Chapter 65

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To be frank, the twins haven't gotten over the shock of losing their home, but North has gotten over it. Countries can form their houses pretty quickly anyway. He was more worried around the Memory Orb, but fortunately the Organizations were able to retrieve it with no harm done. However, they didn't know who or what caused the explosion. From South's account of the creatures he saw, it was possible they might've done it. African Union had reported that countries from his Organization was facing similar problems, as were EU and ASEAN.
Though not all of them resulted in the loss of their homes, they all had one thing in common: the creatures they saw were of most unearthly origin. Even more terrifying than the Skryna.
"I don't get it, how did these happen?"ASEAN asked, his feathers slightly ruffled from the activities done. "The fact that they are able to manifest into these homes unnoticed is terrible. All the countries are in danger if all these things decide to attack at once."
For once, EU shared his concerns.
"He's right UN. We are too few in number, we can't protect all of them. Especially since UNESCO and WHO'S students have come over as well. What should we do?"
"Wait,"AU spoke up. "The most common thing I've been hearing is that these things aren't from this world. Maybe... maybe they came from UNESCO's and WHO's world! That's the only possible explanation. Not trying to blame them or anything but we should ask just in case."
UN nodded and contacted UNESCO about the situation and fortunately received a quick reply.
"He says he's coming soon,"UN informed the others. "I've also told the other countries to evacuate their homes as soon as possible. It's the safest option for now."
The other Organizations let out small signs of relief. Now they just had to wait for UNESCO.

      "Watch it! You nearly burned half my face off!"
     Pakistan was utterly bewildered when India's dangerous Sun Fire was aimed at his head.
        "There's something chasing me!"India exclaimed.
     Pakistan grabbed him by the hand and yanked him out of the way just in time as a black blob flew through right where India was standing earlier.
    "Pay attention to your surroundings,"Pakistan growled, as he caught a wooden plank with his vines that was thrown at their direction. He let go of India and heard a roaring fire as India attacked whatever was behind him.
     "Ok sorry Mr. Know-it-all!"India said, summoned more Fire to aim at black creatures that started manifesting out of the walls. Even thin air!
     "Evacuate your homes immediately. Get out through any ways necessary."
     UN's voice sounded in their heads as they fought the demons invading their homes. Not only that, the intruders were wrecking the house apart. Chairs were being thrown at them without restraint and splinters of wood could be heard as the entities raged and howled.
    Pakistan and India were back to back as the black masses swirled around them violently echoing malicious intent. Dark colored gaps for eyes darted around for an vulnerabilities.

       "This house is screwed beyond saving anyway

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       "This house is screwed beyond saving anyway..."Pakistan thought as he surveyed the destruction and enemies around them.
      "India!"He turned around to see his brother kicking at a face that lunged one second too close to him.
      "What now?!"India sounded frantic as more of them started appearing with black slime dripping from the eyes and mouths of these hell-spawns. "Why don't they leave us alone?!"
      "Burn down everything!"
Pakistan had a feeling that India was gonna call him crazy and that they might as well tie themselves up and throw themselves into a raging furnace almost like how King Nebuchadnezzar did to the three men in the Bible.
      "Are you crazy?!"India's eyes widened as he Sunfire-punched the demons right between their... eyes? Whatever. "We might as well-"
    Pakistan snapped in annoyance as a black demon attempted to grab him.  
     "Just do it unless you want us to die by these things!"Pakistan shouted, jumping back.
     "You're gonna be burned to a crisp idiot!"India snapped back, throwing away two more Fire balls hitting a black mass.
       "No I won't!"
It was a miracle at how these two could still be spiting each other at even in the most perilous times. It seemed at India and Pakistan would survive anything as long as they kept on sniping back and forth.
      "Look, I know what to do!"Pakistan said, getting closer to India and India likewise. "Just trust me on this!"
       India nearly gaped at him.
But he did anyways. They had no choice. They were surrounded.
      Summoning his energy India let his hands glow with prospective beams of Sun Ray.
      "You better know what you're doing Pak,"India muttered under his breath as he pressed the Ray's together forming a swirling golden sphere of Sun Plasm.
       The bright light was already scaring the demons away. But, Pakistan said to burn the house down, so might as well do it when he was allowed to.
      India directed the Sun Fire away from him and his brother and aimed right at a swirling black smoke that was getting bigger. He heard it explode and the fire spreading faster than the eye could see.
     "Alright, out now!"Pakistan grabbed his arm and dragged him out as the demons shied away from the flames that were too bright for them.
      They managed to make it out the door and tumbled out into the rain. Just as the house burst into flames with white light bursting through the windows.
       Both of then lay panting on the grass. India, for once, was actually glad that there was rain to help him cool off. He was way too close to his own fire and that wouldn't have been good for him. He just hoped that the creatures wouldn't pursue them out here, or even better, if they were gone.
     He glanced at Pakistan.
"I'm warning you,"his brother said. "That's the only time I'm letting you burn the house down."
     India stared for a moment more, then  laughed.
     "Man, I thought you were gonna say something cheesy,"India admitted, wiping his face off smoke and rain and sat up.
        Pakistan still lay on the grass,
"Shut up, I'm not a cheesy person."

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