Chapter 53

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       In the icy atmosphere and chilling plumes coming from the ice itself, Russia could hardly feel the cold now.
     "Belarus, I understand your concern,"Ukraine said, "but he just froze the entire house. You can't ignore that." Well crap, they noticed too. But then again, how could they not?
      Russia seemed to be hearing the middle of their conversation. He stayed behind the wall upstairs, which was also covered in slick ice. He stood there unsure what to do until he heard Belarus speak again.
      "But Ukraine,"Belarus said, protesting. "You can't blame him. It was an accident I'm sure. I mean, haven't you seen how tired he looks?"
      He heard Ukraine sigh and Kazakhstan say something to them. He was grateful that Belarus was defending him, but he didn't need it. It wasn't going to convince Ukraine, he thought grimly.
     "I'm concerned as well,"Kazakhstan said, more gentler than Ukraine. "But we should ask Russia about this when he comes down."
     "What's there to ask?"Ukraine burst out and Russia felt that her anger at his country's invasion had not subsided in the least. How could his dad have expected him to be the best country he could be when he couldn't even maintain a good relationship with his siblings?
       "Have you forgotten the invasion?"Ukraine said. "He's probably doing this on purpose."
      "Ukraine!"Kazakhstan exclaimed, and Russia was slightly surprised to hear him sound so angry. "What has gotten into you?! You know that none of us can control or even influence the countries that we represent. Russia hasn't ordered the invasion, his president did!"
       "He still has to take responsibility,"Ukraine answered and he heard Belarus sigh this time. 
      "You think so?"Belarus asked wearily. "It's his president, Ukraine. Not him. How can he take responsibility for something he represents, not something he committed?"
     Russia decided he didn't want to hear what Ukraine had to say next. He walked down the stairs as his siblings watched. Kazakhstan was standing arms crossed and an unusual frown in his expression. Belarus was sadly looking from Ukraine to Kazakhstan who both seemed divided on the matter and then spotted Russia with a surprised face. Ukraine turned to him with a scowl.  
      "Russia, explain this,"Ukraine spread her arms wide, gesturing to the entire house. Complete covered in ice, the table they surrounded could've been melted by Ukraine's furious glare.
      Russia didn't immediately answer.
"I can't,"he said, after a little while. How could he? He probably looked like an idiot for not being able to explain his actions.
      "Can't? Russia, the only one here that has Ice Powers is you,"Ukraine said pointedly. "If you can't then who can?"
      Belarus looked at her. "Ukie, look he can't tell you ok?"

    Russia could tell that by her tone that she thought that he could but wouldn't. Which was the opposite in his situation.
      Ukraine took a deep breath. "Fine, but he better have a solution to this because this is very inhospitable."
      She glared at him, which made Russia pointedly look away and purposefully ignore her.  
      The tense atmosphere nearly matched the icy one until Kazakhstan broke it.  
      He looked at his watch. "Aren't you suppose to meet with Canada right now?"
      Ukraine opened her mouth, as if to demand that Russia do something. He went over to the door.

      He opened it and left, closing it behind him as he went out. Immediately he was greeted with warm air, drafting in the scent of the salty sea. It nearly made him feel completely awake, but he knew that losing sleep for an entire week and longer, would not be good for him. 
     He shook his head. He was a country, he shouldn't be so strongly affected by this. Russia was still standing, still awake.

    He was fine. Being sleep deprived surely wasn't a problem for him, right?
      He set out to look for India. Although he knew it wouldn't be easy. India could be with Iran and Iraq, planning their next pranks. Or he could be with his brother fighting again. Or at the dorms, or his house.
     He wanted nothing more than to just sleep, but he never could. Somehow.

    Plus, it was now early afternoon. Classes were tomorrow and he couldn't ignore the fact that he napped in them.
       Another problem he would face was  if a country decided to challenge him to a Countryhumans Duel. He'd be way too sleep deprived to fight.
      He jolted out of his thoughts when he heard India and Iran nearby.
      "I'm ready! Let's go!"India said, running towards Russia, not seeing him and nearly tripping when he finally did.
     "Woah Russia, what happened to you?"Iran said, catching up with Russia and elbowing India for ditching him.
     "Nothing,"Russia said. "Just that I froze my entire house..."He muttered the last part, wondering if telling India was a good idea.
      "Woah woah woah, you what?!"Iran exclaimed, Russua swore that if Iran and India both had feline ears, then they would've perked up right now and swiveling at his direction.
     "I froze the entire house ok?"Russia said, moving his hand through his hair. "I don't know how, but I did. I think it happened at night..." He looked down.
        India and Iran stared at him and then at each other.
     "Russian man! You never told us you can freeze entire houses!"India sounded surprised. "You could've gone on pranking sprees with us!"
     "That's besides the point,"Russia said, their energy making him feel even more tired. "Ukraine wants it fixed as soon as possible." India understood.
     "Ohhhhhhh, I understand Russia dude,"India said. "She being the housewife or something?"
     Russia shut his eyes and facepalmed. "She definitely acts like one,"He mumbled. He literally just wanted to sleep.
      "Ok chill out, you look exhausted,"Iran said, sounding genuinely concerned. "Help him out India, I'll get the prank supplies set up."
     India nodded. "Alright, meet you later."
    Iran grinned and ran off, obviously excited for some disastrous joke.
     "Ok then Russ, lead the way to Elsa's castle!"India said, sounding awfully energetic.
      It just made Russia want to sleep more...

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