Chapter 59

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Sighing in frustration North Korea finally decided that he should talk to Martial about the Memory Orbs. Not a single mark of progress. The Orb was as pearly white and transparent as ever. He didn't unlock a single memory. How the heck does this one thing contain such private information? Obviously the world was getting crazier by the second.
As much as he hated Martial Law (well probably not as much anyway) communicating with him might help the both of them reach the conclusion that: they didn't have to kill each other.
So taking the Memory Orb with him and stuffing it in his backpack he walked out of his room and out of the house, locking the doors.
No one paid him much attention since it was a school day and plenty of countries went home to take a break before their next classes. Alright, so Martial might be with his sister, or with PKI and MPAJA as far as he knew.
He never even heard of PKI or MPAJA until now so he doesn't even remember how the three met. North thought. He should ask his friends. Maybe they've seen tri-color butt face somewhere. [Yes, he hasn't lost the nickname].
He decided to text Vietnam, Laos, Cuba and Cambodia first. After all, they lived in the same quarters of ASEAN. And Martial lived there too because his sister had got him a room there.

North: Yo idiots, have you seen Martial Law anywhere?

Laos: Eyo, who you calling an idiot?

North: Obviously you guys.

He didn't expect such an immediate reply.

Laos: Oh. Well, Cuba and Vietnam are off pranking America and roped innocent Cambodia into it. And why are you asking for Martial Law? Are you going to fight him again?

North: No, I just need to talk to him.

There, that sounded reasonable enough-

Laos: Cap.

North: No, I'm being honest. I just need to talk to him. And don't ask about what. It's private.

Laos: Sus. Sounds like you are planning to fight him...

North: Stop and answer my damn question.

Laos: Well, no I haven't seen that jerk anywhere. I'll ask Philippines if that's ok with you. 👍

North: Fine, but don't tell her I'm asking or else she will tape Martial to the wall or something like that.

Laos: Ok then. Cya next class.

North: Yeah ok.

At least that didn't take long, he thought as he shoved his phone into his pocket and continued his search. Meanwhile, his thoughts wandered over to Russia. What the hell was wrong with his friend? He hardly saw Russia act like this. And it was when his friends were gone for prolonged moments.
He went over to China's house. He needed to talk with him real quick.

       As usual China was reading a book when there was a knock. When he got up to open it there was a messaging beep on his phone. He decided to look at it later and went to see who was at the door.
    "Hey China, can I talk to you for a moment? Outside?"North asked awkwardly.
     "Sure,"China answered, closing the door behind him and walking with him. "What did you want to ask?"
     North looked at him. "How did you know I was going to ask something?"
    Really North? North nearly wanted to smack himself. China's been his friends for decades. Of course he would know.
    "Nevermind,"North responded. "I came to ask about Russia. He's not himself lately. He won't tell us but even I know he's stressed and I'm the least empathetic person in the world."
       "Yes, he is stressed. However, he isn't stressed on the invasion as much as you think,"China answered thoughtfully. "Although it is quite serious, I believe his main problem is lack of sleep."
     "Lack of- What?!"North exclaimed, as he kicked a rock. "Sleep? No wonder he looks so dead! I thought it was the invasion shi*."
      "Educated assumption on your part I guess,"China replied, as he looked at North with an amused expression.
     "I'll take that as a sarcastic compliment if that is even a thing,"North said. "By the way, I've got to talk to Martial the crap guy. Have you seen him?"
     China looked behind him and said, "Yeah, he's right there."
       North turned around and saw Martial with his friends MPAJA and PKI.
     Crap, seriously? Now how was he going to talk to the idiot?
      The most barbaric things to ever occur are unfortunate coincidences.
      North sighed. "You know what, I'll talk to him later."
     China said nothing as he looked at his phone to see who texted him earlier.

Russia: Hey China, just telling you that things are getting crazy lately. I've been seeing things and I don't know why. Is it lack of sleep? Just wondering if you are seeing things too because I don't know if I'm the only one. Also, did you talk with America the dipshi* yet? Does he also see the face or is he too dumb to notice?

      At least Russia was well enough to text stuff like that.

     China looked at North who was busy thinking to himself about something. He typed back.

China: No, I haven't seen anything other than the face so far. America says he can see it and he is definitely hysterical about it.

Russia: I'm surprised. How are the others?

China: I believe they are doing the usual. North is with me right now though.

Russia: Oh. Well, I might come tomorrow.

Russia: Wait, can you come over today? I need to show you something. Don't tell the others though or else they might start throwing things.

China: Sure, why not? What time?

Russia: After school will be fine if you don't have anything to do afterwards.

China: Alright, I'll come.

Russia: Thanks.

China: No problem.

     Huh, he wondered what Russia wanted to tell him this time.
     "Hey China,"North suddenly said. "I gotta go."
     "Oh,"China looked back at him. "For what, if I may ask?"
     "I need to talk with South real quick,"he sounded slightly angry. He was also holding his phone and it seemed that he had been furiously typing back at South.
      "Alright, don't start blowing up things,"China sighed.
     That was exactly what North wanted to do.

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