Chapter 62

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       Cloudy dark day.
Yesterday was quite eventful, North thought, reminiscing on the microwave situation. Reminder to self, never let his idiotic twin or Japan a 5 feet radius near a microwave or a combustible item. They will end the world in seconds.
     He heard South get up from the next room. It seemed that they have drifted apart even more than before. He turned on his bed and got his phone out.
Well, at least there weren't any classes today. He put it back under the pillow and turned on his back. He should probably get up. North found himself thinking on how good it was he was able to sleep with hardly any trouble. On the other hand, Russia didn't seem to have the same privilege. Yes, sleep was a privilege in North's opinion. Don't take it for granted. He has had sleepless nights before, probably not as bad as Russia's though.
      Speaking of Russia, he should probably check up on him.


     It slowly began to sprinkle as Russia slipped out of his room and out the house. He had one important goal: apologize to Bela. 

     Yes, he also called her that, sometimes.
     And apologizing wasn't an easy thing for him to do. Considering his apology records weren't bloodless- uh spotless. Also, previous years of apologizing to Ukraine has definitely not encouraged him to do it anymore. But this was Belarus. Would she accept it? He thought as he stepped outside. It felt like ages that he had been outdoors, even though the last time he was out was... Well, he couldn't remember.
      It was early in the morning, not many countries were out and he couldn't see anyone else so far as he walked on the stone pavement to the Academy with its dorms and classes. Belarus might be in the dorms considering she wasn't at home at night or this morning.
      As he walked he wondered how on earth he was going to apologize for being a rude-a$$ the other day. He didn't think he deserved to be pardoned. Belarus was so nice and caring, she just wanted the best for him. All he did was say he didn't want her sympathy. Calling it annoying. He hated how he responded to her that way.
     He decided that if Belarus didn't accept his apology, it would be fine. He could just blame it on his crappy apology skills, he thought.
     He wondered if he was rushing it. But it didn't sit well with him to wait it out. He arrived at the entrance to the Academy and saw no one. Good. He didn't feel like being stared at.
     He went up the stairs and into the dorms entryway.

    "Belarus? She went out a few minutes ago. Why?" Germany said, since he shared a dorm with Belarus and Ukraine, due to the fact he doesn't have flirting capabilities. That was no exaggeration.
      Russia sighed. Gosh. He didn't expect it to be so complicated.
      "Nothing, I was just wondering where she was. I didn't see her yesterday,"he replied, hoping Germany didn't ask too much.
       "Well ok,"Germany shrugged and was about to close the door. "Wait, have you seen Poland?"
     "Obviously not, I've been at home,"Russia answered. "Is there something you need to tell him?"     
     The other country shook his head.
"No,"Germany said. "Bye."
     "Bye,"Russia had a feeling that something went wrong between Germany and Poland. But it wasn't any of his business. He turned around, left the hallway and went out the Academy. Whatever. Maybe she didn't want to see him.
     He hung his head low as raindrops came pouring down. Dang this weather. Way too unpredictable.
       "Russia! There you are,"North Korea's all too familiar annoyed voice cut through the wind.
       "Yeah, do you need something?"Russia stood upright and looked at his friend.
     "I was going to check up on you,"North answered, looking him up and down with a frown. "Sleep much?"
      Hah, no, Russia thought.
He shook his head.
     North gave him an "Are you serious" look.
"How long have you not been sleeping?"North asked, "Seriously, you look dead inside. Speaking of dead, let's hope your mentality isn't."
       The shorter country looked around. The floor was getting slick with rain, the grass was covered in raindrops and so were they.
        "We should go inside,"North said, nodding towards the Academy.
     "I was just getting home,"Russia replied. "What are you going to do?"
       "Honestly, nothing. Hopefully not getting bugged by the three idiots,"North said.
      "Good luck with that,"Russia started walking away.
     "Yeah... Well, see you later,"North slightly waved a hand and trekked back to the Academy. He paused and turned around. "AND GET SOME SLEEP YOU NIMROD!"
      "I'll try,"Russia thought. Yeah, he wasn't going to get any sleep at this rate.

          India flicked a marble at Iran. The country snickered as his friend shot up.
"Hey!"Iran exclaimed. "What was that for?!"
     Iraq laughed at his friend's irritated expression. "Dude, chill!"
      "Nothing, I was bored,"India smirked, as he got the marble back and began rolling it on the desk. They were in the dorms as well and it was pretty chilly, considering it was just raining.
      "You guys just have to bully me,"Iran complained jokingly. "Besides, what's with you two hounding me on getting a girlfriend? I don't need one!"
      "Well, I need to be a third wheel,"India declared.
       "And I need you to have children,"Iraq finished.
         "What?! Why me?!"Iran was visibly confused. "Why don't you guys get one?"
      India frowned at him.
"Because I already have a girlfriend. My food,"and with that he whipped out a plate full of his food and started eating.
       "What,"Iraq and Iran stared at him.
"What?"India asked, swallowing. "I'm hungry."
      "You can't date food!"Iran exclaimed.
"Hey! It's with you 24/7,"India replied. "Now, don't bother me."
       Iraq sighed and laid back.
"Hmmm... I wonder who my soul mate will be,"he looked amused at the thought.
    Iran also sighed. "Me too."

Happy Independence Day Laos!!

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