Chapter 45

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         "Wales, don't be stupid don't do this!"Russia thought in his mind, as the Welsh Dragon tensed, seeming ready to attack but the other dragon didn't move. 
       He hoped they wouldn't fight and didn't realize he was digging his claws into the ground. If they fought it would prove disastrous.
      "Wales! Try turning back to normal!"EU shouted, trying to get the Dragon's attention. For a moment the Welsh blinked, clarity in its eyes but then closed them, to open with a more stronger hostility. EU's words hadn't gotten through.
     "Bhutan, come on!"FBI said, at the yellow scaled dragon with the orange underbelly.
      The Asian dragon ignored him completely, staring at the Western Dragon with aggression, snapping its jaws.
      China still stood between, watching Wales carefully. Russia didn't know what was going through his mind but he hoped that China had a plan to get them back to normal. Or at least to give the Organizations time to get put a different protocol into action.
       "We should get UN you know,"NATO said.
      "You're right!"EU yelped, jumping. "I'll contact him right away!"
       But before he could, at the worse timing ever in recorded history, Wales and Bhutan reared at each other and roared so loud that is seemed the air was vibrating. Wales didn't seem to recognize the two countries as he shook his head and let loose a shriek.
       The Dragon briefly hesitated as if the Countryhuman's Mind of the Dragon was trying to restrain themselves from attacking. But to Russia's and the Organizations complete shock it charged.
      Russia involuntarily barked a warning, the Organizations looking at him for a short moment, his ears flattening as Wales reared at China. His fur bristled in tension.
     The red dragon coiled a small distance from the ground into the air and snapped back. Russia was surprised, his paws frozen to the ground as he watched the two Dragons clash. Bhutan seemed to be having a momentary mental struggle with the Dragon and Countryhuman Mind.
       Russia turned to look at the Organizations. The expression on EU's face was urgent, signifying that he was contacting UN and telling him as fast as he could about what was happening. NATO and FBI didn't seem to be able to do anything. The two Dragons were too powerful and strong. If the two Organizations interfered, there would be greatly negative consequences. They could enrage the Dragons even more. That was not what they needed.
       However, they were conversing quickly with each other, formulating plans to try to get the Dragons to calm down and to turn back into Countryhumans.
     Meanwhile, Wales and China were locked in combat. The Welsh roared and opened wide its jaws, the front snout curved in like a deadly claw. It lunged and snapped in thin air as China drew away, not fighting back but temporarily distracting the Welsh from the vulnerable Organizations and Russia.
     Russia was watching the battle intensely, hoping his friend wouldn't get hurt. His Wolf Instinct didn't seem to be active at the moment.
      He ran closer to the Organizations. Russia saw that FBI was holding black wires. Thin and smooth.
      "The best we can do until UN gets here is to at least restrain them,"NATO explained, FBI looked serious. He held the loop of wire.
      "Shouldn't they be using a rope?"Russia thought, cocking his head curiously. His tail gave a questioning wag. EU's eyes spotted him and he jumped.
      "Is that Russia?!"EU exclaimed, temporarily forgetting the Dragons. "He's so cute!!"
     "Dafuq,"Russia thought.
NATO snapped his fingers in front of EU.
      "Pay attention. We still have three Dragons and one of them is out of control!"NATO said sternly.
      "Oh yeah!"EU snapped to attention. "How do we get close then?"
        "Do any of you guys know how to put simple roping enchantments?"NATO asked.
       FBI immediately did so, his hands glowing white-ish blue. The wire had a small shimmer around it. It gave a small jerk. 
      Before NATO could say anything they all heard a loud crunching sound.
     Russia whipped around, tail erect. His nose immediately scented blood, the metallic scent whiffed in. His eyes widened.
      He came to see an alarming sight.
China and Wales were locked in battle, red claws from the Welsh Dragon flashing in the air. The Chinese Dragon whipped back, to dodge the snapping jaws. But what wound was inflicted? Russia quickly looked around.
       Bhutan! The yellow Dragon was bleeding from a wound on its leg, though it bravely stood up against the violent Welsh. It leaped on the Welsh, crashing its head on the ruby Dragon. It's gleaming teeth revealed danger.
      Wales immediately smacked his tail at Bhutan, pushing him away before launching at China again, who at this point had no choice but to fight back.
      Even though the Chinese Dragon was long, Wales seemed to be having a difficult time catching it. Everytime he rushed to bite or claw, the tail would whip past and hit him from behind or somewhere else.
        It was easy to see that the Welsh Dragon was becoming enraged, eyes flashing with dangerous annoyance.
       The violent Dragon suddenly reared up at Bhutan, seemingly ready to harm anything in its way. The Druk roared back and clawed at the snout and lashing with its claws. The two Dragons tussled fiercely. Wales scratched Bhutan at the side while Bhutan retaliated by biting at his wing. It seemed the two Dragons have taken over the Countryhumans' minds completely. China seemed to be the only one with part control.
       Russia wanted to do something. But what could he possibly do to help? He was just a Wolf who still had no idea how to turn back to normal. The Organizations were discussing a plan and seemed to have finally agreed on something.
       FBI held the wire and as he did Wales hit his wing on Bhutan, drawing blood.
      "We're going to go for Bhutan first,"NATO said, determined. He ran forward at full speed.
       Darting in front of Wales and somehow stopping it temporarily by his shocking presence, NATO briefly turned into a Wolf and barked at Bhutan, surprising the Asian Dragon. He kept on barking and barking until Bhutan's full attention was on him. China appeared to have understood what was going on because then, before Wales could do anything, he went to distract Wales.
      He flashed his tail and smacked it on Wales' head, causing him to growl and turn away from Bhutan, who was now chasing NATO. EU suddenly flew in and flapped his wings on Bhutan's face. Moments later, a wire was on all four of Bhutan's legs. FBI had done an astounding job of wrapping them around and now Bhutan could be restrained.
     The yellow Dragon froze and then thrashed its tail. The wires glowed and seemed to have a calming effect on the Dragon because now it stopped and a bright light came up. Then there stood Bhutan, the Countryhuman, in a tight mess of wire.    
      "AH FU-"Bhutan yelled, tripping and landing face first on the grass, arms sprawled.
      Even though his side was bleeding he didn't seem to notice as the Organizations rushed torwards him and helped him out if the tangle of wires.
     "What the hell happened?"Bhutan asked, wincing as he stood.
      "You lost control for a moment,"EU explained, rushing to get the wire off him.
     A look of confusion clouded Bhutan's face before he realized.
     "Oh no! I didn't hurt anyone did I?!"Bhutan exclaimed worried, flashing eyes looking at everyone. He seemed to have realized what he had done in just a few minutes earlier.
      "Well not really but you managed to scratch Wales up pretty good,"EU said, concerned.
      "Oh gosh. Oh dear,"Bhutan shook his head. "But-"
      A sudden bone crunching sound brought their attention back to the fight. Their heads whipped around faster than they've ever snapped their necks.
      Russia smelled sudden blood. A lot of it. Fresh, metallic and warm the scent nearly overpowered his senses since as a Wolf he had greater smell.
        It was too much.
He started barking. What was he doing now?!
     His Countryhuman Mind was telling him to stop. Stop barking. Stop yapping so much. But his Wolf Instinct temporarily overpowered him, barking in alarm.
     Russia forcefully pushed his Mind back in control. It was difficult as a Howling wind swept in his mind somehow. He had to fight back or else he wouldn't be able to control his own mind anymore.
    So this was how it felt like fighting a different mind!
      No wonder Bhutan struggled. As a Dragon it was most likely to be harder. He pushed harder in his mind, strands of mental strength shoving against the Wolf's. Russia saw a golden stream enter his mind, he didn't know how he just saw, warming him from the tip of his tail to his paws. The Countryhuman stopped struggling.. The Wolf Mind was vanishing from his barrier, retreating back to its rightful spot in his mind.
     He shook his fur violently, as if shaking off the last bits of control from his Wolf Mind. He blinked rapidly and nearly leaped out of his own pelt at the sight.
     Russia saw what happened. He just hadn't fully comprehended it while he was mentally fighting. It was if while he was fighting he was physically watching as well. Now the full fight was getting broken down into his mind so he can understand what happened. 
      A smooth twist from the Chinese Dragon revealed a large bleeding wound at one of its legs. The Welsh had dug in its claws deep into the scales and scratched deep, but wasn't able to gouge out flesh. Instead, it left a deep scar running from the thigh down.
     Russia held his breath, not noticing.
He tensed, crouching.
      NATO and FBI looked at each other.
"Crap..."FBI muttered, hurriedly untying the wire. It had knotted up when it tangled around Bhutan.
      Russia wanted to run forward but his paws were pressed firmly on the ground, his claws digging into the soil.
      One of China's legs were bleeding, he knew and Wales was flapping his wings violently, buffeting them will rapid winds.
      Spatters of Dragon blood seemed to spill everywhere and it alarmed those who watched.
    "Finally!"FBI said, holding a perfect wire once more. "Sorry it took so long."
    He sprinted closer. The Dragons heard him approaching. China lifted into the air, barely flapping transparent wings and soared out of sight. Russia watched transfixed as FBI made a lasso out of the wire.
       The Welsh Dragon leaped into the air as well, beating powerful wings. But the wire reached him in time.
     It snagged onto his leg. Russia hated how he wasn't doing anything. He ran forward, grass blown by his pounding paws. He leaped and just as FBI held in to the wire he bit on the wire as well. Tugging the weight down just a bit.
     "A little help!"FBI was struggling trying to keep them might Dragon from chasing after its fighter rival.
    EU left Bhutan and went to grasp the wire left over from behind FBI. NATO as well. They three Organizations and Russia tugged, but the Dragon was still too strong. If only Russia had his ice powers. Frick! Where was China? How'd he disappear so fast?
       He dug his claws in deeper. But he was being lifted up too easily. FBI let go with one hand and manifested another wire, passing it to NATO just as Wales leaped into the air once more.

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