

   Russia seemed ready to punch the guy again, emitting a deadly aura.

He never ran out of offensive countries to beat the hell out of for giving such uncalled for behavior.

"Fine,"he grumbled, dropping the nearly unconscious country to the ground and dusting himself off. Some of the countries immediately hid their phones while others tended to the other country.
"All for a stupid dare,"another country shook her head while her other girl friends nodded.
The beaten up country had a few broken bones, a bloodied face and a totally wrecked up image. Some bones stuck out of his knees. Don't worry, he will live. So that should put the countries hearts to rest-

     Those who were concerned, that is.

Peru swallowed.
"Uhhh..."Belarus said, glancing at Peru. "Continue your uhm, tour with Peru here." She gestured to the violently shaking country who wilfed under Russia's stare.
"Fine,"he said, ruffling his own hair a bit, feeling awkward. He walked over.
"Well, let's go,"Russia said, going the opposite direction.

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