Chapter 85

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     Russia didn't know what was worse. The fact he was in an argument with Ukraine or he that was on the verge of arguing back, which he rarely did.

       As he stood there, he attempted to block out the words she was saying, so he wouldn't snap back. But it was so hard, all he had to do was exist and she'd explode at him like there was no tomorrow. It seemed like it nowadays.

    Don't talk back, he repeated to himself, for the twentieth-something time. Russia thought the ranting had to be over soon, at some point. However, it seemed that Ukraine wasn't going to be letting up anytime soon.

    "Hello? Are you even listening?" Her frustrated tone irked him.

    He turned to face her. "Does it look like I need to listen?" Ukraine gave him a look of disbelief.

    "Are you stupid? Of course you have to listen!"she said. "I'm talking about important stuff right now, except your ignorance self is..." She continued on.

    Russia didn't think so. Maybe it was important to listen before. But now it didn't seem like it, because all he heard was her complaining about how he did everything wrong. It didn't even seem like it was all about the war anymore. It seemed like it was something else. Something deeper.

     "Let me guess, I breathed the wrong way,"Russia said, seeing her eye twitch.

   "Don't get sassy with me,"Ukraine replied angrily. "I saw what you did."

    "Now what are you talking about?"Russia asked, annoyed. What did he do? Yesterday he did a lot of things, what did she expect him to remember? His breathing pattern?

    "You froze America yesterday remember?"Ukraine lectured. "You're becoming more hostile! What's wrong with you?" Oh, he remembered that.

     Russia, personally, didn't think it was fair that Ukraine automatically placed the blame on him without even asking for the whole story first. Heck, he wouldn't have mind if she went to ask America instead if she was so concerned about it. That would've been way better than her immediately jumping into conclusions. Also, recollecting his memories as best as he could, he didn't see Ukraine there at that time.

    "You've become ignorant about everything and everyone around you,"Ukraine went on, no longer shouting, which finally caught his full attention. "You've been ignoring the people around you, your family!"

   When he heard her say these words, he couldn't help but see that it was true. A small spark of rebellion sparked though.

    "Wouldn't that be expected?"He said, sounding more sarcastic than he intended. "Considering everything that's been happening, I'm surprised you even noticed."

   Ukraine flinched. "I- Russia, what's gotten into you? You've changed, you were never like this!"

    "That's hypocritical, coming from you,"he shot back. "If I remember correctly, you never really criticized me for every single move I made." Russia shook his head as another thought suddenly came to him. "It's not about the invasion that much is it?"

    She glanced down guiltily. He was right. Russia couldn't help feeling angry and helpless. He couldn't control it anymore. Anger inside him felt so tight it might burst.

     Ukraine looked tense.

"Russia, I-"

      "If that was the case, why didn't you tell me?"

     Russia didn't believe she had an answer, he walked past her, and left before he said anything he'd truly regret.

     He shut the door behind him, he didn't believe in slamming them too much.

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