Chapter 64

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North ignored his Memory Orb for a while. It caused him nothing but frustration. It didn't do anything. But that was what made it frustrating. It never activated once!
He considered asking China, but he didn't want to bother his friend. Iran, Iraq and India would play Monkey in the Middle with it with no regard whatsoever. Russia had never seen anything like it before. Cuba, Laos and Vietnam... that was too much people to open up to about the Memory Orb. It was a rather private thing to him, even though he only had it for about two weeks.
North Korea frowned in the darkness that was in his room. It was raining and he couldn't help but feel annoyed that the weather shifted in such an unpredictable way. It never happened that often in their last place. He didn't think they even went that far.
He wondered if Martial made any progress and if he did, what did he find out? He picked up the Memory Orb from his bedside table and held it in both hands as he was laying on his back on the bed. It glowed slightly. Still pale white...
Once he had pressed it against his head in an attempt to see if it would activate or do anything. But all it did was cause him a pounding headache for the rest of the day. So much for progress.
North grumbled in annoyance. He thought of throwing it out the window for all the good it did him. Instead, he just placed it on his desk, got off the bed and sat on the chair.
       He got his phone and texted. After all, what else did he have to do? He definitely wasn't going out in the rain, as he was already seeing some rain-loving countries doing. For a moment he watched them as they jumped excitedly onto the rain puddles, dancing and singing in the rain while being drenched wet by the raindrops.
      He inwardly scoffed at their childish behavior. But perhaps inside he felt a bit jealous as they could enjoy life in ways that he could not.
      Phone being spammed with joking text from India, Iran and Iraq was an inevitable fate with the other Commie Homies putting in a side comment here and there. Occasionally, he would as well, but otherwise he just read the endless supply of jokes and witty comebacks. 
      North tossed his phone onto the table and laid on bed. He could almost smell the rain from outside, the cold making the room almost unbearable so he drew up the blankets. Heck, he was so bored...
     Until South Korea burst in. He watched as South quickly shut the door and a crash sounded in the hallway.
     "What was that?!"North exclaimed angrily, slightly alarmed as he saw South's panic and his hands slightly glowing green.
     "S-something's in the h-house!"South was gasping and slightly stuttering, from fear or cold North knew not but he decided on the former. He jumped out of bed, glad that his shoes were still on as he hadn't taken them off yet.
     "What something?"North demanded, ready to release Nuclear Hell if whatever South was frightened on burst into the room.
    "I don't know! It was pitch black... North, listen to me. We need to get out, now!"South lurched back as North's door suddenly let out a screech as whatever was behind it was trying to get in. It was a crazy pounding at the door that soon set North's own heart beating in a frenzied way involuntarily. Similarly he almost sensed South's own heart pulsing just the same.
      "Alright, calm the frick down!"North was too alarmed to even swear properly as he ducked when a wood piece came hurling his way. He looked at the window. That was their only escape. Immediately, he punched the window, a sharp pain going through his knuckles and glass shards flying. He ignored them however and grabbed South's arm.
     "Hurry dang it or I'll throw you out myself!"North had to shout through the deafening crash as the door came down as he saw South slightly hesitate at the ruggedly broken window.
     However, both twins didn't stop to look back when they threw themselves out the window, although North thought he felt a small tug at his leg as whatever was behind them tried to grab him. They rolled on the rain slicked grass, almost slithering on the small hill-like curve.
     Gasping for breath, South and North both stood up and didn't even stop to bend over to catch a breath when they heard an unearthly howl fill their house, before it blasted into smithereens.

      Likewise, just about the same thing was happening in India's and Pakistan's house...

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