Chapter 60

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       Martial looked at PKI with an annoyed expression.
    "What?"PKI asked innocently, giving him an innocent look in the meantime.
     "Why are you staring at me like that?"Martial demanded to know, PKI had been giving him that look. The one that told him that he knew what Martial was thinking and was waiting for him to spill the beans.
     "Because I can,"PKI said gleefully, while swinging from a tree branch. They were near the forest. You know, the one where ghosts haunt the dark and witches lure ignorant imbeciles of children into their sweet-diabetes-causing hut in order to eat them-
     No of course not that kind of forest!
It was the one that they lived near, obviously.
   PKI glanced behind him and then at MPAJA. "Ever had the feeling that you're being watched?"now slipping out of the conversation with Martial and talking with MPAJA.
      "You're the reason why others look at us in the first place,"MPAJA pointed out.
     Martial held back a snicker.
"Ah MPAJA, you speak true words that pierce the heart harder than a dagger,"PKI answered, now hanging upside down from the branch that he had been previously swinging from. "No, over there."
    Martial didn't turn around. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
     MPAJA sighed. "North Korea is looking at us."
      PKI pouted. "More on you though Martial."
      "Maybe he wants to talk to you,"MPAJA suggested, neutrally.
     "Shut up, I don't want him to hear us,"Martial grumbled.
     PKI rolled his eyes and said, "Alright Mr. Emo. So you want us to pretend we are having a decent conversation or something like that?"
      "Preferably,"Martial thought, though he was also thinking about MPAJA's guess. Maybe North did want to talk to him?
      But what about? Technically they both still hated each other's guts... Oh right, the Memory Orbs. North probably wanted to talk about that. Not have a pleasant conversation.
      Then again North could also be staring at PKI for swinging around like a monkey.


      BRICS was definitely going to visit Russia. He could literally see that Russia was not feeling well. Plus, he was certain that Russia may not come on Wednesday.
     As he printed some worksheets for ASEAN's class, because ASEAN had to go sort some problems, he wondered if UN had any situations like this. All he knew was that UN had to go keep hostile countries from going all murder-mode on each other. Seemed tiring to BRICS but UN always had that reassuring grin on his face. BRICS was sure UN gets tired too.
      He only had to deal with five countries in general and they were enough to cause trouble to last him a year at the very least. BRICS remembered the Skryna battle they had.  It seemed impossible to keep his members together at that time. First, South Africa had gotten abducted. Then Russia and China went missing. Afterwards, India went looking for them. Brazil, on the other hand, well he was fine.
     "Hey BRICS!"EU exclaimed, walking in and holding a test paper to print some copies. 
     "Hi," BRICS nodded, gathering the worksheets, still warm from the printer.
      "Hey, about those worksheets, aren't they the ones ASEAN's using?"EU said, casually putting the test into the printer.
     "He asked me to print them for him because he had to go deal with some problems,"BRICS explained. "I got to get them delivered to his classroom. He's teaching the entire ASEAN today, he wants to see how it will work out."
     EU laughed. "Not very well I reckon. I never thought about doing that with my members because they wouldn't be able to exit the classroom in one piece."

      "Poland, I-"
"Sorry Germany, but it might be for the best,"Poland interrupted, pressing his wings closer to his back. "It's not that I want to..." Poland had no idea what to say. It hurt him as much as it hurt Germany. But it was just about the only solution he could think of. Separation.
     To be blunt, if Germany couldn't control himself if someone hurt Poland on accident, then it might be best if the two remained apart for a while to see how things work out.
     Germany looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't. Poland shuffled uncomfortably. He didn't know how Germany would take this as his friend could sometimes be unpredictable.
     "Does... does this mean we aren't friends anymore?"Germany asked, which caused Poland to nearly flutter his wings in surprise.
      "Of course not! We're still friends Germs!"Poland hoped he sounded convincing to Germany, after all he didn't want to unfriend his best friend. "It's just that I don't want you unintentionally making enemies on account of me. You don't deserve that Germany."
      "Can we at least talk to each other...?"Germany asked, it sounded like he was trying hard not to cry.
    Poland hated to see how vulnerable his friend seemed. Germany always appeared like an unbreakable country, but even he needed a friend.
      "Maybe a little..."Poland felt ashamed that he even suggested this in the first place. He had always known how lonely Germany felt when he wasn't around. "But otherwise, we can't be around each other. At least we can text." That sounded the less helpful thing to say at the very least.
     Germany wasn't even looking at him anymore. Poland wanted to take a step closer but Germany seemed to have sensed this. He took a step back.  
"No, it's alright,"he raised his eyes to look at Poland. "I understand. I'll ask UN to switch classes."
"It's fine, I'll just go now... Goodbye," Germany's voice was barely keeping his tone together, he walked out of the classroom in a hurry, his arms crossed.
     The winged country felt guilt, immense guilt. He didn't mean to hurt his friend this way.
      "Stupid, stupid, stupid,"Poland muttered to himself, feeling tears form in his eyes. He wasn't a cry baby. He wasn't a cry baby.
      "I'm sorry Germs..."He whispered, even though his friend had already left him.

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