Chapter 35

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        As Japan listened to Mongolia and Italy chat she ate some mochi. They were so good you couldn't judge her. Also healthier than ice cream. She tried telling America that but he had waved a tub of ice cream at her face and ran away before she could get the chance.
    "Hey Japan, did you know that Philippines likes Vietnam?"Mongolia asked her, immediately snapping her out of her haze. Her eyes sparkled.
    "Really?!"She gasped, stuffing the mochi into her mouth to ask a question. "When?!"
     "Well, we've just recently heard but it seemed she had developed a crush on him a few weeks ago,"Italy answered.
    Japan felt her shipping powers blaring.
     VietPhil! PErFEcT!!
Mongolia shook his head. "There she goes again. Italy get ready to be interviewed."
      "Wait what,"Italy began to say when Japan started her stream of questions.
     "Are you sure she likes him? Exactly what happened that made her develop a crush on him? Does Vietnam seem to like her back? Is Philippines in a GF devoted way? Is she ready for a relationship? What does she like about him? Does Vietnam know she likes him? Do they love each other? Is Vietnam a perfect BF for Philippines?"
     Italy nearly ran out of the room for his life's sake but he stayed put.
    Mongolia laughed.
"What do they both have in common? How can we get them together? Do they spend time with each other? What is their typical approach when they see one another?"Japan continued to blab on as Italy sighed. Oh dear.
     "Help me,"Italy whispered to Mongolia.  
     "Gotcha,"Mongolia answered back, Japan ignorant of Italy's plea for help since she let out a stream of inquiries.
    "Hey Japan, don't you like South Korea?"Mongolia questioned nonchalantly.
     Japan immediately snapped her mouth shut and shrieked at him.
     "MONGOLIA!! DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD WHAT IF HE HEARS YOU?!"Japan screamed so high-pitched that both of them had to cover their non-existent ears.
      "He isn't here,"Italy pointed out, glad that Mongolia had stopped her torrent of questions. "So, you do like him?"
     Japan tapped her two index fingers a little bit. She wasn't ready to admit her crush. But these two were her best friends, right? She shouldn't have a problem telling them. But this is her love life! Or crush life at the moment. They both looked at her, waiting for an answer. It was obvious that if she lied that she didn't they wouldn't believe her anyways.
     "Ok..."her ears lowered a little. "Maybe a little..."
     Mongolia and Italy gave each other triumphant looks.
     "See it wasn't that hard Japan!"Italy said. "Japan? Japan? JAPAN?!"
     Japan was red faced from admitting her crush for South and she was laying on the bed all flustered.
     Both Mongolia and Italy looked at her concerned. Surely just saying that she might like South shouldn't have taken such a hard toll on her?
      The two male countries sweatdropped.
      Just great-

      Philippines tried to ignore her two friends whispering creepily about her.
     "She does like him doesn't she?"Malaysia said lowly to Indonesia. Both of them were covering their mouths with their hands and leaning at each other.
     "Yeah,"Indonesia replied in a murmur. He turned to look at Philippines then back at Malaysia. "Definitely."
     They continued to whisper. Their faces dramatically anime shadowed. Their eyed shining like four pointed stars.
      Philippines felt herself sweating from her friends' frightening looks.  
      "Well guys no need to get so personal on my life,"Philippines started to plead but the two ignored her. She heard someone coming down the stairs. Please don't let it be Vietnam-
      "Singapore!"Philippines exclaimed in relief. "What are you doing here?"
"Meet up with his workaholic buddy Germany,"Malaysia said, interrupting Indonesia's rather far-fetched speculations.
"Darn, I guess we aren't magicians after all,"Indonesia said, flashing yellow light in a fancy manner.
    Philippines and Singapore sweatdropped.
       "Magicians?"Singapore questioned.
"Yeah, predicting the future,"Malaysia piped up.
     "You mean fortune tellers. And they aren't real,"Singapore sighed.
     "Not yet,"Indonesia said. "Come on Malaysia. What is your next prediction?"
     Malaysia seemed to be thinking hard.
"Vietnam will like Philippines back!"He snapped his fingers. Philippines felt herself frown a tiny bit. Malaysia's crazy predictions never came true and if this was the case, Vietnam was never going to like her.
     No! She was being too negative! She needed to hope.
      Singapore went out the door, leaving the three alone.
    "Sooooo, I heard someone liked a certain someone!"another figure slipped in through the door that Singapore had just went through. They heard Singapore's "wth" before his footsteps faded away.
     "PKI?!"Indonesia exclaimed. "What the heck are you doing here?!"
      "Weeeell, I heard this lovely young lady likes Vietnam,"PKI twirled in front of Philippines promptly bowing and kissing her hand like a gentleman and leaping away leaving her a blushing mess.
    "PKI!! If you flirt with her how will she like Vietnam still?!"Indonesia shrieked, now chasing the communist with a bamboo stick.
      PKI leaped away with ease and slid on the couch as Indonesia lodged his bamboo stick on the wall, for like the fiftieth time this week.
      "Soooo,"PKI said, smirking. "I'm right?"
     "Yeah,"Indonesia said, huffing as he fixed the wall with magic.
      "Ha! Well, good luck with that! I pissed him off today! I didn't mean to but he looked fun to joke around with and I almost got sliced in half, sooooo..."
     Indonesia paused. Then he yanked his bamboo stick out and screamed, "PKI!!! HOW DARE YOU RUIN THE BEST SHIP! YOU SHALL PAY FOR YOUR CRIME!!"
     Malaysia sighed amusingly as Indonesia proceeded to chase PKI to beat the crap out of him. Philippines sat on the couch daintily as Malaysia rested his arms on the sofa.
     "These two are gonna be quite a handful for ASEAN,"Malaysia commented as Indonesia smashed a vase.
     The loud shattering attracted the attention of Laos who was on the stairs.
     "What the heck?!"Laos exclaimed, watching the Indonesian country waving his bamboo stick wildly around, destroying everything in his path.
      Philippines and Malaysia sighed.
This was normal.

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