Chapter 33

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       North was all alone in his room. South was out so he was alone. He left the Memory Orb spinning on his table. Martial's answer haunted his mind.
     As he thought it over he looked out the window as he lay on his bed. It was sunny. The warm shafts of sunlight barely reaching his room. He listened to other countries walking around the hallways. Class was over. Thank whatever goodness was out there.
     He heard a knock on his door.
"Great,"he thought grumpily. "Who the heck can be disturbing my peace now?"
      North went over and opened the door.
     "Heya North!"South exclaimed. "Where's the cat?"
      Cat? What cat? I don't remember... Oh wait-
     "A Peru person has it,"North answered.
     "Peru?"South raised a brow. "Uh, ok."

South left. Darn. The cat idea didn't work. He was so sure North was gonna love it. Now he had to tell Japan that a cat was in the hands of a total stranger.
       Japan, meanwhile, had a white cat perched on her head. It was a very small white cat. After a while it jumped off and walked away to do whatever cats did.
      "South!"Japan trotted over to him, tail waving. "How's North with the cat?"
       "It is with someone else. Their name is Peru,"South answered, as they walked through the hallway semi-crowded with countries.
     "Peru? Oh, I know her! She's in the same class as me with WHO,"Japan replied. "I know where she is!"
     She ran off, South chasing after.
"Woah! Wait!"South exclaimed, dodging some others. Japan couldn't help but burst out laughing as South ran out the doors so fast that he ended up crashing into a streetlamp.
      "Ow..."South said, rubbing his face with a hand. He got up quickly.
     "Sheesh,"Japan giggled.
South flushed. "Hey! It's not funny!"
      "Ok ok, I'm sorry!"Japan apologized, still smiling at the tiny incident. "Anyways, if I remember, the new students are staying at their designated area, the Visitor's Hidey-Hole!"
      "I'm guessing the name idea was from EU?"SK said, causing Japan to laugh again.
     "Yep,"she nodded. "And don't worry, I don't think it's a literal hole on the ground."
       "Let's hope it isn't,"SK replied, letting her lead the way.


        "T-that's a hole."
They stared at the hole, on the side of a cave.
      Japan rolled her eyes. "Not on the ground at least."
     South observed the hole. It was barred by a wooden door.
     "Looks shabby,"SK commented, as Japan creaked the door open.
      A puff of rainbow-colored dust exploded at her face. All of a sudden she burst into hysterical laughter.
    "Japan! Are you all right?!"South exclaimed, bewildered by her sudden bursting fits of laughter.
      "I-I can't s-s-stop!!"she wheezed out. "This powder is tickling me!!"
     Shimmering colorful dust coated her ears, tail and clothes. South thought it looked magical. But thoughts aside, he didn't know what to do.
    "Hey! We have visitors!"an unfamiliar voice echoed across the stone hallway. Japan's laughter had attracted someone's attention.
      "Oh, so the Deadly Laughter did work,"African Union's voice echoed back.
      They soon saw him coming. The green organization's light mint wings waved a little.
"Sorry for this,"AU apologized. "The Deadly Laughter was suppose to be an alarm system. Got the wrong person!"
     SK looked at Japan with concern as she was still laughing. Tears were coming out of her eyes.
     "Uh, how long is this going to last?"SK asked.
     AU shrugged. "I'm afraid I have no clue. We can have WHO check it out. The first time we encountered the plant that had the ability to spray this powder, EU got the full blast of it and he wouldn't stop laughing for hours."
      South went wide eyed. "Are you serious?"
      AU nodded. "Yeah, so bring her in. WHO will be able to sort her out."
      South led Japan through the hallway, thankful that there were no countries walking around at the moment to see this awkward sight.   
       "WHO!"AU shouted. "Someone got hit with the Deadly Laughter."
    They heard a sigh as a female voice answered back, "Who is it this time?"
     "Japan,"AU answered. She had trouble staying upright so she had to lean on SK for support.
   "Right, bring them in."
      AU walked a bit farther and pushed open a wooden door that looked like it was glittering green.
      They spotted an organization with the same skin color as UN's.
        "Who are you?"SK asked, as Japan still trembled from trying to contain her laughter. Her tail's fur fluffed up from her mirth.
     WHO tilted her head to look at him. "I'm World Health Organization."
       "Oh, you look like UN,"SK commented as AU chuckled.
     "Didn't you know?"African Union looked at him. "WHO is UN's younger sister!"
     "UN has a sister?!"SK exclaimed from surprise at this fact.
     Japan was shocked as well but she simply just couldn't stop laughing.
      "Yes, he does,"WHO said. "Me. Anyways, let's get your girlfriend checked up, hm?"
      SK blushed fiercely as the word hit him like Thor's hammer.
     "S-she isn't my girlfriend!"
Dang it, why did he have to stutter. Gosh he must've sounded so stupid-
      WHO was surprised slightly.
"My apologies."
      Japan was glad she was bending over from giggling. They couldn't see her face blushing red. But then again, even if they saw it they might have mistaken it for blushing from laughing so hard.
      They escorted the still wheezing Japan to a bed to sit on.
      Her sides ached from laughing so much. Oh gosh, she hoped she wouldn't die from this!
      At this point Japan didn't know if she was going to die from laughter or embarrassment from being mistaken as South Korea's girlfriend.

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