Chapter 83

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"How can we find a solution when we don't even know the purpose of our enemy?"

UN listened to all their ideas, suggestions and concerns. The Academy halls had some countries chatting out of their room.

"Guys, another message from Ukraine. She wants us to find her Spirit Animal ASAP,"NATO said, showing them a digital screen. His fingers tapped a bit impatiently on it making small blinking sounds.
"Just...tell her we're working on it,"UNICEF sighed, waving a hand. Her wings felt strained. "This is quite problematic."

"You think?"EU asked, entering the room and throwing himself on a nearby couch. He landed on his back with soft thump and covered his face with his arms.
UNICEF glanced at him and with shock saw how ruffled his wings were and there were small bare patches. Some feathers were even smoking and she hadn't even realized. In addition, some feathers seemed to have been forcefully pulled. Loose ends of them fluttered to the ground whenever he moved.

"EU, what happened?"UNICEF asked, reaching out and lightly lifting his left wing up. She nearly cringed when she saw dried blood at the edges. This was something new. There were some newly acquired burns.

"Ah, it's nothing,"he chuckled, moving it out of her touch and letting it sag on the couch.
Despite his carefree tone, she was worried. Especially when EU was the most energetic and lively one out of all of them. She turned to see the others.

Honestly, she felt tempted to call WHO to get his wings checked up. They could teleport, sure, but they couldn't teleport to the sky. Even if they could it would have to be constant since their teleportation wouldn't keep them in the air at all. Hence, the importance of their wings.

"Where's WHO?"UNICEF turned to UN who was already coming over and inspecting EU's feathers. EU looked a bit overwhelmed at the attention.
UN sighed. "She's busy. I could ask her what we could do but... EU, who did this?"
"Remember the demonic beings that popped out of nowhere and looked like they came from the deep boiler rooms of hell?"EU asked, raising his head to look at UN.
"It was a couple of them,"EU explained, crossing his arms over his chest as he shifted a little and sat up. "Came out of nowhere and teamed up on me like I was the last team member in a multi-player shooting game, which I forgot what it was called."
"You should let WHO check your wings, they look bad,"ASEAN said, concerned.

"What? But I'm fine!"

He remained still.

"EU, don't go flying around for a couple of weeks,"WHO said, sounding stern. It wasn't hard to see her resemblance to UN and UNESCO. It was just EU and WHO in her Clinic. ASEAN and NATO literally, quite literally, dragged him over. And for some reason, he couldn't find the will to resist. What a bummer.
"Of course almighty healer,"EU teased, not moving so she could check up his wings.

"Unless you want me to freeze your wings so you don't fly around,"WHO half-joked. She was basically a nurse, what did you expect?
"Haha, no thank you,"EU laughed. "Still... is it really necessary to make me stand all the while?"

"Yes, your wings are too long for you to sit. With the condition your wings are in, it wouldn't be good for them to be scraping against the ground,"WHO shook her head. "This isn't the first time EU,"she said, looking at the feathers on the floor.

He became silent. "Yeah, I just...don't want them to worry about me."

WHO gave him a sympathetic look. It's quite obvious to see when a winged country or Organization was stressed. Their wings would begin to shed their feathers, more than usual anyway. EU usually shed his feathers when the others weren't looking.

She sighed and continued brushing away loose ends.

WHO was on the ground on her knees so she could check the tips of the feathers. EU had relaxed his wings so they lay on the floor, brushing it instead of "scraping" it as WHO said.

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