Chapter 51

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         China heard the sound of running footsteps and a voice that he recognized.
     "Formosa wait! You didn't let me put on my jacket first! What could possibly-"
      Taiwan skidded to stop as soon as he saw China.
     "Be so important..."He finished his sentence as Formosa flew to the ground and he stopped pulling on his jacket.
      An awkward silence filled the air as Taiwan stared at China and China, not looking at him.
      "Oh." Taiwan said.
Taiwan hadn't known why China was gone, he had just assumed that he was with his friends for a very long time, as usual. So in short, he didn't know Wales attacked China but had only noticed that his friends were acting weirdly and he hadn't seen China among them.
      Taiwan looked away, wondering what Formosa wanted him to do, but in this case she was absolutely no help as she obviously intended to let him figure it out himself. His mind clicked. She wanted him to talk to China. It was so darn obvious he nearly smacked himself.
      "So..."He said, in an attempt to start a somewhat decent conversation. "How are you?"
Taiwan knew that China was being respectful by responding but he probably didn't want to be here with him. He nodded and looked at Formosa, who blinked at him.
       "Well, bye,"Taiwan said hurriedly and rushed out, not knowing why he suddenly felt so emotional.

      Russia prevented a yawn from escaping for like the tenth time that day. BRICS had noticed.  
     "Russia, have you been sleeping?"BRICS asked, concerned.
      "Yeah, a bit,"Russia answered, knowing fully well he hadn't slept at all. But he didn't have to worry BRICS about it.  
    BRICS was about to say something when they reached the forest.
      "He's in there?"Russia said, relieved to escape the conversation. BRICS let it slide this time and nodded.  
       "Wait, isn't that..."Russia immediately saw someone.
    "China,"BRICS said, in relief.
"Hey,"China said, waving as he walked over to them.
    "China, you alright?"Russia said, looking him over.
      "Yeah, the leg healed,"China responded, as if he hadn't disappeared for a week.
      "Where were you?"Russia asked, "BRICS has been looking for you, and North is in trouble with his Insanity attacks and basically everyone is worried about you."
      "I've been in the forest. Although for some reason you guys haven't been able to see me."
     This time BRICS spoke. "But why didn't you come back?"
      "For some reason I didn't want to,"China replied truthfully. "It was like this voice was telling me to stay away from you guys and I've only decided to leave today."
     BRICS and Russia looked at each other.
      "I thought the voice was gone?"Russia sounded confused.
      "Not that kind of voice,"China said. "It felt like my own but I'm not fully sure if it was."
      BRICS nodded. "Well, at least you're ok...right?"
    China assured that he was fine and BRICS didn't look so troubled anymore.
      "If you say so,"BRICS said. "The others told me what happened and if it starts hurting again you can always come to us."
      The Countryhuman nodded in respect and watched as he teleported away. Perhaps to tell the others that he was back.
      "Should we meet the others?"China said.
      Russia smiled a bit. "Yeah."

     "CHINA!!"NK exclaimed, looking shocked and relieved.
     "China?"Iran, Iraq and India popped their heads out from under the table.
      "He's back! Let's go get the others!"India said, leaping out with the other two following.
      "You guys seem chipper today,"China said, as he sat down at the table with Russia.
      "Well, you're back!"Iran said. "Where have you been this whole time?"
    "In the forest,"China shrugged. "Sort of wanted to heal before I came back."
     "Understandable,"Iraq agreed with Iran on China's answer.
      Russia and China had decided not to tell their friends that China hadn't really wanted to come back, as it might make their friends feel upset.
      "Looks like someone's been having a tough time,"China commented, talking to North, who did have another gauze on his head.
     "What? Not my fault, life's been stressful,"North replied, crossing his arms. Russia was satisfied that everyone was getting back to normal, especially North with his sour self. It was odd just seeing him staring at the air.
      "Anyways, while you were gone Iran, Iraq and India haven't played pranks on anyone. Now, they're probably gonna start a whole fire of them,"Russia said.
China and North looked at him.
     "Well, it's true,"Russia said, then noticed their expressions. "What?"
"I hate you guys,"Russia muttered, as Iran, Iraq and India howled with laughter in the background.
     NK had to contain his laugh as Russia's hair dripped with water and his expression was "end me now."
       China shook his head. "Really?"
"He deserved it,"Iran said. "He obviously thinks so low of us that he assumes that we are going to play pranks on people!"
      "Yes!"Iraq nodded. "He is assuming that we are cold heartless monsters that preyed on innocent countries!"
     "Thus he gets the Bucket,"India finished.
    "China, plan another week of going missing because we are going to need it,"NK said, joking.
     "Then you better get more gauze,"China said back, sounding amused.
    "Ha, I have plenty,"NK said.
"Then you should be a doctor,"Iran said, behind him.   
     "AY, WHAT THE FRICK-"NK fell off the bench, glaring at Iran.
    "HAHA!!"Iran burst out laughing as Iraq and India high-fived each other. "Gottem!"
      "You guys better lock your rooms tonight,"North threatened, as his head slightly throbbed when he sat up.
     "Don't worry, we always do,"India assured him. "After all, we may never know when a creepy North is gonna teleport in dark corners around the hallways."
    North looked at him with a "Are you kidding me" expression.
       Iraq and Iran snapped pictures immediately with their phones.
     "Hey!"North said, sitting on the bench once more. "What's that for?"
      "Oh nothing,"Iran said, grinning at Iraq. "Nothing to worry about I assure you."
     "Taking pictures of your victims to place them in your Scrapbook of Pranks?"China guessed.
    "Hey! Don't expose us,"India said, sliding into the bench.
      "Trust me, the whole thing is going to fill up by the end of the week,"NK rolled his eye in sarcasm.
      "Probably by the end of a day,"Russia said, staring at the three pranksters.

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