Chapter 50

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Russia didn't sleep at all last night. Or the night after that and after that until a week had passed. China hadn't come back.
The Organizations were getting confused. How could he have vanished into thin air so easily? Even BRICS and UN couldn't contact him. BRICS always went to the forest to look for China, feeling that he was there, though the others persuaded that he needed rest.
North Korea wasn't faring as well either. His Insanity attacks were getting out of control and occurring more frequently. His head was often seen wrapped around in a gauze and he hadn't come to class during that entire week. He had always stayed in his room in his and South's house, keeping South out of course. South was getting incredibly worried as North pushed him away further.
Iran, Iraq and India were even affected. They didn't seem to find the energy to be able to pull pranks anymore. Iran was often seen with his head low and Iraq was struggling to find a positive attitude. India always tried to make his friends to feel better, but even so they were still a depressed bunch. Eventually, the Commie Homies stopped meeting with each other as frequently. It just wasn't the same.
Without one, all crumbled.
They were all that so strongly connected.

China had his eye closed as he contemplated on what he saw.
He wondered how no one found him yet as he was quite in plain view if anyone was to walk in to the part of the forest that he was in. Plus, he hadn't gotten that far. Every day he just felt more distant and didn't like how it separated him from his friends. But there was always a tiny voice nagging in his head to stay for another day. To keep himself isolated from the others. That it didn't hurt to stay another day. He decided he wasn't going to listen to that voice anymore.

During the week of which China was gone, Russia had decided that he was going to ask the Organizations why China hadn't come back yet, on his own will. All the Organizations were in the Academy in the Meeting Room.
Russia opened the door and stepped in. BRICS looked at him and he was the only one who did as EU and ASEAN got into another hilarious fight. He went over to Russia and sighed.
"You're here to ask about China, aren't you?" Russia nodded.
BRICS crossed his arms and looked at the Organizations. "So far, UN and I have been able to conclude that China is safe. But I'm able to sense that he is in the forest and am actually about to go look again."
"Not a single sign?"Russia asked.
BRICS shook his head and walked out the room.
Russia looked back at him and followed after.
"Can I come?"Russia asked, walking beside him. BRICS also looked at Russia.
"You know you don't have to ask me to find your friend. I know how much he means to you,"BRICS answered, sounding slightly amused. Russia realized with another pang that China also used to have that sort of tone.
He nodded.

China stretched and jumped down.
He still wondered why he listened to a mysterious voice that told him to isolate himself. Probably a side effect of his Transformation...
He dusted his hands off small wood chips and looked at the sky, seeing it was late afternoon. He thought about what the others could be doing now. Iran is probably playing another prank on his friends, or Vietnam was scaring the heck out of America.
China took a step forward to see if he could walk better. No pain. Great, he can walk now. And no there is no sarcasm. He was genuinely relieved that he had healed so fast. Although he pondered how. Maybe it was a Dragon's abilities?
He placed a hand at the back of his head. He should've brought his phone so he could text his friends that he was ok. Well, nothing could be done about it now. He should get back to them soon, he thought as he began the walk home.

Formosa flew down the window and landed on Taiwan who was sorting through some dusty books. He saw a book with the picture of a river. He picked it up from the cardboard box and realized it was the one that China read most of the time.
"Life is Like a River,"Taiwan murmured, he placed the book down and closed his eyes. China had been gone for week. Any other country would think that he didn't care. Why should he? China was fine without him and Taiwan was too. Right...?
Formosa seemed to have sensed his thoughts as she pressed her cheek against him and licked him twice.
"Thanks Formosa, I needed that,"Taiwan smiled at his Dragon who proudly picked her paw, pleased that she had lifted his spirits so easily. She swished her tail in sudden excitement. She leaped off of his shoulder and proceeded to go to the door.
"Wait, where are you going?"Taiwan set the book down at his table and followed Formosa as she pushed open the door that wasn't fully closed.
Clearly she wanted him to follow her as she beckoned with her tail and leaped ahead.
"Wait! Formosa!"Taiwan exclaimed in surprise as she ran and flew to the direction of the forest. Oh crap, where was she going now?
He gave one last look at the books and ran after her.

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