Chapter 91

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Germany sighed, leaning back against his chair, tail swinging lightly and occasionally brushing the floor. He'd been feeling quite depressed lately. Poland still wasn't on speaking terms with him. Try as he might, he couldn't always suppress the feeling of annoyance that surfaced.

What made Poland think that Germany cared about what others thought about him? He looked at the phone on his table. Maybe he could give Poland a call.

As the thought entered his head, he shook it off just as quickly. Germany hadn't talked to anyone for the past weeks. He believed he'd be fine, but the silence was pricking his nerves. He wanted to talk to someone. He just didn't know who.

If he scrolled through his contacts, maybe he'd know. Picking up his phone, he turned it on.

Not much options here.

There was Poland, obviously. Romania. Bulgaria. Some other European countries. South Korea somehow added his phone number there, but Germany hadn't removed it, for some reason.

Then, Russia's. He knew Russia didn't really do much calling around and mostly had to answer phone calls than issuing them. He'd once heard Belarus say that Russia mostly texted, which was sometimes annoying because talking was much quicker.

Germany almost smiled at the memory. He had asked Russia about it.

The other country just shrugged and said, "I don't like talking much."

Well, Russia moved on his own pace, and Germany wouldn't hold that against anyone. Conversations were rarely his thing either and Poland usually did most of the talking. His thumb hovered over the call button.

And his stupid, tired self actually pressed it.

"Fu-," Germany thought. He didn't realize his finger was that close to the screen. Damn it Germany! You're smarter than this!

And before he could register the fact he could just hang up, his call was answered.

Germany cursed himself. He had about ten seconds to hang up and he spent all of it just to think and have an existential crisis!

Germany, you do realize that you haven't talked to Russia in like, months.

Like, what are you even going to talk to him about?

Don't you know how awkward the conversation will be? If there even is one!

These came to his head, unwanted. Germany waited, at a loss for words.

"Hello?" Came Russia's cold tone, which was how he naturally sounded, Germany knew. Nevertheless, his phone almost felt frozen.

"Hey, Russia,"Germany responded, relieved he didn't sound the least bit resentful at being called. "Let me get straight to the point, I have nothing to talk about."

Silence. Absolute silence.

He could almost imagine Russia just working the gears in his head to make sense of the situation.

Then,"Why is everyone looking to me for a conversation?"

"Everyone?"Germany questioned, curious and leaning forward on his desk, wondering.

"PKI, and now you."

"That's only two of us."

"Too many."

Germany gave a soft snort of amusement. Typical Russia. Antisocial and introverted. Not a conversational person.

"Well... what're you doing now?"
Another pause.

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