Chapter 44

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UNESCO looked over the countries that Transformed into Aquatic Animals.
So far, Malaysia had turned into a Tiger and had joined the Aquatic animals so it was fine. Tigers genuinely enjoyed the water.
He heard a rustle of feathers and arms wrapped around him. He happily sighed.
"Hey big bro, how's it going?"WHO asked, grinning at him.
"Heh, nothing much,"UNESCO replied, smiling back at his younger sister. Sure they might act a little rowdy in front of the others, but they still adored each other in an affectionate sibling way. Basically inseparable.
"They're doing a pretty good job,"WHO commented, still hanging on to him, now on his back like a little kid.
"Yeah. Hey, get off you're pretty heavy,"UNESCO joked.
"How dare you,"WHO laughed, jumping off of him.

Fun Fact: What really pisses EU off is when the countries in his Organization gets hurt. On the other hand, ASEAN would simply keep the injured country in his Organization under his wing 24/7.

UNESCO turned to look back at the Countries. Some of whom weren't able to Transform and were splashing in the water instead, having fun.
WHO let out a breathy sigh.
"Reminds me when we first had to teach our students how to Transform,"she said, sounding wistful.
"Yeah, I guess it sort of does. UN and the others are fortunate to have such lively countries to teach,"UNESCO said.
"Mhm. But that means they are a little harder to control, don't you think?"WHO laughed slightly, watching a country chase another one and both of them falling into the water.
UNESCO shrugged. "Maybe."
"Not for you. You'd probably join whatever mishaps they get into,"WHO poked his arm. She sat down to look at thr countries beneath them.
The taller one just crossed his arms.
"I'd never!"although his voice sounded amused. He stayed standing up, watching over the countries to make sure they were safe.

NATO patrolled as a Wolf as he supervised the countries. As he expected some weren't able to Transform, but that was fine. They would be able to teach them some more. Noticeably, he was taller than all the other countries that had turned into Wolves.
He turned his head around, pricking his ears forward. To him, it was sort of weird turning into a Wolf. Of course, he might not be the only one to find this awkward. He walked around a bit more and then went back to where he had stood before.
He thought. Should he bark or something? Nah, he should probably use his voice. A Wolf bark might alarm some countries.
"Alright!"He said, still slightly barking. "I'll take note of who is able to Transform so they can learn other things. To those who can't, don't be discouraged. You will be able to do it next time." He noticed his voice sounded like there were two speaking the same time. Must be similar to the Countries as well, he thought.
"I wonder how EU and FBI are doing,"he mused, as he saw Australia as a Snake teasing America, who was an Eagle and surprisingly not slurping him up like a noodle.
"NATO! We need help!!"
EU's alarmed voice suddenly sounded in his head. What the heck? NATO felt his fur prickle and immediately felt the need to turn back to normal. In a flash of bright light he found himself standing on two legs, but instead of wondering how he was suddenly able to do that and ignoring the stares of others, he contacted EU back quickly.
"What is it?"NATO asked in his mind, a sense of unexplainable foreboding washing over him. What could possibly be causing EU to feel so panicked right now? Were they in danger? What happened?
"Just get over to where we are! No time to explain. I gotta go help FBI!!
EU ended communication with him right there. NATO forced himself to move, even as his mind was still in slight shock.
He didn't feel like he would be able to teleport at the moment so he quickly ran to where EU and FBI were.

Russia watched in surprise, along with his friends at what NATO did. He had randomly Transformed back to normal and seemed to have been communicating with the other Organizations. NATO had sprinted off, and even though all this happened fast, Russia did not miss the apprehensive aura around him.
What made NATO act like that?
Russia decided to follow after. As his friends talked amongst each other about what had happened Russia leaped away before they could call him back. He ran after NATO, it must've been his curious Wolf Instincts driving him to do this. But his human consciousness also wanted to know what was going on.
As he ran he realized how softly his paws touched the ground, how his limbs worked in perfect harmony, enabling him to take long strides. Silently trailing after NATO, Russia perked his ears up and his fur stiffened as he heard a loud noise. Was that a roar?!
NATO seemed to have quickened his pace because soon enough Russia had to run harder after him. Dang! This Organization was fast!
They both came to a stop a few feet away from where they saw an astounding sight.
A blood red dragon roared fiercely as it faced another Dragon. It flashed its claws in the air.
A yellow scaled dragon roared back, its eyes blazing fiercely. It smacked its tail against the ground, thundering it's fury. The beasts seemed to have no end to their anger.
        This was dangerous, he knew.
Russia almost wanted to press himself down on the ground and hide. But he resisted.
     "NATO! What's going on?"Russia barked in his two-voice way.
     NATO didn't seem surprised by his sudden announcement but answered, "I'm not sure. Something must've went wrong." Russia ran forward, searching for China.
       If China was a dragon... surely he'd recognize him, right? Russia came to a stop near Wales and Bhutan in their Dragon form. They were snarling ferociously at each other and snapping at FBI and EU to keep away.
      NATO came after, alarm in his eyes but keeping a calm composure as he ran and stood next to FBI.
      The Wolf looked around and soon he spotted China standing near the two Dragons a small distance away.
       The red dragon swepts its tail at the sight and looked at the two Dragons in front of him. Then saw Russia.
     For an unexplainable moment Russia tensed, staring at China, praying he wouldn't attack. A Wolf was no match for a Dragon. Plus, he didn't feel like he could turn back to normal yet.
       But China didn't seem to pay much attention to him. A sudden screech caused them to look at what was going on.
     The Welsh Dragon was still as aggressive as ever. But slight uncertainty flitted in its red and green eyes as the Thunder Dragon took a step forward, raging its pure fury at being aggravated.
     It let loose a roar that made Russia's tail stiffen uncomfortably. It looked like the two Dragons were going to battle.
      Russia found himself hoping.
Come on China, do something. You're a dragon too. Maybe you can put a stop to this madness...
       Either China read his mind or his praying worked, Russia couldn't tell but the red and gold dragon did not stand idly by. With silence the beast whipped past Russia and that was when he realized how long he was. Seemingly endless red coils of scales breezed past him, ruffling his fur before it abruptly stopped as the Dragon went away from him.
      Russia followed after, wondering what China was going to do. The three Organizations were unable to get closer but it seemed that EU was communicating with ASEAN in his mind as NATO and FBI still tried to get closer to the Dragons without getting flattened into a pancake. You couldn't blame them. Two ferocious Dragons looked ready to commit murder upon sight.
      Russia found himself holding his breath as China leaped and landed in front of Bhutan, standing defiantly alongside the Asian Dragon's side.

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