Chapter 57

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       Russia didn't have anything against White Eyes personally. But he had never enjoyed being one. In fact, he never even used his White Eyes abilities. Plus, what was with the Eyes stuff? It couldn't have been anything else that illustrated the bias and hate from humans and countries alike? Eyes were the target? What? It didn't make sense.
     So if a country got their eyes stabbed out or something what else gets infected with this "Blackness Virus" anyway? The only thing he knew was that he became a White Eye due to the fact that his dad did something. That's all.
    He couldn't remember anything else, no matter how many times he racked his brain for an explanation on why and how he became one.
      Well, at least this time he knew why he was a Black Eye. The invasion, seemed to have terrified the other countries, made them hate him and believe that he was going to attack them next. How the heck can these idiots believe that he would do that?
     Russia wondered how his friends thought about this... Besides, his friends' opinions mattered the most to him anyway. Who cared about what other countries thought...right?


    "Excuse me, I'm the hypocrite?"North asked sarcastically. "Well I'm sorry if I can't hang out with my own friends, I didn't know it was illegal!"
     He glared at South.
"No, I wasn't saying that! It's just, you know with Russia invading Ukraine I'm just worried-"his twin began to say, but out of annoyance North cut him off.
      "Worried that he'll what? Attack me? I know Russia better than you do South, he wouldn't do anything like that! Especially not to us."
      This argument had started only a few minutes ago and North was already feeling like throwing something out the window. Or destroying something. Whatever. They were both the same thing! No wait, they weren't.
      "I know you know him better than I do!"South said, hoping not to be cut off this time. "But I just wanted to tell you that you can always you know, hang out with us."
     "Are you crazy?!"North exclaimed, considering that they were in their dorms it was not the best idea to be shouting but of course North didn't particularly care. "You want me to ditch them?! To join your group of friends who utterly hate my guts, want me dead and not to mention, wouldn't hesitate to attack me the mere millisecond they see me?"
     Ok, that's a bit too much, South thought. "I didn't mean to make you think that I'm trying to get you to ditch your friends. I know how important they are to you. But I am genuinely worried for your well-being North. The influence you've been getting from them is not good!" He didn't want the conversation to go this way.
     "What influence? I've been like this for practically my whole life! They aren't influencing me in any way! Just let me hang out with my friends and you do yours!"North said in an exasperated manner. "I know I don't have problems with my friends. And I certainly don't want to hang out with yours. Besides, how do you know that you aren't being influenced by America huh?"
       South started to get worried, but even more frustrated. Why couldn't his brother see from his perspective for once? He was only trying to make sure he was safe. The invasion was incredibly troublesome and America hadn't stopped talking about it. Canada had looked absolute murderous when Ukraine told him. South was anxious on what was going to happen to North. He knew North trusted Russia, but to him personally, he thought Russia was downright emo.
     "Ok fine! Don't say I didn't warn you,"South said, stepping out of their dorm and leaving North alone.
     "Tch, he thinks he knows everything,"North muttered angrily. He shut the door and went to work on the Memory Orb which was what he had been previously doing.

   "He just doesn't get me!"South said, as Japan gave him a sympathetic look. "I tried to warn him but he doesn't listen. He doesn't want to listen!"
       Japan thought.
"You know, it isn't surprising. North really trust his friends it's no wonder why he has no doubts about Russia,"Japan replied in a sagely manner.
     "Exactly! That's what's troubling me so much! I mean, I don't think Russia would do anything but it's just immense worry ya know?" He sighed, flinging a stick into the air and watching it fall into the crashing waves below. As it was, they were sitting at the edge of a cliff.
     "Your worry is understandable," Japan said, "after all, so many crazy things have been happening. From what I've heard, Wales attacked Poland, although it was an accident."
      "Really?"South Korea was surprised. "What happened?" His thoughts were temporarily diverted.
      "Well, apparently Poland had invited Wales on a flight to make him feel better for whatever reason. So they went and unexpectedly Wales seemed to have discovered his powers while they were flying. Liquid fire, I believe. He had accidentally set Poland's wings on fire and unfortunately for Wales, Germany was there to witness the whole thing. And you know how defensive he can get, even though Poland can take care of himself."
      South felt his mind go haywire.
Then he remembered some European countries talking about it, including the countries who were with UNESCO and WHO.
     Germany had nearly snapped one of Wales' wings in half.
    "Yeah, I remember now,"he said, turning his gaze onto the waters below.
     "Mhmm, but don't worry. It's not like Russia is going to freeze North's house,"Japan joked, elbowing him.
      "Man, if he did though,"South said, grinning lightly. "Thanks Jap, I needed that. Sometimes I feel like you're the only one who understands me."
      Japan was immediately elated. Wow, she didn't know South felt that way! She was genuinely grateful and felt herself bouncing inside.
      She didn't realize she was grinning so widely.
     "Are you ok Jap? You look like you're suffering inside," South looked at her weirdly. He was joking though, but Japan felt herself go red.
       "Oh sorry! It's just that I'm glad you told me your problems, now I don't really have to worry about you now!" She answered, hoping that she didn't sound weird. She sounded weird didn't she-
     "Ok then,"South shrugged, giving her a light smile.
    Japan knew her heart was exploding inside.

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