Chapter 66

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      China leaned against Yin and Yang as he watched other countries evacuate their homes under UN's instructions. The two headed dragon was quite pleased when it got a chance to go out. It hardly did due to the fact that many countries would panic at the sight of such a huge beast. It couldn't be helped.
     Qing was perched between the two necks of Yin and Yang as be surveyed the commotion with sparkling eyes. The night sky could barely be seen through the thick gray rain clouds that still release torrents of raindrops.
       He wasn't told what was going on, but he sensed the fear that was radiating in the air. Panic even. What about his friends? Were they fine?
     China glanced at Qing who shrugged and leaped down to stand next to him.
     "There's smoke out there,"China thought to himself, even the harsh rain couldn't hide the wisps of gray from his vision. He could see other countries gathering around, ignoring him as they tried to discern what was causing all this. 
      Farther out though, he could spot some countries running at their direction with fear in their eyes.
     "Something's attacking us!" One of them cried.
     He immediately spotted South Africa coming up behind, with a slightly calmer expression and bearing. His eyes brightened when he saw China.
     "Chi! Thank goodness your here!"He ran over, his Springbok ever present around him.
    Nodding in greeting he stood up. "Do you know what has happened to have caused all this?"
     South Africa gave a quick look behind him as other African countries came out from their respective areas.
     "Like Sri Lanka said, something's attacking us. But I don't think everyone has had it happen to them,"SA shook his head in dismay. "Won't we ever stop getting attacked? It seems that we can't settle anywhere."
     China remained silent as the both of them turned to see India and Pakistan jogging up with some other countries as well. Soon, more were gathering near the edge of the forest. As far from their homes as possible but far enough from the forest as well. With the oceanic waves crashing below them and the green fields beyond on their right.
      "South! China!"India exclaimed. "Are you guys ok?"
      "We're fine,"South Africa responded, relieved that one of his friends from BRICS was well. "What about Brazil and Russia?"
     "Brazil's helping the countries near his area right now. Our neighbors have already evacuated before we could do anything,"Pakistan shrugged, his vines stiff with tension. He winced as a black cut from his arm started bleeding.
     "Are you alright? The cut looks pretty bad..."SA looked worried. Experience from the Skryna had taught him to never overlook any wound, no matter how trifling it seemed. Plus, the one Pakistan had right now was from the elbow all the way to the wrist. 
       "It'll heal,"the other country said, ignoring the concern in the other's voice.
      India looked worried but he covered it up with a small smile as he said, "At least we're out. I wonder where the others are."
     The four countries started searching for their friends amongst the chaos as all of the countries were gathered outside now. Qing loped by China's side as he sniffed the air for familiar scents, as did the Springbok beside South Africa.
       They stood at the edge of the crowd, searching for the Commie Homies.
     "Good, I see Ethiopia and Ghana out,"SA muttered.
       "And there's Brazil,"China nodded to the middle of the crowd. "Russia though, he's not here."
      SA looked around. He saw some of the African countries, a handful of European ones at the left side of his vision... Some Asian ones here and there...
     Russia really wasn't among any of them.
     He swallowed hard as he remembered the black swarming creatures that stormed through the hallway with endless rage. Gaping mouths and leaking teeth and claws. They frighteningly reminded him of the Skryna.
     "I'm going to go look for him,"China said to SA. "Do you have any other friends that you don't see out here?"
     "As far as I can tell, no. But do you know what we're up against?"
     China gave Qing an unreadable expression and gave South Africa a slightly amused look.
   "Well, no. But we don't have time for explanations now do we? Don't worry about us, make sure the others are alright. Help Pakistan if you can. That cut has to be bind up soon." With that China ran back near the houses.
     SA stopped with indecision.
Shouldn't he also be helping China look for Russia? But Pakistan needed help and there was no guarantee that the cut would heal as he thought it would.
     The Springbok beside him touched him lightly at the arm, giving him a sense of calm.
     "Right, let's check up on him,"South Africa nodded and went back to look for India and Pakistan. It wasn't easy. The two already left for somewhere else without a trace.  
     "Well darn..."He thought, as he poked around. They shouldn't have been able to go far.

        China came to the front of the house that Russia and his siblings stayed in.
     "Sense anything?"
Qing shook his head and darted through the window, which had been shattered. By who or what, they did not know.
      China opened the door. As a precaution he summoned his bow and quiver of arrows. As he expected, with the broken window as a clue, the insides have been tossed upside down. He ignored the carnage of furniture and went up the stairs where he didn't see anyone. He checked the rooms and regrouped with the Dragon who had checked the small yard behind the house. The Dragon shook his head.
       They must've already left, yet...

A sudden crash sent warning signals down both of their minds. It sounded somewhere downstairs.
     "Looks like we have trouble,"China said to Qing. The Dragon gave an expression that was somehow close to a facepalm. They both hid behind a wall and watched as a black mass manifested on the wooden boards that were being wrecked to pieces as if they were just frail strands of grass.
       Disembodied howls filled the room, similar to the echoes he had heard outside prior to arriving here. What these things were, monsters, spirits, demons, he couldn't identify.
        He decided that staying hidden was their best option. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a recorder and attached it to the wall. Whatever the things were whispering, the Organizations would want to know.  The sounds were not decipherable, but the Organizations might get a clue if what they were.
       Meanwhile, he had to continue searching. Qing followed him as he listened for any other sounds in the rooms on the opposite hallway.
       Despite the thundering crashes downstairs he heard a distinctive sound.
      Faint breathing.
      "China, is that you?"
Belarus was peeking from under her bed, wide eyes looking at him disbelievingly. She looked from left to right at the hallway and crawled out.
     She dusted her hands and stood up, it was obvious she was stranded here for quite some time.
     "Where's Russia?"China asked, as she started to exit the room and he stepped aside to let her through.
     "He was in his room, but he went out earlier,"Belarus explained. "I don't know where he went!"
      A deafening screech would've blocked out his next response so he remained silent as he thought about what to do next.
     "Is there a way for you to get out?"China asked, once the noise subsided.
     Belarus appeared frightened but she put on a brave face, "There's a window in Ukraine's room, it slides so we don't have to break it."
      "Wasn't intending to,"China answered. "Do you think you can make it there?"
     "As long as whatever is down there doesn't hear or see me, I think so,"she said. "Wait, where are you going?"
      China was already out. Belarus sighed. What kind of friends did her older brother even have?

      He slid to a stop near Qing who was staring intently at a transparent black creature that was trailing smoke. White glaring eyes stood out as they twitched irregularly. It let out a hollow screech that sounded like a chitter and a howl.
      Qing looked back at him and without attracting the creature's attention, grabbed the recorder off the wall with his teeth and landed in front of China.  
     "Thanks,"he said, as the Dragon dropped it off. The creature was prowling the bottom of the stairs and cocked its head at their direction, though it couldn't see them since they were hidden.
    He doubted they could kill the thing. As far as he knew, none of these things went outside. They seemed content to stay in the countries' houses.
     Qing and China both heard a rasping sound and saw a creeping figure heading their way.


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