Chapter 8

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     "What happened decades ago?"FBI asked again, when they didn't answer.
     "Well, uh, you're gonna have to ask UN, but he most likely won't answer you,"UNICEF said, a cautious tone in her voice.
     "Geez guys, you are all acting dark now,"FBI said. "Cheer up! Uhm, what about we meet here again tomorrow? And uh, forget this conversation ever happened?"

       "Finally! WE ARE FREE!!"Iran exclaimed as he leaped out of the room.
     "Now you sound like America,"NK said, although he was greatly relieved as well.
      "And it is raining,"Russia commented, blinking as a rain drop slid down his face.
     "What aren't you going to put on your jacket?"Iran raised a brow as they walked towards the forest. America had already ran away chance he got.
     "No,"Russia shrugged.
"Geez, it's already late afternoon,"Iran said, looking at the stars slowly descending unto the earth.
      "Yeah..."NK said, thinking about his brother.
"India my bro!"Iran ran up and high fived India.
     "Iran buddy!"he said, "I'm shocked you survived."
"Barely,"Iran laughed. "But hey, I wasn't the only one who suffered. Meet the two other survivors, Russia and North."
     "Wonderful!"India said, routinely smirking at Iran. "Our two new heroes!"
    "Returning from their perilous journey,"Iran struck a dramatic pose.
      "With scars bearing the perils OF the perilous adventure,"India added, as NK and Russia went pass them to sit near China and Cambodia.
     "Have you actually been waiting here the whole day?"NK asked.
    "Absolutely not,"Cambodia said, grinning playfully. "I had to go back obviously."
     "Uh huh,"Russia said.
Iran and India walked near them and they sat down.
     The rain came down and the Countries outside were unbothered.
      "So we still have no plans huh?"Iran said, swinging his legs boredly.
      "Not at the moment,"India sighed dramatically. "The forest is devastatingly tempting,"Iran added.
     "It isn't exactly forbidden is it?"India asked.
"No, but it is suggested to stay away,"China spoke up. "As long as you are in a small group, it is ok to venture further."
    "When were you gonna tell us that?!"Iran leaped up.
     "NATO told us,"Cambodia said. "Did you forget?"
"They weren't there remember?"Russia said. "They were busy festooning Iraq's house with pink ribbons."
     "Hey hey! They were very elegant!"Iran protested, although he looked on the verge of laughing.
     "It was a reasonable reason to not be at the moment of which he declared that announcement,"India objected, slightly snickering.
     "He tried telling you guys while you were doing your little prank,"Russia said. "He downright quit after you guys mistaken him for a hanging post."
      "How'd that happen?"Iran sounded thoughtful.
"You guys tried to tie a pink ribbon noose around him,"Russia answered.
       "I have no recollection of that,"India said, even though his grin betrayed him. A thunder struck somewhere.
     "Uh huh,"Cambodia sounded doubtful.
After he said these words another bilt of lightning struck against the sky.
     "Time to head home,"Russia said, standing.
"Yep,"Iran stretched, getting up. "Today was a bit, eventful."
     "Let's try to turn that 'a bit' to 'more' tomorrow,"India grinned.

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