Chapter 70

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"You what?"
Kazakhstan stood his ground, even as Ukraine gave him a disbelieving and angry glare, even as Belarus shivered, afraid and cold.
"I talked with him. Why is it such a big deal? You asked me what I was doing anyways. I answered truthfully, I don't even know why you're so upset over it,"Kazakhstan said, crossing his arms.
"You shouldn't be talking to him."
Kazakhstan's frown turned deeper.
"I can talk to him if I want to. You're not the judge of that,"he answered calmly.
Belarus looked back and forth, a plate of food in her hands which she wisely placed on the table. She felt her arms would shake and spill it all over. And she didn't want to be stuck mopping and sweeping the floor during this argument.
"Even so, what did he tell you about this war? Is he enjoying it?"Ukraine almost sounded accusatory towards him. Her flowers now burst to life on account of her strong anger.
    Belarus felt sad. Why did her siblings have to argue so much?
She swallowed, wishing she hadn't fought with Russia. She wished he would come downstairs and break up the fighting. She wished that their family would stop fighting.
Belarus already felt fortunate enough that Ukraine hadn't started throwing things around. Heaven knows how close she has been to doing that.
She bit her lip, not knowing what to do.

    Ukraine and Kazakhstan were glaring at each other

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    Ukraine and Kazakhstan were glaring at each other. Ukraine, in her unique furious manner, Kazakhstan, cool as ever, wings unruffled.

  "On the contrary, he is not,"Kazakhstan replied. He didn't want to get mad but Ukraine was really pushing him right now.
Ukraine sighed. "Are you sure?"
Her flowers wilted. Ukraine was...conflicted inside. She hadn't wanted to hold anything against Russia. But the war.. the loss of lives... it fueled her anger. She wanted to stand up for her people.
"Yes,"Kazakhstan sounded exasperated.
Belarus was thinking about letting out a sigh of relief, but thought better of it.
"How do you know he's telling the truth?"Ukraine suddenly demanded, leaning forward, taking a step. "How do you know he's telling the truth?"
Kazakhstan shook his head. "He has no reason to lie to me about it! He is telling the truth, no country loves war Ukraine."
"Oh yeah? Then explain this war."
The winged country gave a sigh of annoyance.
"Do you think this is the only war going around? Listen, I've had enough of this. I'm going back up."
Kazakhstan turned around and went upstairs, leaving the two sisters down. Belarus watched in dismay. Kazakhstan didn't seem to have any intentions of coming back down.
"Ukie, do both of you guys have to keep on fighting?"Belarus asked, timidly. There were better alternatives surely...
Ukraine sighed, her shoulder sagged.
"No. But how am I suppose to get my point across?"
Without fighting, Belarus thought. But she didn't say a thing. She didn't want to start a fight with Ukraine. Ukraine left to go to her room upstairs. Leaving Belarus alone. The green, red and white country sighed and placed the plate inside the fridge. She wasn't feeling that hungry anyways. There was too much fighting.

Kazakhstan felt an exhibit of emotions rollercoast itself in his mind. He lay wearily on his bed, his wings spread out. He didn't know how to handle the situation. Kazakhstan always thought that he was irrelevant to anything going on. Now he got himself tangled into this mess.
He felt sorry for Belarus, she was in the middle of it all, not knowing when things are going to get better. He felt sorry for Ukraine, dealing with an invasion and the loss of her National Animal. He felt sorry for Russia, always misunderstood by those who didn't know him. Kazakhstan looked out the window at the gray sky. It was night, the sky dark.
He lay there, listening to the thundering rain. Surely things will get better with time. He closed his eyes. He just had to be patient.
Even so it was hard to be. He didn't want to fight with Ukraine. She had a hard time as it already is. He sat up from his bed, albeit a bit reluctantly it was cold. He decided to take a flight outside even though he knew night was falling.
       But he needed to stretch his wings a little, they felt oddly tense. Perhaps from his argument earlier. Kazakhstan took out his phone from under his pillow and scrolled through his contacts. Going to the group chat called "Winged Warriors" he checked to see who was online. He didn't like to fly alone too much.
      He saw that Indonesia and Wales were online. He was about to ask Indonesia but in the chat he just recently announced that he was going to have a spam war with Malaysia and promptly went offline. That left Wales.
     Kazakhstan texted him.

Kazakhstan: Hey Wales, what are you doing right now?

Wales: Nothing much, just talked with EU about my powers. I'm getting better at controlling them now.

Wales: :)

     Kazakhstan was amused. He remembered the incident with Poland, Germany and Wales. Glad that his friends seemed to be in a better mood he started typing.

Kazakhstan: Hey, do you want to go flying now? I'm bored stiff and my wings need stretching.

Wales: Those big jumble of feathers? Yeah, suuuure.

Kazakhstan: Heh, yeah. So do you want to?

Wales: Sure, meet you outside the Academy in about 5 mins.

Kazakhstan: Alright, cya there.


       Five minutes later out in the soaking rain Wales jogged up. Kazakhstan waved at him.
     Wales grinned at the clouds, "I live for the rainy days."
     Kazakhstan cast a brief glance at the sky. "Hmm... Yeah. It's gonna turn dark soon."
      Wales then cocked his head to the side.
     "Do you think the creatures a few nights before will be flying up there again?"
     "Maybe. Which is why we are probably gonna fly for half an hour and get back,"he gave Wales a friendly nudge. "Let's go before the sun goes down completely."
     Wales stretched his wings as did Kazakhstan and then jumped. It was always amazing to feel a small or big draft of wind under his wings. He saw Kazakhstan's feathers on his wings ruffling slightly.
     Kazakhstan hovered next to him. The rain pounded on his feathers soaking them. But he had learned how to fly in such conditions. There was something special about Kazakhstan's feathers. For some odd reason whenever he was in a dark area or hardly lit area his wings remained a golden yellow. Then when he was in the rain or a brightly lit area a sky blue tipped the end of wings and colored down a little bit and faded.
     It was easier to see the blue during lightning storms.
    Wales lifted a wing, letting a wind blow him nearly upside down. It was windy up in the air and they hadn't even gotten that far up. He looked around for early signs of the other mysterious creatures that flew. None.
      Kazakhstan flew above, peering at the clouds. His wings hardly had to flap, the wind kept lifting them up slowly. Wales could also feel rain slicking his dragon-scaled wings and his scaled sides were Wales and Qing had wrought their mysterious magic.
      Kazakhstan dived around and flew upside down for a few seconds. Wales flew ahead, the forest was a fair distance away from them and they took care not to get close to it. Wales and Kazakhstan flew, enjoying the rain and each other's company.

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