Chapter 2

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      "This is really nice,"Japan said, sitting with Bulgaria and Estonia. The day was sunny, puddles were nearby. It was a cloudless sky today.
      "Yeah,"Bulgaria said, then added wistfully. "Wish Romania was here though..."
      "Hey, I'd be happy to leave my boyfriend at the mountains,"Estonia joked, elbowing her.
      "I don't doubt it,"Bulgaria rolled her eyes playfully. "Hey Japan, are you thinking of getting with somebody?"
     "Nope!"Japan said, suddenly turning red.
"Don't lie,"Philippines said behind them. She sat down. "I see how you look at South." She wiggled her eyebrows.
     "Hey hey!"Japan said. "Y'all getting the wrong idea! We're just friends!"
     "Mhmm,"the three other girls said.
"What about we tickle her to death till she admits it?"Bulgaria grinned evilly.
    "Genius,"Estonia nodded.
"I'm up for it,"Philippines said, getting up and holding her hands out.
    "Uh oh,"Japan said. She sprinted off. "HELP!!"
"Get back here!"Philippines laughed, chasing after the frightened neko.
     "Never!"Japan screeched, leaping over a rock.
"You can't escape us!"Bulgaria called, giving chase holding her hands out threateningly.
       "You shall admit your crush!"Estonia said, making Japan even more terrified.
     "STOP!!"Japan cried, running away frantically. "I don't have one!!"
      The three ignored this comment and continued to chase the poor girl.



       As America yeeted a beach ball at South, Mexico had come holding two tamales.
     "EEEK!!!"Italy jumped up as two tamales smashed into his face.
     "Sorry!"America called. The beach ball had missed South by three planets and hit Mexico who had his feet tangled by seaweed as he tried to walk faster to avoid the incoming bomb.
     "It's fine,"Italy and Mexico said, as they both wiped themselves off and using a simple cleaning spell.
     "I wonder why they're giving us such a long time to rest,"Canada wondered aloud, as Australia chased New Zealand riding a kangaroo.
      "No idea,"America answered, as he picked up the beach ball when New Zealand was screaming as Australia loomed threateningly over him holding a snake.
The countries at the beach turned to see two countries surfing at a wave.
       "RUN!!!"South ran off, dragging America off with him because he had been staring in awe at the wave.
       "That was close,"Mexico said.
"Who was surfing on that?"Italy asked.
     "Me and him,"Vietnam pointed at himself and jabbed a thumb at Mongolia.
     "What?"Mongolia asked.
"Nothing,"South said, "You had us scared for a while!"
      "Sorry!"Vietnam laughed.
"That was totally rad dude!"America said, "I left my board at home though."
     "You can always go and get it,"Mongolia invited.
"Nah, maybe next time,"America waved airily. "I do understand your eagerness to see my awesome surfing abilities though."
     "Totally awesome?"Canada raised a brow. "Last time you fell over."
     Mongolia held in a wheeze as America protested.
"Hey! It was one time! Just one time!"
     Australia and NZ just laughed their heads off.
The rest of the countries chuckled as America continued to protest about how he fell off the surf board.

     "So, EU, any ideas?"UN asked.
"We lock them in a room and make them make up with each other!"EU snapped his fingers.
    "Well what's gonna stop them from using their powers?"ASEAN asked.
"Yeah,"UNICEF agreed. "We can't force them. If anything making them go to a room and to talk it out might make it worse."
    "True, some countries are aggressive,"ASEAN nodded.
     "This is so complicated. Listen UN, I'm not against trying to fix their relationships but how exactly are we gonna do that?"EU asked. "There's hundreds of countries and they have more than one nemesis!" EU said, stating their concerns.
      "One at a time,"UN said. "We aren't gonna do all at the same time. That would be stressful. Plus, I called in an extra friend. He should be coming in anytime now."
     "He?"UNICEF raised a brow. "Any girls perchance?"
     "Ah no, sorry UNICEF,"UN smiled.
"Ok,"UNICEF gave a long suffering sigh.
      "It's not that bad,"AU said, attempting to comfort her.
    "What the heck are you talking about?"BRICS jabbed a thumb at ASEAN and EU's direction.
     "Hey-!"EU began, but a loud crash was heard.

        "FBI OPEN UP!"


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