Chapter 31

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         Russia was staring at something that some others couldn't see. The face, again.
      It never tired of stalking him.
"And then, BOOM!"India said, as he talked about his first class with AU, snapping Russia out of his thoughts. "Lebanon sprouted a tree by accident!"
      "It caught me here!"He pointed at a cut on his wrist.
    "Woah!"Iran said, looking.
It was recess time. Some new students milled around. It was really hot this morning but now it was cloudy. It was sprinkling lightly.
     Small puddles formed.
China and North listened in, North was calm now.
      South Korea jumped at him, shoving something onto his face. "It's a fricking cat!!"
      NK found himself holding a mewing cat. It's white paws hanging out from under his arm. It looked like North was holding a fluffy black bundle that mewed constantly.
      "Aww!"Japan said, having unknowingly joined.
      "Ack! What are you guys doing here?!"NK exclaimed, still holding the cat. "And why is this cat here?!"
    The squirming cat cuddled closer as it began to rain harder.
     "Take good care of him!"South Korea winked and both him and Japan sprinted off.
     "W-what am I suppose to do with this?!"NK sputtered, holding out the cat.
     It mewed pitifully as the rain drenched it.
       "Dude. You're being too rough with it!"Iran said.
     "Well, I don't want it!"NK said, as it's hind legs kicked.
       Without a word China took the cat and placed it on his lap.
     "What the heck is South planning?"NK said, as China watched the cat paw out at the rain drops that came too close to it, hissing slightly.
      "He probably wanted to give you a substitute mental stabilizing buddy,"Iran nodded solemnly.
     NK scowled. What was with people going on about his unstable mentality? Sure, he might have the habit of banging his head on the walls or any available surface if he had his insanity attacks deciding to act up. But that was no excuse! Like, look at America! He had some unstable mentalities as well! Throwing his stars everywhere and not caring if he killed someone-
      North just listened as Iran, Iraq and India, started a drama scene. How are they in the mentally stable area-
     As it started to pour Iran jumped up and said, "Oh crap! I forgot! I have an assignment due this recess!"
     "What?! How do you have an assignment due already?"India exclaimed.
     "Some people don't have a sense of humor,"Iran replied, as Russia wondered what he did this time. Probably written some obscenities on the blackboard or something.
     "Cya guys!"Iran waved, as he splashed sprinted away.
       Iraq and India stared at each other.
"He left!"the both of them wailed.


      "Martial isn't here right?"NK asked
"Don't see him anywhere,"Iraq shrugged.  
     All of a sudden fitful bursts of laughter disrupted their talk.
     "HAHA! Look at that!"

Peru landed face first into a mucky puddle of water.

The loud noise caused other countries to stare at her. And laugh. Peru now was on her knees as she tried to get up.
     She was crying but her head was bent so they didn't see.
     "How's it like down there?"one of the countries sneered, kicking water at her face. She flinched back. Why were they doing this to her? What did she do to deserve this?
      Her sweater was drenched and her skirt was wet with rainwater. Peru choked back a sob as another country said, "Hey look! She's crying! Wow! I never knew animals could cry!"
     This sent the bullies into howls of laughter.

      Russia had enough and apparently his other friends too. He stalked out of the table and went over to the scene. His friends followed him.
      "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"India exclaimed angrily.
     One of them looked at him and said, "Isn't it obvious? We are teaching her a lesson. Water is wet!"
    "I know right?"another country scoffed. "She is so stupid always getting the answers wrong!"
      Peru wanted to protest that she got them right because she actually did but Russia's voice caused her to look up.
     A sudden flashing of cyan light blinded her and soon she saw the rude countries in an encasement of ice.
       Russia's left hand had a fading cyan light as Iraq clapped.
      "Can I nuke them?"NK questioned.
"Uh no,"India said. "Don't need that."
     "Darn your sense of logic."
"Are you alright?"Russia let Iraq ask the question.
     Peru was still in a shock. But something being placed gently on her shivering hands calmed her. She looked and saw a cat. A red country had gave it her.
     It mewed in protest at being handed over in the dripping rain.
       Peru's eyes lighted up.
"A cat!"she said softly, holding it close to her. China looked slightly amused at her exclamation.
      "So?"Iraq questioned.
"O-oh. Yeah. I'm... f-fine..."Peru said, cuddling the cat close to her. It stopped mewing and settled down. What an odd cat.
      Russia glared at the frozen countries.
"Cowards,"he thought, then turned to look back at Peru who was now pressing the cat closer to her face.
      She had a small smile.
Russia stared at the other countries until they looked away.
      "Come on,"India said, manifesting an umbrella. "Let's get her warm."
      "What?"Iraq asked. "Don't you have Sun Fire?"
      India shoved a hand on his face. "We are doing this the traditional way, but yes I'll use my fire."
      "Here,"he shoved the umbrella into NK's hands.
     "Hey!"North exclaimed in surprise.
"I need two hands to do this,"India said, just to get NK to hold the umbrella.
     A burst of orange light suffused temporarily and a ball of flaming fire appeared at the palm of India's hand. Peru stared in awe.
     "Wow!"she said, as the cat peered out of her folded arms to stare at the flames.
     "Let's go!"Iraq said, leading the way.


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