Chapter 49

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      Soaked to his very paw pads Russia walked back home. At the door he shook his fur as dry as he could. The rain was still ongoing and he had no clue when it would end. Usually it was China who knew this sort of stuff, he thought with a pang as he lightly pushed the door open and went in the dark house. Maybe his siblings were sleeping at the dorms tonight. But he thought wrong.
      As he went to his room, he saw that Belarus' room was lit underneath underneath door. He heard muffled voices and didn't pay much attention to it as he slipped into his room and closed the door. And of course, locked it.
       Russia didn't even look at the walls to see if the face was watching him. He already knew it was there and heck to it. He didn't care anymore. 
        He sat on his bed, reading past texts from and to his friends. It made him feel  even worse. He was concerned about China.
     In fact, he was pretty absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't hear footsteps approaching his room. Until he heard a knock did he finally realize that someone was there and he had heard the house door slightly slam shut.
Belarus' voice sounded through the wooden door, slightly deadened by the door.
      Russia didn't look up as she spoke.
    "Can I come in?"
He made no noise as he placed his phone on the bed, turned off the light and made as if he was going to sleep.
      He wasn't in the mood to talk, he thought as he sat in silent darkness in the room. The only thing that was lit in his room was his phone, but even then it was darkening as he left it at his side. As Russia turned towards the door, considering whether or not he should let his sister in, he heard her walk away, but not before hearing a sigh of disappointment.
      Maybe Ukraine had already told her what happened, Russia thought. How could they expect him to be responsible for everything his country is doing, or what he is doing? What was the point of being a Countryhuman anyway?
     He held his breath in frustration. He wished his friends were here. They'd understand, right...?

        Blinking at the dim sunlight China realized he had turned back to normal and he was sitting with his back to the tree and still on the same branch he had spent the previous night on. Slightly shaking his head to release the dew that clung to his hair he saw the trees spread out around him.
     Immediately thinking about his friends he was about to go down when he looked at his leg. It was completely healed.
     "Well, that's nice..."China thought, as he placed a hand on the branch, about to go down when a sudden thought came to his head.
       Why did he have to return? Did his friends really care at all? Maybe he should spend another day alone.


That sounded...nice.

     No, he needed to get back. What would North do without him? Explode the entire area in search for him no doubt. Also, why was he thinking these things? He'd never hesitated to get back to his friends before...
      China looked up and saw the sun slowly rising and was about to return to his friends as soon as possible but for some reason stopped.


       "Iran! You're going to burn down the entire kitchen!!"
      Iran jumped from his thoughts.
     "THE KITCHEN IRAN!!"Iraq shrieked.
"Oh shoot,"Iran leaped off his chair from the kitchen table and ran to get the fire extinguisher that luckily hung nearby.
      "What fire?"Iran asked, seeing none. Then he realized he hadn't seen smoke at all. Wait...
    "Pranked ya!"Iraq laughed, along with India.
      Iran blinked. "Wow guys. Why you do me like dat?"
      Iraq and India glanced at each other.
"Isn't it obvious my friend?"India said, walking up to him and putting an arm around him. "You are occupied in your thoughts and not telling us man."
        Iraq also strolled over and did the same. "You know... if you told us you had a certain crush on someone we might leave you alone."
       Iran looked at the both of them.
"I don't like anyone,"he said stubbornly, trying to remove the picture of his crush away from his mind. He'd never tell them who he liked. They'd probably drag him into an unintentional date.
       "Oh come on!"India released him and pouted. Iraq snickered as India went on about how marriage and compatibility was important and that he must tell them so he would be able to tell if they'd be able to-
       "Haha, really funny guys-"
"What the heck are you guys doing here?"Pakistan walked down the stairs, annoyed by the commotion. India looked at him bored.
     "Obviously playing around,"he answered. "By the way, have you realized that China is gone?"
     Pakistan stared at India right in the eyes. "I know."
      India might not have known it, but whenever Pakistan and him got into big fights, China was always there to listen. He had no clue how much Pakistan actually cared about China. He'd just assumed they were just good friends.
       As the two siblings stared at each other Iran and Iraq looked at the both of them uncomfortably.
     "Ok geez,"India said and then turned to his friends. "So, Iran about your love interest-"
     "NOOOOOOOOOO!!"Iran shrieked, much to Pakistan's annoyance. He broke free and ran out the house and turned back at them. Iraq mocked sadness.  
     "But bro! If you don't tell us, you might end up as a single pringle for the rest of your life!"
    Iran wasted no time remarking that third wheelers often tend to be the single pringles. India and Iraw looked at each other in dramatic shocked expressions.
      "Iran! How could you jinx us like this?"India said, as Pakistan facepalmed and walked back into his room.
      Iraq laughed as Iran shrugged as if he hadn't a care in the world.


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