Chapter 61

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Belarus sighed as she walked into her dorm and shut the door. She shared it with Ukraine but at the moment her sister was out. School was over now, but she decided she was going to sleep in the dorms for today.
"Shouldn't have blown up on him like that..."She thought, sitting on the bed and pressing a pillow to herself. She felt worse.
Just as she was about to let out some tears a knock was heard on the door.
"Come in,"she said, despite herself and hurriedly put the pillow back in its place. Belarus was glad she didn't let out the waterworks just yet.
"Hey Bela," she saw New Zealand give her a sheepish grin as he entered. "Uhm, do you want me to close the door?"
"Oh! Uh, sure,"Belarus said, as she wondered why New Zealand was here.
He shut the door and looked at her worried.
"Are you ok Bela? You aren't yourself lately,"New Zealand asked, plopping himself on the floor at the foot of the bed she was sitting on. He gave her a concerned glance and then looked at the floor, as if thinking about something.
"Yes, I'm fine,"Belarus answered, grabbing the pillow again and holding it close.
"You're lying,"he said bluntly, albeit gently.
Belarus sighed. "You're right. I haven't been myself. But, it's hard to, considering what's going on right now."
She looked at her friend. New Zealand scratched the back of his head in confusion.
"What is?"He asked, curious. He didn't know that anything was going on.
Belarus shook her head. "I shouldn't, it isn't serious really. I'm sure it will go away soon." She wanted the situation to be as vague as possible. It was quite personal, considering it was between her and Russia.
"You know what? I'm going to be fine, don't worry Kiwi!"Belarus gave him a radiant smile that made his stomach flutter. "Why don't we go out? We don't have to dwell on depressing matters."
She wanted to be genuine about it. Hopefully she was. She didn't want New Zealand to be overly concerned about her.
"I- oh, do you mean go outside?"New Zealand asked.
"Yeah!"she tossed aside the pillow, got up and grabbed New Zealand's hand, lifting him to his feet.
"Whaaa-?!"NZ exclaimed in surprise at her sudden enthusiasm that seemed genuine.

China and Russia both looked at the Face for a while. It had become slightly active. It was upside down with its same smiling expression. Russia bet that if it had vocal cords it'd be giggling right now.
China was standing with an unreadable expression. "Well, since it isn't doing much other than act a little out of ordinary it shouldn't be much of a concern. However..."
He paused as Russia waited for him to continue his sentence.
"Something seems off,"he finally said, after a few seconds. "Not the fact that it turned upside down. I've got a feeling it's going to do something."
Russia gave him a questioning glance, which would be hard to tell if China hadn't sensed the confusion in his head. After all, the Black Eyes makes it hard to determine how someone is feeling through their facial expression.
"How? It's disembodied,"Russia said, stating the obvious.
Now the Face turned upright and gave an unpleasant sneer.
"Ok, that was a sudden change,"Russia commented, but the face went back to smiling again. "Is it even alive or is it just an illusion?"
It looked like even the face was waiting for their guess.
"Perhaps it's both or it's a controlled illusion,"China replied, the smile unwavering on the face stuck on the wall.
"I see..."Russia looked away from the face. It appeared something was nagging him.
    "Hmm? Is something wrong?"China noticed this.
     "No, nothing,"Russia shook his head and looked back at him.
     "I'm sure something is, but I won't pry,"China said. "Although it makes it harder for me to help you if I don't know what's going on." He shrugged and Russia sighed.
     "I don't want to bother you too much, with all this,"Russia said. "Maybe next time."
     "That's quite alright,"China nodded. "Pressure won't help anyways. Besides, I have nothing else to do so don't think about it as troubling me. In all honesty, trouble might do me some good." He joked. Russia gave a small smile.
     "Speaking of trouble, doesn't North give you enough?"
    "Not really,"China answered, smiling back. "Just blowing up things."
     "That's North for you,"Russia said, sitting on his bed now and tilting his head upwards. "Hmm..."
    "Thinking about something?"China guessed, twirling chopsticks in his fingers.

      "Frick! South what the heck?!"North exclaimed angrily, as a microwave combusted in the middle of his face. South had sent him a video of him and Japan microwaving a flammable item in the microwave. Unfortunately, North wasn't there to stop them in time and here they were.
      Another unfortunate thing, North couldn't tell what they microwaved because it was all black and smoking. And Japan and South were unwilling to tell him.
    "Hehe,"South said nervously. "Hey North."
     "Don't "hey" me!"North exclaimed. "What's wrong with you two?!"
    Japan whistled innocently. "Er, nothing?"
     Least convincing thing he ever heard.
"You know what? I'm not gonna deal with this everyday," North sighed. He walked upstairs to his room and shut the door. For anyone's information they were in their dorms.
     "Everyday is an exaggeration don't you think?"Japan muttered.
     "Almost,"South answered.

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