Chapter 93

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As if the sound of loud, confident footsteps weren't irritating enough, there was a constant stream of inquiries streaming from the owner's mouth. Russia tried to block out the questions, but unfortunately, he had no such ability. Germany had no idea how fortunate he was, being able of mute others with just his powers.

America kept trailing him, as if Russia was some dangerous individual who had to be supervised 24/7.

"Sooooo..." Russia inwardly cringed at America's tone. "when do you think the war is gonna end?"

Ignoring him, Russia kept staring at his phone, although in reality he had nothing to do on the screen. He just kept adjusting the brightness of it. Then went to reread past texts.

America crossed his arms, pouting.

"Come oooooon, I'm trying to be friendly here." Russia made the screen brighter. "Hello?"America waved a hand at him, much to his annoyance. Russia slapped his hand away, he made the screen darker.

"Jeez, rude much,"America huffed, waving his hand as if it hurt. Russia didn't look at him, why didn't America leave him alone?

Gathering up all his patience, which was very little, whittled down by sleepless nights and family problems, Russia continued to wait for his friends. The hallways were filled with chatter, the invasion was almost out of some countries' minds as the new situation arose.

     Russia watched, from his peripheral vision, as Israel kept his distance away from other countries and they, him.

He knew how that felt. Obviously.

Israel would have to stay with those who were his friends and keep himself away. It was a cycle that countries had to go through.

An annoying flick at his head made Russia turn. America stood there still, unsmiling.


"How long are you going to keep ignoring Ukraine?"America wasn't happy now.

Oh, so he was convinced it was Russia ignoring Ukraine. Shocker. Maybe because Russia didn't want to listen to unconstructive criticism. Or words that put him down on a daily basis.

"And why should I give you an answer?"Russia said back, unfriendliness and coldness in his tone as always when it came to America. Why should he give an answer to America, out of all the countries?

America sighed, took off his sunglasses, wiped them with his shirt, and put them back on. "Because Ukraine wanted me to ask."

"What, is it too much for her to even text me?"Russia recalled the times he sent a message over and never got a response. Not even a "left on read". Ukraine didn't cut contact with him, which she could do.

Was she trying to leave him a false sense of hope that one day, by some miracle, she'd actually reply? Russia was tired of this treatment and only occasionally sent a message.

America sighed loudly. "Goodness, what's with you guys? You're always answering with questions. Who's the one asking for answers here at this point?"

Did Ukraine really send America, out of all countries. Holy Pangaea. It wasn't even a question.

It was concerning, if Ukraine actually thought he'd listen to America and give an answer. And give a crap.

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