Chapter 15

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It was night again, that day Russia was stuck in a room with Ukraine. It wasn't so bad. They talked a bit. And when they went out they promised that they would attempt to be more warm towards each other. Russia slightly doubted it.
However, what he didn't tell her was that the face flashed oftentimes when he least suspected it. In fact, he didn't tell her about the face at all. Obviously.
He just didn't know what to do. He listened to the rain thundering on the windows. It sure did rain a lot here.

North was on his bed and was thinking about something. When all of a sudden he thought about the word, "past." He blinked. He remembered Russia saying something that happened in his past. But, how could Russia know if he himself didn't fully know. All he remembered was one, having his parents killed somehow, two, being raised by Soviet with Russia and his siblings and his friends China, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba, third, going to the Academy of Pangaea, and... and...
He frowned, whenever he tried to pry out of his mind what happened during the time he attended Pangaea his mind went blank and empty. But whenever he tried his hardest it was a blurry image if blood. He knew it was blood. It was red, oddly enough he smelled it and it had the metallic taste. Then it all went black. He just simply couldn't remember and it irritated him.
Reluctantly he thought that he would have to talk with Russia about it and what special ability he had been talking about. Before he went to sleep he made a mental note to bring it up tomorrow.

   "Martial. Are you in there?"
Philippines waited for a response.
    "Are you ok?"she asked, worried as she rarely heard him stutter now.
      No response.
What was going on in her brother's mind?
    Philippines sighed. "Martial?"
She had a tendency to try to help him whenever she could. But he had a pain that he never let her know or help cope with. It wasn't physical pain. More likely, emotional.
      "P-please, leave me alone. I want to be by myself for a while..."
      She paused. "Ok... But call me if you need help, alright?"
Now what could he be possibly going through? What can strong Martial possibly be struggling with?
          Philippines walked away, feeling discomforted that he had not confided in her. She could help him! If he wanted her to...
    "Oh, I know!"she thought excitedly. "I'll get one of mama's old storybooks! He always likes to listen to them. Then he'll be happy again!"
    Philippines trotted off happily. Kind innocent Philippines. She had no idea what Martial had been through. She had no idea how terribly misunderstood he had been and how horribly he had been judged. Perhaps it may be partly his own fault, but then again, you can't always lay the total blame on just one person...

     The picture frame lay shattered again on the floor. Two people were in it. A country and a law. Perfectly happy. Best friends forever! Right?
"We'll be best friends forever right *****?"

"You know it! This friendship will never be broken!"



     One promise broken and that was all that took to break Martial. He was breathing heavily and shaking again. This wasn't suppose to affect him so hard right?!
     His best friend in the world had broken their promise and completely forgot about him! In a sudden torrent of rushing emotions he remembered feeling confusion, utter betrayal, sadness and finally, a more stronger emotion. Anger. Madness. Rage. Frustration. Incensed.
      All these emotions had kindled a fierce hatred in him. A boiling mass that formed a pure black monster in his mind. Threatening to destroy him from the inside unless he unleashed it on someone else. A thirst for revenge had awoken in Martial for he felt the injustice of it all.
      All this he has felt in the past and now, he simply felt, terrible.
     All the emotions he had had in the past, he thought, didn't justify what he did the previous year. It was no excuse.
    With some magic he fixed the picture. Martial looked away from the picture. He felt his eyes burning. Tears of frustration urging to be released. He hated all this. Happened just about every night.
     He felt deep regret. What he did was never going to bring his best friend back. It just seemed to push them away, farther from him. Why did he do it? It was so stupid of him... if only he could take it back...
     He stared at the picture again that was now set against the lamp.
      It had Martial and...

North Korea...

North Korea

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