Chapter 43

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EU and FBI were working together with Wales, Bhutan and China.
"Alrighty guys, I don't want you to feel bad but Dragons could be dangerous. WHO and UNESCO don't know about the personalities of Dragons so you guys will be Transforming here,"FBI said, standing near the edge of a small cliff. "If you manage to Transform, feel free to fly around as a Dragon and don't cause destruction everywhere. Please."
Wales laughed. Bhutan quirked an eyebrow but nonetheless said nothing. China remained quiet as usual.
Once they summoned their Spirit Animals (Wales his huge Welsh Dragon, China his Panda and Bhutan his Takin) as EU had shown them, FBI went on to explain how they will Transform.
"You must communicate with your Spirit Animals if you want to Transform. I'm pretty sure ASEAN or NATO have already told you guys in some lessons,"FBI said.
The Countryhumans did know. Death was a high possibility.
"You must be one with the force!"EU added. "Ok, just kidding. You need to be able to concentrate. The more concentration, the higher the chances of being able to Transform."
       FBI nodded in sync. "Now, we hadn't transformed before, but WHO and UNESCO have."
      FBI summoned his Spirit Animal. A Wolf with his Markings.
     Wales raised his hand.
"Yes?"EU questioned.
      "Well, I already have Dragon wings and I have my Dragon tail. ASEAN said that you may also get permanent animal limbs once you Transform. Does that mean I have a chance of getting the same Welsh Dragon tongue?"Wales reeled off, sounding excited.
     "Perhaps. But ASEAN said limbs. Not permanent featured. Maybe though,"EU answered. "Bhutan, China, any questions?"
     "Nah,"Bhutan said, shaking his head, looking eager to start.

        India nearly lost his freaking mind.
"I'M A TIGER!!"He said, but in Tiger Form, it came out as a large roar.
     "Crap,"he thought, as some other animals froze. He dearly hoped he hadn't paralyzed them. But luckily they started moving again, getting accustomed to their animal forms.
      He pricked his ear when he heard a scratching noise.
     "Russia?"the Tiger asked, then he realized how different his voice sounded. It was as if there were two voices talking at the same time.
     "What?"Russia growled. His sounded the same, two voices. He was scratching behind his ear, which was pointed and fur-felt.
       "Wow! We managed to Transform!"India was excited, but as a tiger he sounded like he was growling and slightly roaring at the same time. "Wait, you aren't your National Animal though."
     "Yeah, I know,"Russia answered, turning to look at India, who was now slightly taller than him since he was a wolf and India was a tiger.
      The huge feline seemed to notice this.  

     "Wow!"India said

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     "Wow!"India said. "I'm taller than you now!" He bent down his neck to see the now slightly shorter Russia Wolf. "But Tigers are way bigger than Wolves. I'm only slightly taller!" He turned away dramatically. "How is this possible?"
     Russia blinked. Swiveling his ears this way and that trying to catch noises other than India's dramatic words, Russia suddenly realized his hearing was sharper than before.
      "Romania! You are such a cute lynx!"He heard Bulgaria's purr as a lioness. Russia thought he could almost sense Romania's slight embrassment.
      "AUSTRALIA!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TURN INTO A SNAKE?!"He heard America's screech as a Bald Eagle. Russia frowned. He was still as loud as ever.
     He heard a playful hiss.
"Sssup mate?"Australia's light hearted voice sounded amused at America's panic.
     Russia realized the same thing. They all sounded like they had two voices speaking at the same time.
      He remembered vaguely how he Transformed. It seemed so fast. He didn't even really feel his body morph. An unnatural feeling of soft blown wind, the unusually strong scent of grass and the silent atmosphere as if he was stalking prey. His senses were in tune to nature. Then, even when he blinked his eyes saw nothing but pure white like the moon and a feeling as if he didn't exist. Out he came, a wolf. It was a magical feeling, he found it difficult to explain. Russia wondered how India found his Transformation senses as a Tiger.
      Russia tentatively sat down on his new haunches. It felt weird. His bones were in different areas. He had a tail, two sharp pointed ears, fur all over his body and a muzzle that felt too unnatural. Everything felt unnatural.
     India looked at him. "Say, where's Iran and Iraq? I wanna see how they're doing."
      Russia nodded. He scanned around them. He heard some small sighs of disappointment as some countries were unable to Transform. However, he soon saw Iran and Iraq. Iraq hadn't Transformed but Iran had. Iran had changed into an Asiatic Cheetah.
      Russia couldn't resist his hackles rising. Cheetahs were filthy-
    Ah! What was he thinking?! He's never had negative feelings towards cheetahs. Must've been his wolf conscience thinking these things.
       The Tiger seemed calm enough. Well, they were both wild predatory felines. India padded his way torwards Iran and Iraq, Russia following after.
     His footsteps felt awkward. He wasn't acquainted with walking on all fours. But he was relieved that his footing evened out once he reached his two other friends. Now he could stop thinking about tripping over his own four paws.
     Iran said something to Iraq.
"It's fine,"Iran said, in two voices as well. "You'll be able to do it soon."
     "I'm not upset about that! I'm just amazed that you just turned into a Cheetah! You looked awesome!"Iraq exclaimed, waving his arms at Iran's direction.
       Iran's pelt seemed to glow with slight pride. The Cheetah was standing on four elegantly thin legs, with a spotted pelt of black rings. The short muzzle sniffing the air slightly.
     "Russia!"Iran said, seeing the Wolf.
All the Transformed countries had their flags somewhere on their animal body. Iran had his flag on his right leg, visible from the sides. Russia had his on his left cheek. India had his branded on his tail.
     The Cheetah dashed up to meet them, reaching their place in no time.
      But he sprinted too fast and crashed right into Russia, who was caught by surprise and snapped at him, growling. The Cheetah Iran sprang back, pelt spiked up.
    "Russia?!"India yowled in surprise, never seeing his partner act so aggressive to his friends. Russia's icy eyes still filled with hostility.
    Iran too, was shocked. Iraq blinked in disbelief.
     "Sorry,"Russia instinctively flattened his ears, looking away. His hackles only a bit raised.
      Iran took a while to respond in his double voice. "I guess it's fine. Sorry, I crashed into you. Didn't mean to." He flattened his fur, looking back at Iraq to see his friend race up to them. 
     "Russia! What was that all about?"Iraw exclaimed, eyes widened.
      India answered quickly, but in a calm manner. "It's nothing too serious. Must've been his Animal Consciousness. Canines and felines aren't really friends in nature."
      Iraq relaxed as Russia's ears lowered further.
      "Oh come on Russia, it isn't that bad,"Iran said, sitting down and licking his paw.
      Russia felt it was bad. If he couldn't control his Animal Instincts, he could endanger his friends.
      India seemed to have read his thoughts.
     "Russ, really all of us can be dangerous sometimes. What you did was purely accidental." He paced back and forth. Then he stopped, looking at Russia. "Even we sometimes can't control our Animal Instincts."
       The Wolf slightly raised his ears.
"Ok..."But he still didn't look at Iran, slightly worried that he might feel aggressive towards the feline country now.
      He never felt this before, it was out of his nature. Did Transforming really change him that much?


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