Chapter 29

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Taiwan watched as Formosa flew over to the Animal Housing Center. She look quite cheerful, chirping happily. Although she was a dragon, she sounded a little bit like a bird.
"Wow, is that a dragon?"
He turned around and saw an unfamiliar country looking at Formosa with surprise.
"Yes, she is,"Taiwan answered. "Who are you?"
"O-oh! Silly me. I s-should have introduced m-myself. S-sorry!"
Taiwan couldn't help but noticed how she stuttered a little.
"It's ok,"he said gently, wondering why she sounded so nervous.
"W-well my name's Peru!"the small female country tried to say bravely.
"Hello Peru, my name is Taiwan,"he said, hearing wing beats.
Peru let out a small squeal as Formosa flew over to inspect the newcomer, landing on her head.
Taiwan let a tiny smile creep on his face.
"Why are you here?"Taiwan questioned, Formosa now on his shoulder.
"I came here to drop off one of my Royal Sunangels!"she withdrew from her shirt pocket a small tiny bird. It had a dark blue plumage, shimmering now because of the sunlight.
"He's like a little baby so I want a safe spot for him!"Peru said.
"Well, Tanzania did a really good job expanding the Aerial Animals area. You can check in with him,"Taiwan suggested.
"Thank you Taiwan!"Peru said, hopping away.
Taiwan smiled. It was nice hearing someone say his name since he was nearly always forgotten. It was pretty sad hearing countries ask him who he was when they meet him and have met him rather recently.

UNESCO was having a little harder time.
One of his students did not want to go to the new Academy.
"It is just a visit Afghanistan,"he said. Afghanistan was one of his difficult students.
"I'm not going UNESCO,"Afghanistan stood at the front of the Academy. He didn't didn't look at it. "I want to go home!"
UNESCO sighed. "Afghanistan, how come you don't want to come?"
Afghanistan shook his head violently.
"I'm not going!"He repeated.
UNESCO didn't know how to deal with this. Afghanistan crossed his arms and looked away.
Just then, a country came. UNESCO looked.
"Germany! What are you doing? Isn't it class time?"UNESCO exclaimed.
"EU said he left his wolf and asked me to get it,"Germany said."
"Alright,"UNESCO nodded, then went back to tending to Afghanistan, who's loud exclamations were heard be Germany.
He decided to help. After all, he was pretty good at convincing people.
"Hello, what is your name?"Germany asked casually.
Afghanistan looked at Germany for a second then turned angrily at UNESCO.
"What is the point of coming here?!"Afghanistan asked. "Why couldn't I have just stayed at home?!"
"Ahem,"Germany said. "May I ask what is your name?"
It seemed the sterness of his tone made Afghanistan pause. And it unnerved him.
"Afghanistan,"he mumbled. UNESCO looked in slight surprise.
"UNESCO you may leave,"Germany said. "You can go to your other students."
UNESCO blinked. "Are you sure?"
Germany smiled. "Yes."
The organization sighed. "If you say so. Afghanistan, please behave."
And so he teleported away.
Afghanistan didn't know what to do.
"Follow me,"Germany said, walking away from the Academy. Afghanistan trailed after.
"Where are we going?"He grumbled.
"Didn't you hear?"Germany questioned, his pupils turned to look at him. "We are going to get EU's wolf."
"Is that safe?"Afghanistan asked wearily.
Afghanistan didn't like that.
Germany went on until they went to the tree house.
Afghanistan wondered why this EU guy sent Germany.
"How come EU asked you to get his wolf?"Afghanistan said. "You look a little..."
"Nerdy?"Germany said for him. "Clearly you haven't seen all of me yet."
Afghanistan didn't like the sound of that either. Then he looked around.
"Where's the wolf?"
Germany just said, "EU's wolf is a bit mischievous. It will be no surprise if he went to the forest."
"Oh there he is,"Germany suddenly said, walking over to the table and crouching down.
Afghanistan couldn't help but jump a little. The wolf was huge, with dark blue fur and yellow stars on its face.
It perked up and looked at the two countries.
The wolf's furry tail wagged happily like a dog's when it sniffed Germany's hand. It shot out from under the table and landed in front of Afghanistan.
"What's it doing?"Afghanistan said, going back.
"Relax, he just wants to know about you,"Germany said like this was an everyday thing. "EU is teaching some transformation stuff so he is bringing his wolf to demonstrate."
"Uh, ok?"
The wolf bounded down the ladder, occasionally using the steps and then leaping down on the grass.
"To the Academy,"Germany said.
Afghanistan couldn't help but follow.

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