Chapter 68

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"Jeez India! Finally, what took you so long to get here?"Iran exclaimed, running over and smacking him on the head.
"Sorry, I had to deal with an imbecile,"India replied, dusting himself off as if clearing off filth and smacking him back, playfully.
"Who?"Iraq asked, popping out of nowhere.
"Dunno,"India shrugged. "But did you see how the sky, sort of, blacked out?"
"Yes,"Iran nodded, looking up again and then at him. "What about it?"
"What do you mean 'what about it?' You can't even see the stars and the moon for goodness' sake!"India was surprised by his friend's carefree attitude.
"A lot of things are going on right now,"Iran explained. "I could really care less if the stars and the moon decide to black themselves out."
"What about that loud screech earlier?"India asked.
"Don't know-"Iran was cut off by the second screech that sounded into the night. "Ok, what the heck was that?"
"Guys, something's moving in the sky,"Laos interjected, his eyes slightly narrowed, then widened. "It's huge! It's literally blotting out the sky!"
"You're seeing things, there's no way something that big exists,"Vietnam pointed out.
"Yes, like America believing it would be easy to beat you,"Laos snapped back.
Vietnam was silent for a moment. "Ok, you're right, you're right."
India turned to see if any of his other friends were here. Cuba. Cambodia. North Korea. Russia.
Wait, Russia! Guess China or South Africa already found him. He was concerned to see that he also had a scratch similar to Pakistan's.
But his worries grew even more as another shrill shriek pierced their non-existent ears and the blackened sky.
He saw that most of his friends covered the sides of their heads, including him.
"How many are there?!"Cambodia had to shout over the next screech. "Wait, why did I even ask that-"
"I suggest that you guys lower yourselves so they don't see you." Russia looked at them.
Cambodia let out a shriek that was almost similar to the ones above. The other countries started. North Korea scowled slightly, the resumed crouching on the grass.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack!"Cambodia accused in a half-joking manner as Russia came to a stop next to him.
"We should stay low though,"Laos agreed. "We don't even know what's above us."
They all stayed together as the other countries did. They heard thunderous flapping, as if whatever was in the heavens above was descending down upon them. India was tempted to activate his flames, but that might attract some unwanted attention.
He observed his friends. Russia was as still as a statue, not moving an inch, not even blinking as he stared upward at the stars with an unreadable expression. Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam all looked at each other. Iran and Iraq stood on either side of him.
He remained motionless for some long minutes but still the faint screeches above were heard. Whatever was out there was waiting for them and hostile. India didn't know he was holding his breath until Iraq nudged him.
"Look,"his friend whispered, nodding towards the sky. India tilted his head slightly, his neck cramped from remaining in the same position for so long.
"What?" He had no idea what Iraq was talking about. Not until he looked up. Whatever was up there was moving rapidly, there were multiples of them. For a moment, he was confused. What were they doing up there?
But he didn't get up to get a better look. Since it seemed the sky was nearly almost black, he could hardly see his friends. He saw the crowd of the other countries near them not moving.
Soon, he heard a country cry out.

He was so concentrated on his thoughts he didn't hear what the country was saying but he saw a figure running towards the edge of the cliff. Instinct drove him to his feet but Russia was faster still.

Apparently, he recognized the country faster than India. It was his sister, Ukraine.
Despite the danger still looming above them, India went after Russia.

"India?"Iran exclaimed, as Iraq looked alarmed at their direction.
Ignoring them, he stopped as Russia suddenly made Ukraine duck from an unseen threat.

Even in the black darkness, India saw a beast of unimaginable size withdraw its claws that could've easily torn her in half. The creature flew off, deadly and silent as it's prey was protected.

Russia let go of Ukraine as she stopped running. She was breathing fast. But not aware of the danger she was in.
Ukraine let out an angry tirade at Russia as soon as she caught her breath.

"First the invasion and now this! Are you trying to make my life miserable?"Ukraine demanded of her brother.

"Maybe you should've looked around first,"Russia said, his eyes cold and flashing. "Couldn't you see that one of these were after you?" His voice was barely raised.

Ukraine shouted something back.

India looked behind him for a moment to look at his friends. When he turned back Ukraine was already leaving.

India walked up to Russia, who didn't seem to notice him.
"What...what was that about?"India questioned in a whisper, hoping not to draw attention from the creatures above. Russia's answer was in long coming.

"Her Nightingale was taken,"India was alarmed, both by what happened and by Russia's tone.

The Nightingale was Ukraine's National Animal. Now he understood her angry outburst.
"But, surely it isn't that bad?"India asked, and regretted asking.

"She had him for a long time,"Russia looked at India.

Any National Animal that belonged to a country could live for a long time. India sympathized, not because he lost one before, but because countries shared incredibly strong bonds with their Nationals. Losing one was like losing a piece of your soul. It drove some countries into the brink of insanity, fortunately none of the cases were too bad. He prayed that Ukraine wouldn't take it to the extreme. Even though, he might.

He watched as Russia went back to his original place. Worried as he was for his friend, he was also worried about getting attacked by what was flying above them.

It was easy to not be noticed when it was raining as hard as it was.
China sighed as he crouched in the grass next to Yin and Yang. He just wanted to be away for a while. He heard loud screeches up in the sky and had already delivered the recorder to the Organizations for hearing. Qing laid next to him, watching the sky with sharp eyes.
Pakistan stood above him and knelt down next to him.
"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to be with the rest of your friends?"
China shook his head slightly.
"Not now."
Pakistan looked at him with a questionable expression but didn't ask any further. His cut was already bound up though. He watched as China stood up to observe their surroundings. In all honesty, he felt short compared to his friend. Oh well, his height couldn't be helped.

Dark shadows danced around above them as the sky remained darkened. China glanced upwards and then at Pakistan. Pakistan looked worried. Whatever was up there...
He shook his head clear of raindrops.
Their life really wasn't going well.

Happy Independence Day China!☆☆☆☆☆ Wow, time sure flies

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Happy Independence Day China!
☆☆☆☆☆ Wow, time sure flies.

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