Chapter 30

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"Germany! Thanks for going through the trouble but I had to keep Italy from spraying his spaghetti sauce everywhere!"
EU said this apologetically as Italy pouted.
"Spaghetti sauce is amazing!"Italy protested. "It would be a crime to deny them all the amazing taste of it!"
"I think it's already a crime vandalizing the environment,"EU said, as spaghetti sauce dripped from some leaf tops.
Italy sighed. "Fine."
They were outside. Of course they weren't going to start Transformation on the first day but they would get a glimpse of it.
"Ok class!"EU clapped his hands. "Meet the wolf, Europe!"
"Europe?"Afghanistan thought.
"Europe?"the class echoed in their minds.
"Now, he may seem frightening..."
"That's an understatement,"Germany thought.
"But he's a big softie in the inside!"EU finished. "Now we won't be Transforming yet because the other classes aren't and you all need to understand the concept of Transforming!"
The class paid rapt attention.
"You see,"he began to draw a sparkling yellow diagram on the air.
"First, an interesting fact to know is this. When you are able to transform into your National Animal, you can transform into any animal that is in your country. Even the mythical ones! But they are more complicated so we will start with the Nationals first. The Nationals, as your National Animal, should be the easiest to transform to, even if it is a mythical."
A country raised his hand.
"Yes Switzerland?"EU said, pausing his art.
"What are some examples of mythical Nationals?"
"Well..."EU said. "The Welsh Dragon of Wales, in Scotland it is the Unicorn, North Korea has the Chollima if I recall correctly."
"Woah Wales guy, you have your work cut out for you,"Italy nudged him playfully.
Wales grinned. "Maybe."
EU then went on. "So if you go to ASEAN's class next, he will go into telling you guys how to concentrate on how to transform. For some reason I wasn't suppose to teach that-"
Some of the class burst into laughter.
Even Afghanistan had to hold back a grin. He already knew from first sight that this organization had the less attention span.
"Hush up you delinquent children,"EU clapped his hands again.
"Anyways,"he continued. "You all might start Transforming next week as we still need to take some possible consequences into account. It won't do if we don't know how to reverse your lion head back to normal."

ASEAN sighed as he saw the hauntingly familiar memes drawn on the board. This definitely wasn't there this morning. It seemed the only thing that got America out of his bed was the possibility of drawing his memes on ASEAN's board.
This time it was a "y u no meme."
Some random thing about why doesn't Canada have children with Ukraine already.
It was a lucky thing that Russia didn't have the same first class as America. He would have blasted the board apart in ice shards and would have attempted to kill the American.
"Sir, what is that?"MPAJA asked.
Yes, ASEAN had MPAJA and PKI in his first class already. The third student would come soon, UN had said.
"Ooooh, it's a meme!"PKI gasped in his physcotic tone. "Who drew it?"
"Me!"America jumped onto the table.
Taiwan and NK stared as they were the closest to him.
SK laughed. Japan bit her lip in an effort to not laugh.
PKI smiled widely. "That's America right?"
Indonesia and Malaysia looked at each other.
Indonesia sighed. "PKI. What the heck."
It wasn't even a question.
PKI crossed his arms. "What?"
"You know what, whatever. Holy crap..."Indonesia sighed.
MPAJA had no idea what a meme was.
The class all stared at them curiously.
"So class,"ASEAN said, walking over and dropping America onto his seat again.
"This is MPAJA and PKI,"he gestured to the two, PKI waved.
"MPAJA next to Malaysia, PKI, next to Indonesia,"ASEAN pointed to the two empty seats next to said countries.
"Martial buddy!"PKI exclaimed, as he slid next to Indonesia and behind Martial Law.
"Fu##"Martial thought.
"Oh hey MPAJA!"PKI said. "When's he coming?"
ASEAN sighed. He was going to have trouble with this PKI guy.

Merry Christmas!!♡♡♡☆☆

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