Chapter 69

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At least, everything was back to normal for a week now.
They've made repairs to their homes. But, by normal it meant the invasion/war was becoming the most serious thing to consider. By normal it meant the weather was rainy. By normal it meant Russia was still tired as hell.
Russia lay on bed, arms covering his face. He didn't want to see anyone. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't want to hear anyone.
Drops of rain pounded on his windows, his room was cold. But he had no blanket covering him. He couldn't feel the cold. And even if he could he couldn't be bothered. The room and its contents were barely visible with no light streaming in and no light turned on. The window would've been a source of light if it wasn't raining and if it wasn't cloudy.
Russia raised an arm as he heard a knock at the door. It was soft and non-threatening.

"Hey Russia, it's me Kaz. Mind if I come in?"
Yeah, he would mind. Like before, he didn't want to see, talk to or hear anyone. And now he was hearing someone. He placed his raised arm back on his tired eyes. Even as he closed them he could imagine Kazakhstan waiting outside patiently waiting for a response.
But... he was also curious as to why Kazakhstan was out there, wanting to come in. Russia didn't want to ruin his relationship with Kazakhstan, even as a bit distant as it was. He already ruined his relationship with Belarus. Ukraine already disliked him to the point that whenever she looked at him she gave him the look of an incredibly disappointed parent.
Was Kazakhstan still out there?
He hadn't heard the footsteps signifying he left.
He exhaled, a frozen white vapor released into the air. As he watched it disappear he decided how to answer.
"Yeah just come in."
He slowly sat up as he heard the doorknob twist and Kazakhstan walked in. His golden wings dull in the light but still having the faintest shimmer. Russia didn't watch as Kazakhstan settled himself besides him.

 Russia didn't watch as Kazakhstan settled himself besides him

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Russia did look a sight. He had the most tired look he'd ever seen. Kazakhstan began to speak.
"How's it going?"
Russia just placed a hand on his face, covering his eyes. Yeah, everything was going bad, his posture said it all.
Kazakhstan hardly expected Russia to admit that even in the subtlest manner.
"Russia, I heard about you and Belarus, mind explaining a bit more?"
"I lost my patience and snapped at her, is there any more to explain?"
The winged country paused. He felt that yes, there was. He didn't press Russia for answers though. He had a feeling that it wouldn't go well if he did.
He merely nodded.
The two sat in uncomfortable silence, Russia still not looking at him. Kazakhstan looked out the window as rain poured down. Gray clouds covered every inch of sky. In fact, Kazakhstan was sure that the sky would probably be gray as well.
He saw Russia's desk had nothing but a lamp. The cabinets had whatever was in there.
"Why are you here?"
The question was obviously directed at him. Russia now leaned on an elbow, gazing out the window.
"To check up on you,"Kazakhstan answered, "and to ask some questions if that's alright."
Russia nearly wanted to sigh in annoyance. Who cared if anything was alright with him?
He remained silent as he was.
"The invasion, almost everyone blames him..."Kazakhstan thought as he looked away and tapped his fingers together. "But they don't understand."
He wanted to understand. But it was a different kind of understanding. He had a feeling he needed to comprehend what was actually going on inside of Russia. As it rained he pondered. How could he ask the right way? Obviously shouting wasn't an option and he wasn't really a shouting person anyways. Besides, that would only make Russia shut himself in more.
He decided that the best thing he could do was wait for Russia to gather his own thoughts.

Five minutes passed.

Then ten.

Ok, either Russia was gathering his thoughts at a slow pace or waiting for him to leave.
Or was Russia waiting for him to ask? If so he waited for a pretty long while.
"Russia, you already know that Ukraine blames you for the war. What do you intend to do?"
Russia shrugged, a small motion. "Nothing."
He expected as much.
Kazakhstan heard rumbling from outside, thunder. More than once he felt the fizz of it against his feathers. It was ecstatic, exciting and frightening at the same time. It was like a brush of lightning, a warning touch.
What warning signs should he be watching out from Russia? Signs that would tell him that Russia was threatening to snap again?
Only one question about the invasion. It was progress.
"What do you think of it?"
It, the invasion, but Kazakhstan avoided using the word as much as possible to lessen the tension.
"What I think? It's a complete waste of time,"Russia answered, with little force. "And it's a waste of time for us to worry about it when we can't do anything."
That confirmed Kazakhstan's suspicions. The Countryhumans really didn't have much to do with the human world.
That was two questions so far.
"Well, I hope it ends soon,"Kazakhstan said, leaning back until he flopped onto the bed. "Ukraine won't stop bringing it up. As serious as it is, and I pity her, there's no need to make things worse here. Honestly if she keeps it up I'm gonna lose all of my feelings of sympathy."
The last part was a joke, Russia could tell.
Kazakhstan crossed his arms and stared at the ceiling, imagining what it would be if the invasion wasn't a thing. Maybe the attacks in the countries' homes wouldn't have happened?
The day got darker, their sisters would be home soon if they decided to come back anyway. Kazakhstan watched Russia's dark silhouette, lit by a brief flash of thunder. He sat up as he heard the front door open and close. Two pairs of footsteps entered the house and Kazakhstan could make out the flick of a switch in the kitchen. He could hear Belarus opening the fridge and getting things out for dinner.
He closed his eyes. Russia never joined. Ukraine would always take her food to her room and eat alone. Belarus and Kazakhstan would then go to the couch and eat together. Sometimes Kazakhstan would open up his computer so they could watch videos together.
Their family changed so much.
He didn't like the change. Kazakhstan sat up. It still rained outside. He stretched his wings slightly.
He paused, now knowing what to say.
"Well, it was nice talking with you Russia, see you,"Kazakhstan got up. As he opened the door to leave he looked behind him and saw Russia once more. Then exited the room and closed the door.

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