Chapter 86

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BRICS paused at his reading. He felt that someone was missing.


He's not responding, BRICS frowned, closing the book.

So much for a break...

The Organization had realized he couldn't sense Russia's Mind anymore. It disappeared suddenly, like when South Africa was taken away.

Did he disconnect?
BRICS, as was his responsibility, had to check.

Yeah, it was gone.

Carefully, he made sure the other members were fine. Brazil, India, China, South Africa...

They were still there.

Still, it was always problematic whenever things like this happened. It meant something serious. BRICS contacted UN.


It took some time.

"BRICS, how are you? I'm a bit in a pickle right now, but what is it? It seems that something is amiss."
UN sounded as cheerful as ever.

"It's about Russia. His Mind, I can't sense it anymore. It's disappeared."

The other Organization must've paused because his Mind remained silent for a while. BRICS closed the book he was reading.

"If that's the case, I'll come over as soon as I can. Meanwhile, I'll ask if the other Organizations are sensing the same thing."

They ended their discussion. BRICS decided to teleport to the treehouse in order to see if the other Organizations were there.

"I finally found something!"FBI jumped in, thrusting his cup of coffee into EU's hands and marching in. EU fumbled with the cup for a while and followed him.

"Woah, calm down hotshot,"UNICEF said, warily, which was of course no use. But his spark of energy made her feel curious.

"Look, traces of the same black slime that appeared in the Academy,"FBI said, manifesting two containers in one hand. "These are the samples I took from the Academy and this one from the forest recently, where I am strongly assuming where there is a lot of malicious activity. I am sure they are the same thing. Look."

Two magnifying glasses floated above each open container. In unison, question marks slowly formed above both of the samples. Both of them were unknown substances.

"See?"FBI said. "And, while I was in the forest, I found a trail of these exact same substances. It was as if something huge was dragging along the ground."

"Huge?"EU shook his head and looked at AU. "It can't be another Worm can it?"

"Obviously not,"AU replied. He looked stern. "Still, FBI, can you find the trail again?"

"Heh, you bet I can. I'm one of the best trackers around!"FBI looked at EU. "My coffee, please."

"Thank goodness, I thought you'd never ask,"EU handed him back the cup. "What, is this your third one?"

"Tenth, actually,"FBI said casually, downing the remaining liquid, and ignoring EU's expression of pure shock. "I'm planning on scouting the area again. Where's NATO?"

"Busy man-handling America to make sure he doesn't cause chaos again,"UNICEF sighed, exasperatedly. Turning to FBI she added, "Take a break. Don't overwork. Or else I'll lecture you like I did to UN."

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