Chapter 14

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Wales wanted to talk to EU about Welsh, who was acting slightly aggressive lately. He landed on the wooden platform and folded his wings against his back.
He heard the organizations' voices.
"If only we had a safer way to discover what's in the forest,"came EU's voice.
"What about we turn invisible?"UNICEF suggested.
"Nope, the Pinifers will sniff us out,"AU said, it sounded like he was flipping a book.
What in the world were Pinifers?
"How about we fly over the forest?"ASEAN advised. "There are no flying plants that I know of."
"Good idea,"UNICEF sounded approving.
Wales stopped. Shoot, he shouldn't have eavesdropped. But their conversation was interesting. Well, it sounded like they had enough on their plate. Plus, was it really serious that Welsh was acting aggressive? Might just be some phase...
So after a while of thinking this over Wales leaped off and flew to the ground. He landed and saw something staring at him from the forest. White eyes. No pupils. He gave a sudden yelp and jumped back. It was grinning at him. Then disappeared.
Quickly before he had even registered what happened it flashed in his mind. The face was crazily smiling at him. Then it disappeared, leaving him blank.
"What was that?"Wales thought, not realizing that he was slightly trembling. All he knew was that he wasn't going in that forest. He ran back to his house, not wanting to see what was in the black curtains under the trees. He did not want that face to continue popping in his mind.

China wandered near the shore alone.
Qing was perched on his shoulder, swaying. It was a warm afternoon. The salty air was refreshing, the sun was brightly shining and the ocean waves were soothing. It was absolutely serene. As Qing interestingly watched a crab scuttle away sideways China watched the ocean waters curve up and down.
Yin and Yang were flying lazily above, seeing no predators they've took the opportunity to have some peaceful flight with each other.
It wasn't the first time he's done this, but he often thought about his brother this way. He didn't know if Taiwan thought about him. But, as far as siblings go, Taiwan might occasionally think about him. It was an awkward relationship they had. In the humans' world, their relationship was extremely tense with his country still claiming Taiwan as sovereign territory.
However, in his mind, Taiwan could be a country for all he cared. He didn't want to think about these sort of things. He didn't mind at all. There was a lot of controversy on this. China simply didn't care. He was a Countryhuman because some people believed he was a country...
     But he remembered seeing a country ask Taiwan who he was. He remembered how annoyed Taiwan felt however calmly he had answered back. And a sense of bitterness that no one remembered who he was.
China also thought back to the time he had asked Taiwan if he could help him in anyway. But all he got was a no and a radiated feeling of offense coming from Taiwan. He must've offended Taiwan in some way. So he wasn't going to make the same mistake again.
Qing flew off his shoulder to temporarily join Yin and Yang. He finished thinking about Taiwan and watched as the golden dragon flew in the sky with the two headed dragon soaring effortlessly. Even now he felt affectionate to the dragon. Qing had grown much bigger so he was as high as China's waist. China thought fondly on why Qing had come into his life. And how could he forget Yin and Yang? And how and why they entered his life as well?
Perhaps those were memories to reminisce in a different time because Qing had come back. Raising his arm Qing alighted on it as if an eagle and climbed unto his shoulder once more.

"You know Qing, you are going to have to perch somewhere else soon,"China said, as the dragon hit him gently with his tail

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"You know Qing, you are going to have to perch somewhere else soon,"China said, as the dragon hit him gently with his tail. It was if Qing was saying that he'd rather perch on China than on anything else. Of course, Yin and Yang had done the same thing when they were younger. Obviously they were too big for that now and more wild than Qing. But they always returned whenever they wanted to.
A sudden breeze came by and he saw that the skies were dark with gray clouds. Yin and Yang, seeing this began an immediate dive down. They hovered for a while and then landed. Odd. The dragon never minded flying in harsh weather. Perhaps they sensed something wrong and that was the feeling he had.

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