Chapter 67

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        The Organizations were discussing the situation at hand in the tree house. First off, so they weren't asked questions they couldn't answer yet, second, well they didn't know if the things would fly.
      "Alright UNESCO, do you have any idea what those things are?"
     UNESCO shook his head. "Unfortunately not, however, it seems similar to what Vietcong told us."
      Then, he went on to explain how Vietcong had told him and WHO about some sort of world breach that allowed the demons to come here. However, they weren't sure what they were, but the creatures were similar to what they faced in their own world. This left some of the Organizations befuddled.
     "So you're saying,"FBI went on slowly. "That whatever these things are, came from your world, but you don't know what they are? Then how are you sure they came from your world?"
    "We are only assuming that they might've considering the world breach that Vietcong told us about,"WHO said. "He said the breach occurred weeks ago, but these things happen sometimes so he didn't think too much about it. But then something unusual happened..."
       She trailed off, as if she didn't know how to explain. UNESCO picked up for her.  
     "It would be easier to elaborate if we were there, but then we were transporting our countries here so we couldn't see what Vietcong saw," he sounded apologetic. "He said he heard strange noises from the Rift, that it had darkened. But that was it. Nothing went through. Then it was back to normal."
      "So assuming they did come from your world,"ASEAN went on. "How do we put them back where they belong?"
     "That's the thing, we don't know,"UNESCO sighed. His wings sagged. "We've never had this kind of situation before."
      WHO put a hand on his arm. "Don't worry, we'll figure something out soon."
     "And if we don't?"EU pointed out.
"Don't be insensitive EU!"AU chided.
"UN, what do you think?"
     The Organization looked up.
"Well, while you guys were having your nice chat over there, I was thinking that we should hear what China brought to us."
    "What'd he bring?"EU piped up, curious.
     "A recorder,"UN answered cheerfully, despite their ever-grim situation.
     A small plain black recorder, the shape of a rectangle and with no spectacular features, was held between UN's index and thumb. It was that tiny.
     An even smaller button embedded at the side.
     "Right, this is medium volume so we don't have our non-existent ears bleeding,"UN smiled as he pressed the button with a light push.
      At first the silence broadcasted by the recorder seemed louder than anything. Then, whispering. Harsh whispers pervaded the air, as if whatever caused them was with the Organizations in person. The sound went on for a few minutes and then silence. Which was a relief.
    "That was hella creepy,"EU pointed out.
      Meanwhile, UNESCO said, "I have no idea what that is. They sound similar to the Jurisn, but it could also be the Dewesk. However, the dialect of both of these species are different-"
     WHO interrupted him. "They don't know what those are UNESCO,"she said bluntly.
FBI facepalmed. "If you guys told me you all had these sort of problems I would've gotten here sooner. The other Organizations are such a pain to deal with."
      In all honesty, he might not have. Considering there were different worlds out there that were monitored by different Organizations, problems sprouted everywhere.
       "Alright, we will think of this later. Right now we have to think about what to do with the countries,"UN said, diverting their attention back to the situation at hand. "They're all out now. We cannot risk bringing them back inside."
      This predicament didn't seem to have an easy solution. Like any other.

        Conspicuously and continuously wiping at the cut, Pakistan didn't notice India looking at him. So, he wasn't really being secretive about.
    However, India didn't say a word as his brother departed to who-knows-where and who-knows-why. India sighed and went back to look for Iraq and Iran. He was sure that wound wasn't going to get any better but he didn't want Pakistan to snap at him either. As he walked he tried to figure out what was going on. He heard snatches of frightened conversation and soon came to the conclusion that not all of the countries were attacked. Gathering some hopeful feeling from that he then proceeded to find out if there was a pattern to the attacks. They must be coordinated in some way...
      He was so busy thinking he didn't realize he was going to bump into someone until...
     "Watch where you're going!"
Frick. He heard the voice before and he recognized it. Martial. Frick. Frick. Frick. His luck couldn't have gotten worse.
       He wasn't in the mood to fight.
"Listen dude, I just blown up my house and I'm going through a lot of mental processing right now-"
     "I don't care about that,"Martial huffed and stalked off.
     Well...that went without incident. Hmm...No sign of injured from that guy so he speculated that Philippines and Martial didn't get attacked. He saw Philippines earlier, she was fine. But then again, Martial would never met her suffer a single scratch.
        He suddenly heard a loud screech. It filled the air and the countries outside stared up at the sky as it appeared to be a total black out. The stars and the moon were nowhere to be seen, yet it was not the clouds that covered them. Feeling apprehensive, he ran to find his friends. Ignoring the individuals' angry exclamations as he pushed past, he became frustrated. Where were they?
      He scanned the area, not minding the crowd's now hushed conversations about this unnatural phenomenon. The lights of the night were gone. Now, what was going to greet them in the morning?
    India rushed about. Then...finally! There they were! Standing out of the crowd.
     As he proceeded to make his way to them, someone grabbed his arm. Out of surprise and of recent events he almost punched the person. But they didn't seem to notice.
    He didn't recognize the country.
"Watch out if you're going to them. They might be the ones causing this,"the unknown country said, glancing at his friends with obvious disdain. India bristled and yanked his hand back.
      "Be careful of who you accuse,"India growled, lighting up one of his hands. "Or I'll personally see to it that you get burned and I won't regret it."
     The country's demeanor immediately changed and they started apologizing profusely. Satisfied, India walked off. That felt good.  

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